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Dedicated and skilled web developer with expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies. Proven track record of designing and implementing user-friendly interfaces and robust functionalities. Adept at leveraging modern frameworks and tools to create seamless and engaging web experiences.

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Experienced web developer with 2 years in designing and developing websites and web applications. Proven track record of crafting efficient and user-friendly interfaces, optimizing web functionalities for improved data retrieval.

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Kairaa Academy LINK

E-Learning Platform:

Developed a robust E-Learning Platform with a comprehensive set of features:

  • Course Management: Implemented functionalities for creating, deleting, and publishing courses, providing instructors with seamless control over their content.

  • User Authentication System: Designed a secure user authentication system with options for user login, registration, and a forgot password mechanism, ensuring a smooth and protected user experience.

  • User Orders and Reports: Integrated an order tracking system and generated detailed reports, empowering administrators to gain insights into user activities and transaction history.

  • Coupons Management: Implemented a flexible coupons management system, enabling the creation, modification, and application of coupons to enhance user engagement and loyalty.

  • User Dashboard and Learning Interface: Developed a user-friendly dashboard offering a centralized hub for users to track progress, manage courses, and access personalized learning interfaces.

  • Payment Gateway Integration: Integrated the Razorpay Payment Gateway for secure and efficient transaction processing, ensuring a seamless payment experience for users.

  • Cutting-edge Technologies: Leveraged a modern tech stack, including Next.js for a dynamic and responsive front end, MongoDB for efficient data storage, Node.js and Express.js for robust server-side logic, and Tailwind CSS for a sleek and intuitive user interface.

  • Advanced Libraries and Tools: Utilized essential tools and libraries such as Axios for API requests, SWR for efficient data fetching, Redux Toolkit for state management, and JWT for secure user authentication.

The E-Learning Platform offers an intuitive and feature-rich environment, catering to the needs of both course creators and learners, while maintaining a high level of security and usability throughout the platform.

Other Notable Websites

Rathna Pharmacy

Store Manager Application:

Developed a streamlined Store Manager Application with key features tailored for efficient operations:

  • Employee Management: Implemented a secure employee login system, providing personalized access for managing tasks and data within the application.

  • Data Feeding Forms: Designed intuitive forms for efficient data input, ensuring a user-friendly experience for employees responsible for updating essential information.

  • Admin Panel for Reports Management: Created a comprehensive admin panel allowing administrators to oversee and manage reports seamlessly, providing valuable insights into store operations.

  • Export Functionality: Integrated a robust export feature within the admin panel, enabling the efficient extraction of data for further analysis and reporting.

  • Technological Stack: Utilized PHP for server-side scripting, ensuring dynamic and responsive functionality. Employed MySQL for a reliable and scalable database management system, and jQuery with AJAX for enhanced interactivity and real-time data updates.

  • Bootstrap for Responsive Design: Implemented Bootstrap to achieve a responsive and mobile-friendly design, optimizing the application for various devices and screen sizes.

The Store Manager Application offers a user-centric interface, empowering employees with efficient tools for data management, while providing administrators with a comprehensive reporting system to facilitate informed decision-making within the retail environment.

Other Websites

  • LIBS II Services (Profile Website)
  • Libstechgarage (Educational Website)
  • BlackHawk (Cybersecurity service Website)
  • Lead Integrated Business Services LINK

Own Projects

Strokes - Social Media Platform LINK

SociallyNow is an innovative social media platform that seamlessly integrates friend management, friend suggestions, post creation and deletion, as well as post interaction features such as liking and commenting. Engineered for an exceptional user experience, the platform leverages cutting-edge web technologies to ensure responsiveness and modern design.

Key Features:

  • Friendship Management: Users can effortlessly manage their social connections through friend requests and suggestions, fostering a dynamic and engaging community.

  • Post Interaction: The platform enables users to create and delete posts, while also offering intuitive features for liking and commenting, enhancing user engagement.

  • Secure User Authentication: SociallyNow prioritizes user security with a robust authentication system, ensuring a safe and trustworthy environment.

  • Next.js 13: Built on the latest version of Next.js, the website benefits from enhanced performance, improved development experience, and Next.js's powerful features.

Technology Stack:

  • Frontend: Developed using React for a highly responsive and dynamic user interface, providing an immersive and enjoyable user experience.

  • Backend: Leveraged Node.js and Express.js for powerful server-side logic, ensuring seamless data flow and interaction.

  • Database Management: Utilized MongoDB for efficient and scalable data storage, supporting the platform's dynamic content requirements.

  • Modern Styling: Tailwind CSS was employed for crafting a sleek and modern interface, contributing to the platform's aesthetic appeal and usability.

Thenwhat - Search Engine Website LINK

Thenwhat is a user-friendly search engine website that leverages the power of Google API to provide quick and accurate search results and images. Built using the latest web development technologies, the website ensures a seamless and efficient search experience for users.

Key Features:

  • Search Results: Users can enter their search queries and receive relevant search results from Google API. The website presents the search results in an organized and user-friendly manner.

  • Image Search: Thenwhat offers image search functionality, allowing users to find images related to their queries. Users can browse through a visually appealing collection of images retrieved from Google API.

  • Next.js 13: Built on the latest version of Next.js, the website benefits from enhanced performance, improved development experience, and Next.js's powerful features.

