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Hello stranger! Here is a SMART tracker of any thing

SMART Tracker engine provides user with the following features:

  1. Create, edit, delete the datasets containing objects/tasks/goals/resources.
  2. Monitor the fulfillment/availability of the objects by descriptive dashboard, filters, and interactive chart.
  3. Receive email notifications and summary reports.

Additional features:

  • Authentication/Authorization
  • User permissions (currently in development)
  • Interactive JQuery/Ajax forms
  • REST API returning users/datasets/objects, swagger/redoc schemas
  • Celery/Redis, Flower
  • Redis Cache
  • Pgadmin
  • Mailhog

App description

  • The SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Defining these parameters as they pertain to your goal helps ensure that your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame.

  • By default, we provide you with starter pack of resources/tasks you need to keep eye on to have your house/apartment supplied, cleaned and paid. Each status is monitored and represented by chart.

  • You can start with pre-defined datasets, or create your own! Feel free to use our SMART engine to track literally any thing.

Common logic

  • User receives a short tutorial describing SMART concept and main application modules: SANDBOX and DASHBOARD.

  • SMART concept is hard-coded to COREOBJECT model, so that each object has appropriate settings (current value, priority, measure, time frame, responsible).

  • SANDBOX is used to create/edit/delete datasets and related objects.

  • Each object would have one of three statuses based on simple pattern "Red-Orange-Green". This can be interpreted as "Absent-Running low-Available" or "Not done-In process-Performed" and so on. Each object has its own level of priority and current value set by user, so that after object creation/update the application sets status of the object comparing current value with the priority. It is hard-coded by functional view at SANDBOX.

  • SANDBOX page has custom filters (SEE OBJECTS, SHOW ALL OBJECTS). It is designed as jQuery/Ajax + JS + custom functional views.

  • SANDBOX page has buttons to Create, Edit and Delete datasets and objects. It is designed appropriately as modals + ModelForms + jQuery/Ajax + JS + custom functional views returning JSON + HTML includes

  • DASHBOARD is used to see the current status of the objects via data table and chart.

  • DASHBOARD page has custom interactive filters by dataset, status, priority and timeframe. It is designed as custom django form + jQuery/Ajax + JS + custom functional views returning JSON + HTML includes.

  • DASHBOARD has Pie Chart that is re-drawn appropriately to filter applied. It is designed as jQuery/Ajax + JS + custom functional views returning JSON + HTML includes

Technology stack

  • Python
  • Docker-Compose
  • Django
  • jQuery/Ajax
  • MDBootstrap
  • Django Rest Framework
  • drf-spectacular
  • PostgreSQL
  • pgadmin
  • Celery
  • Redis
  • Flower
  • Mailhog

Quick start

1.Add ".core.env" file to the project's root directory:





  • DB_NAME=

  • DB_USER=


  • DB_HOST=

  • DB_PORT=





2.Having Docker and Python installed use the following commands to build and run docker-compose.yml

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

3.During the very first run of the app, apply migrations and create superuser directly within app's container

sudo docker-compose exec core bash
./ makemigrations
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser

4.SMART Tracker is available at
