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Upload Action

This is an action that allows you to upload a built SAM application to S3 and ECR using GitHub Actions.

The action packages, signs, and uploads the application to the specified ECR and S3 bucket.

Action Inputs

Input Description Required Default Example
role-to-assume-arn The secret with the ARN of the role to assume (required) eg secrets.GH_ACTIONS_ROLE_ARN true arn:aws:iam::0123456789999:role/myawesomeapppipeline-GitHubActionsRole-16HIKMTBBDL8Y
container-sign-kms-key-arn The secret with the ARN of the key to sign container images e.g. secrets.CONTAINER_SIGN_KMS_KEY false "none" arn:aws:kms:eu-west-2:0123456789999:key/ab12cd34-6e5f-7gh8-i90j-05aaa12345ab
build-and-push-image-only Only run docker build, push and signing steps. Skip packaging and artifact uploads false "false"
template-file The name of the CF template for the application. This defaults to template.yaml false template.yaml custom-template.yaml
working-directory The working directory containing the app false . ./sam-ecr-app
artifact-bucket-name The secret with the name of the artifact S3 bucket (required) eg secrets.ARTIFACT_SOURCE_BUCKET_NAME true artifact-bucket-1234
ecr-repo-name The secret with the name of the ECR Repo (required) eg secrets.ECR_REPOSITORY true app-container-repository-containerrepository-i6gdfkdnwrrm
dockerfile The Dockerfile to use for the build false Dockerfile
docker-build-path The Dockerfile path to use for the build false
docker-platform The target architecture for the image build false ""
checkout-repo Checks out the repo as the first step of the action. Default "true". false "true"
private-docker-registry Private Docker registry URL false ""
private-docker-login-username Login username to the private docker registry false ""
private-docker-login-password Login password to the private docker registry false ""
push-latest-tag Float 'latest' tag to the latest image version. This requires tag immutability disabled, a typical use case is test-image-repository containers false "false"
version-number The version number of the application being deployed. This defaults to ""' false ""

Usage Example

Pull in the action in your workflow as below, making sure to specify the release version you require.

- name: Deploy SAM app to ECR
  uses: govuk-one-login/devplatform-upload-action-ecr@<version_number>
    artifact-bucket-name: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACT_SOURCE_BUCKET_NAME }}
    container-sign-kms-key-arn: ${{ secrets.CONTAINER_SIGN_KMS_KEY }}
    working-directory: ./sam-ecr-app
    template-file: custom-template.yaml
    role-to-assume-arn: ${{ secrets.GH_ACTIONS_ROLE_ARN }}
    ecr-repo-name: ${{ secrets.ECR_REPOSITORY }}


  • pre-commit:

    brew install pre-commit
    pre-commit install -tpre-commit -tprepare-commit-msg -tcommit-msg

Releasing updates

We follow recommended best practices for releasing new versions of the action.

Non-breaking changes

Release a new minor or patch version as appropriate. Then, update the base major version release (and any minor versions) to point to this latest commit. For example, if the latest major release is v2 and you have added a non-breaking feature, release v2.1.0 and point v2 to the same commit as v2.1.0.

NOTE: Until v3 is released, you will need to point both v1 and v2 to the latest version since there are no breaking changes between them.

NOTE: In regards to Dependabot subscribers, Dependabot does not pick up and raise PRs for PATCH versions (i.e v3.8.1) of a release ensure consumers are notified.

Breaking changes

Release a new major version as normal following semantic versioning.

Bug fixes

Once your PR is merged and the bug is fixed, make sure to float tags affected by the bug to the latest stable commit.

For example, let's say commit abcd001 introduced a bug and is tagged with v2.3.1. You then merge commit dcba002 with a fix to your solution:

🐛 abcd001 v2.3.1


Instead of creating a new tag for the fix, you can update the v2.3.1 tag to the latest stable commit with the following command:

git tag -s -af v2.3.1 dcba002
git push origin v2.3.1 -f

🐛 abcd001

dcba002 v2.3.1

This will make sure users benefit from the fix immediately, without the need to manually bump their action version.

Preparing a release

When working on a PR branch, create a release with the target version, but append -beta to the post-fix tag name.


git tag v3.1-beta

You can then navigate to the release page, and create a pre-release to validate that the tag is working as expected. After you've merged the PR, then apply the correct tag for your release.

Please ensure all pre-release versions have been tested prior to creation, you are able to do this via updating uses: property within a GitHub actions workflow to point to a branch name rather than the tag, see example below:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 60
      id-token: write
      contents: read
      - name: Upload and tag
        uses: govuk-one-login/devplatform-upload-action-ecr@<BRANCH_NAME>