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This project focuses on developing a comprehensive parking management system that utilizes deep learning and machine learning techniques to detect and read vehicle license plates. The system is capable of processing real-time video streams from parking lot cameras or the computer's camera, recording entry and exit times of vehicle into a database.


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Automatic License Plate Detection Project ANPR

License Plate Recognition


This project focuses on developing a comprehensive parking management system that utilizes deep learning and machine learning techniques to detect and read vehicle license plates. The system is capable of processing real-time video streams from parking lot cameras using RTSP or from the computer's own camera, recording entry and exit times of vehicles into a database.

The main goal of this project is to automate the process of monitoring vehicle movements in a parking lot, providing a seamless and efficient way to manage parking spaces and track vehicle activities.

Table of Contents


  • Real-time License Plate Detection: Uses live video feeds to detect and recognize license plates in real-time.
  • Database Logging: Automatically logs vehicle entry and exit times into an SQL database.
  • RTSP and Local Camera Support: Can connect to RTSP streams from IP cameras or use the local camera for live detection.
  • Accurate Recognition: Leverages advanced machine learning models for precise recognition.
  • Scalable Solution: Easily integrates with existing parking management systems.

Technologies Used

  • Deep Learning: Implements Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for detecting and recognizing license plates.
  • YOLOv8: Utilizes the YOLOv8 architecture for fast and accurate object detection.
  • OpenCV: Handles image processing tasks, such as capturing video frames and manipulating images.
  • Python: The main programming language for the project.
  • SQL: Used to create and manage the database for recording vehicle entry and exit times.
  • PyTorch: The deep learning framework for building and training models.
  • RTSP Protocol: Enables streaming from IP cameras for real-time detection.


To set up the project on your local machine, follow these steps:

Clone the Repository

git clone
cd parking-management-system

Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Ensure that you have Python 3.7 or higher installed on your system. Additionally, you'll need access to an IP camera supporting RTSP streaming or a computer with a webcam.

Database Setup

You'll need to set up an SQL database to store the vehicle entry and exit times. Here's a simple example using SQLite:

CREATE TABLE parking_records (
    license_plate TEXT NOT NULL,
    exit_time TIMESTAMP

Update Database Configuration

Edit the file to specify your database connection details.

DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///parking.db'

For other database systems like MySQL or PostgreSQL, update the URI accordingly.

System Architecture

The system consists of several components working together to achieve efficient license plate detection and management:

  1. Video Stream Input: Captures video frames from RTSP cameras or a local webcam.
  2. License Plate Detection: Processes frames to detect license plates using the YOLOv8 model.
  3. License Plate Recognition: Reads the detected license plates using Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
  4. Database Logging: Stores the entry and exit times of vehicles in an SQL database.
  5. User Interface: Displays detected license plates and database records (optional).

Architecture Diagram

[Camera/RTSP] --> [Video Stream] --> [License Plate Detection] --> [OCR] --> [Database Logging]
     |                                                                        |
     +--------------------------------[User Interface]------------------------+

Live Streaming and Detection

The system is capable of connecting to live video streams via RTSP or using the computer's own camera for real-time license plate detection. This feature is particularly useful for parking lots or any environment requiring automated vehicle tracking.

Connecting to an RTSP Stream

To connect to an RTSP stream from an IP camera, use the following command:

python --rtsp-url rtsp://username:password@camera_ip:port --conf-thres 0.5 --iou-thres 0.4
  • --rtsp-url: The RTSP URL of the IP camera.
  • --conf-thres: Confidence threshold for detections.
  • --iou-thres: Intersection over Union threshold for non-max suppression.

Using the Local Camera

To use the local camera for live detection, execute:

python --use-local-camera --conf-thres 0.5 --iou-thres 0.4
  • --use-local-camera: Flag to indicate using the local camera instead of an RTSP stream.

Database Integration

The project includes a fully integrated database solution for storing vehicle entry and exit times. The database automatically logs each detected license plate's entry time when it first enters the camera's view. If a detected plate already has an entry time but no exit time, the system logs the current time as the exit time.

Database Schema

Here's a sample schema of the SQL database used in the project:

CREATE TABLE parking_records (
    license_plate TEXT NOT NULL,
    exit_time TIMESTAMP
  • id: Unique identifier for each record.
  • license_plate: The recognized license plate number.
  • entry_time: Timestamp of when the vehicle enters the parking lot.
  • exit_time: Timestamp of when the vehicle exits the parking lot.

Example Database View

ID License Plate Entry Time Exit Time
1 ABC1234 2024-07-24 09:15:00 2024-07-24 11:30:00
2 XYZ5678 2024-07-24 09:45:00
3 LMN8901 2024-07-24 10:00:00 2024-07-24 11:00:00

Accessing the Database

You can view or modify the database records using any SQL client or through a simple Python script like this:

import sqlite3

def view_records():
    conn = sqlite3.connect('parking.db')
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM parking_records")
    records = cursor.fetchall()
    for record in records:


Example Outputs

Here are some examples of the system's outputs during operation:

Example 1: Detected License Plate

Input Frame:

Car Image

Example 2: Live Camera Feed

Real-time Detection:

Live Detection

Example 3: Database Entry

Database Record:

Database Entry

How It Works

The system uses a combination of deep learning, machine learning, and image processing techniques to detect, recognize, and log license plates.


  1. Capture Video Frame: The system captures frames from the video stream in real-time using OpenCV.
  2. License Plate Detection: The YOLOv8 model processes each frame to detect potential license plates.
  3. OCR Processing: Detected plates are passed through an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) module to read the license plate numbers.
  4. Database Logging: The recognized license plates are logged into the database with their entry and exit times.
  5. User Feedback: Optionally, the system displays the detection results and database status on a user interface.

Detailed Explanation

Step 1: Capture Video Frame

  • Camera Input: The system connects to the camera using RTSP or local camera access, capturing live video frames.
  • Frame Processing: Each frame is preprocessed for noise reduction and normalization.

Step 2: License Plate Detection

  • YOLOv8 Model: The YOLOv8 model, trained on a dataset of car images, is used to detect bounding boxes around license plates.
  • Detection Thresholds: Confidence and IoU thresholds are applied to filter out false positives.

Step 3: OCR Processing

  • Character Recognition: Detected license plates are cropped from

the image and processed through an OCR engine to extract text.

  • Text Validation: Extracted text is validated against known formats to ensure accuracy.

Step 4: Database Logging

  • Entry Logging: When a new license plate is detected, the entry time is logged in the database.
  • Exit Logging: If a detected license plate already has an entry record, the exit time is updated in the database.

Step 5: User Feedback

  • UI Display: An optional user interface displays real-time detection results, including bounding boxes and recognized text.
  • Database View: The UI may also provide access to view and manage the database records.

Architectural Flow

[Input Video Frame] --> [YOLOv8 Detection] --> [OCR Recognition] --> [Database Logging] --> [User Interface]

Future Work

  • Integration with Payment Systems: Expanding the system to integrate with automated payment systems for parking fees.
  • Improved OCR Accuracy: Enhancing the OCR module with more robust character recognition techniques.
  • Multiple Camera Support: Extending the system to support multiple camera streams simultaneously.
  • Advanced Analytics: Implementing analytics features for traffic flow analysis and parking space management.
  • Cloud Deployment: Exploring deployment options for cloud-based solutions, enabling remote monitoring and management.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For any questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out:


This project focuses on developing a comprehensive parking management system that utilizes deep learning and machine learning techniques to detect and read vehicle license plates. The system is capable of processing real-time video streams from parking lot cameras or the computer's camera, recording entry and exit times of vehicle into a database.








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