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Example repo of a website that uses ebbflow as the hosting platform.

Using kubernetes (see deployment.yaml) and I can host my little example website without dealing with ingress, load balancers, IPs, or anything at all.

You can get this site running in your own kubernetes cluster by following these steps:

  1. Follow this guide from StackOverflow to allow your Kubernetes cluster pull GitHub images
  2. The only other set up is to provide the EBB_KEY environment variable, hopefully through a kubernetes secret. I created my secret like this:
    kubectl create secret generic ebbkey --from-literal=ebbkey=ebb_hst_RMsnwxXMBrdiFRHgDJQHMGJaasdf1234
  3. Get the deployment.yaml ready: Change the --dns value to a domain name you have created an endpoint for on
  4. Apply this yaml via something like kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml.
  5. Done!