Technology Stack:

  • Frontend: Next.js 13, Axios, SWR for data fetching, and dynamic content rendering.
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS

CoinBoat - Cryptocurrency Tracking Website LINK

CoinBoat is a comprehensive cryptocurrency tracking website that allows users to monitor various cryptocurrency details such as price, market cap, volume, supply, and social media metrics. The application is designed to provide users with up-to-date information on available exchanges, markets, latest news, and historical price data. CoinBoat also offers personalized features for logged-in users, including watchlists and dashboards.

Key Features:

  • Cryptocurrency Details: Users can access real-time data on cryptocurrency prices, market capitalization, trading volume, and circulating supply. Social media metrics provide insights into the online presence and popularity of different cryptocurrencies.

  • Exchange and Market Information: CoinBoat presents information about available cryptocurrency exchanges and markets for easy reference. Users can explore different trading platforms and make informed decisions.

  • Latest News and Historical Prices: The website displays the latest news related to cryptocurrencies to keep users updated with relevant developments. Historical price charts allow users to analyze price trends and patterns over time.

  • Top Gainers and Losers: CoinBoat showcases the top-performing cryptocurrencies (gainers) and the worst-performing ones (losers) for quick insights.

  • Latest Cryptocurrencies and Top Coins: Users can explore the newest cryptocurrencies and discover the top-ranked coins based on different criteria.

  • User Authentication and Personalization: Users can create accounts, log in securely, and access personalized options. Personalized dashboards enable users to customize their experience based on preferred cryptocurrencies and metrics.

Notable Features

  • Real-time data and updates ensure users have access to the latest cryptocurrency information. Comprehensive data visualization with Apex Charts helps users analyze cryptocurrency trends effectively. Personalization features, such as watchlist and dashboards, provide a customized experience.

Technology Stack:

  • Frontend: Next.js for server-side rendering, SWR for data fetching and caching, Axios for API requests, React Redux Toolkit for state management, Tailwind CSS for styling, Apex Charts for data visualization, React Hook Forms for form handling.
  • Backend: MongoDB for secure and scalable data storage.
  • Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for user authentication and authorization.

Secret Wallet - Metamask Transactions tracking website LINK

The Secret Wallet Website is a secure and user-friendly platform that enables users to connect their Thai MetaMask wallets and conduct transactions on the test network. The website also provides a transparent and accessible way to track all transactions conducted through the platform. The application is built using cutting-edge technologies to ensure a seamless and secure experience for users.

Key Features:

  • Connect Thai MetaMask Wallet: Users can easily connect their Thai MetaMask wallets to the website, allowing them to access their funds securely The integration with MetaMask ensures a user-friendly and familiar experience for wallet management and transactions.

  • Test Network Transactions: Users can make transactions on the test network to experiment and learn without using real cryptocurrency. The website supports a variety of test networks to provide a wide range of options for users.

  • Transaction Tracking: All transactions conducted through the platform are tracked and visible in the user's dashboard. Users can review their transaction history and monitor the status of each transaction.

  • Smart Contract Integration: The website utilizes Solidity smart contracts to facilitate secure and reliable transactions. Smart contracts enhance the security and efficiency of transactions, ensuring trust among users.

Technology Stack:

  • Frontend: React JS for building a dynamic and interactive user interface, Tailwind CSS for responsive and visually appealing designs.
  • Smart Contract: Solidity for creating secure and decentralized smart contracts.
  • Backend: Hardhat for deploying and testing smart contracts on the blockchain.

Food From Kitchen - Food Market Website LINK

Food From Kitchen is a vibrant food items selling website that offers a delightful shopping experience for users. With a user-friendly interface and seamless integration of various technologies, the website allows users to explore and purchase delicious food items. Users can register and log in using their Google accounts, add items to their cart, and complete purchases securely using Stripe payment in test mode. Additionally, the website features an admin panel that enables easy management and addition of food items.

Key Features:

  • User Registration and Login: Users can register and log in using their Google accounts, simplifying the authentication process. Google account integration ensures a quick and secure login experience for users.

  • Food Item Selection and Purchase: Users can browse through a wide range of food items and add their favorites to the cart. The shopping cart functionality allows users to review their selections before making a purchase.

  • Stripe Payment Integration (Test Mode): Secure payment processing is facilitated through Stripe in test mode. Users can complete purchases confidently, knowing that their transactions are handled securely.

  • Admin Panel for Food Item Management: The admin panel enables easy management and addition of food items to the website. Administrators can efficiently update item details, prices, and availability.

Technology Stack:

  • Frontend: React JS for building an interactive and dynamic user interface, Tailwind CSS for responsive and visually appealing designs, Framer Motion for smooth animations.
  • Backend: Firebase for user authentication and data storage.
  • State Management: React State Provider for efficient state management within the application.
  • Payment Processing: Stripe for secure payment integration in test mode.


  • Roadmap to Become a Full-Stack Developer (Online), Scaler Academy. (Year - 2023)
  • Certificate in Web Development, Anudip Foundation, Chengalpattu. (Year-2021)

Contact Information

Additional Information

  • Interests: Continuous learning, Build a portfolio to making personal projects, Read Books and Documentation


Dedicated and skilled web developer with expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies. Proven track record of designing and implementing user-friendly interfaces and robust functionalities. Adept at leveraging modern frameworks and tools to create seamless and engaging web experiences.







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