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A minimalistic selector library. NO external dependencies.



Executes a simple, unified query for DOM methods: getElementById, getElementsByClassName and getElementsByTagName.

var A = kwark('#my-app-id').click(function(e) { /* ... */});
var B = kwark('.navbar').each(function(el, id) { /* ... */});

var C = kwark('input').last();

Selects first dom node that matches the query. Equates to querySelector. Can be also used as kwark.query().'.nav-item a').hasClass('.active');


Selects all dom nodes that match the query. Equates to querySelectorAll.

kwark.queryAll('.nav-item a').each(function(e) { /* ... */});

kwark.inline( stringText )

Stores string representation of DOM without parsing. See .nodeify().

selected.append( [ parentNode ])

Prepends the node after all nodes in the specified parent node. If no argument given, it will put it as a last node in the document.body.


selected.children( [ filter ] )

Select all children with the optional ability to filter them out.

var filtered = someNode.children(function(e) { /* filter by some criteria*/})


Returns the node at the index of the given selection.


Existence check on the node, checks against null and undefined;

selected.clone( otherNode )

Extends/clones a node along with the current context.

selected.event( eventName, callback )

Manually specify event and callback. Useful for custom DOM events.

selected.find( anyQuery, [ all ] )

Finds an element inside the given node. Optional argument is a boolean that if set true, returns many occurences.

someNode.find('a', true)
    .each(function(e) { /* ... */});


Returns the first node from selection.

selected.html( rawHtml )

Inline raw html into the node.

selected.insertAfter( targetNode )

Insert selected node after the element passed in as an argument.


selected.insertBefore( targetNode )

Insert selected node before the element passed in as an argument.

const div = select.inline('<div><p>contents</p></div>').nodeify();


selected.interval( callback, time, [ infinite ])

Interval will either initialise a timeout or interval on the given node context. Depends on the last argument (boolean).

const div = selectedNode.interval(function(e) { /* ... */}, 100, true);


Returns the last node from selection.

selected.nodeify( target )

Parses strings and creates valid DOM out of given target.

selectedNode.inline('<div id="sample-id"><p>Heyhoue</p></div>').nodeify();

selected.siblings( [ filter ] )

Select all siblings (left and right) with the optional ability to filter them out.

var filtered = someNode.siblings(function(e) { /* filter by some criteria*/})

selected.prepend( [ parentNode ])

Prepends the node before all nodes in the specified parent node. If no argument given, it will put it as a first node in the document.body.


selected.type( [ otherNode ] )

Check the type of the node. Optional argument changes context to another node.


Utilities, and standalone functions that make the core of kwark.

utils.partial( fn, [ ...arguments ])

Partial application. Function will fire as soon as it gets enough arguments.

var addThree = function(a,b,c) {
    return a + b + c;

var partialAddThree = kwark.partial(addThree);

// nothing happens, waiting for the third arg

// 6
// 6
// 6

utils.compose( ...functions )

Functional composition utility (reversed pipeline).

var filteredData = utils.compose(filterById, parseJson);

ajax.ajax('get' url).then(filteredData);

utils.contains( item, array )

Checks whether array contains the given item.

// true

utils.extend( destination, source )

Extends javascript object(s). With ES2015 in mind, rather use native Object.assign() method, or spread operator { ...object}.

utils.nSiblings( targetNode )

All siblings following the target node.


utils.pSiblings( targetNode )

All siblings preceding the target node.



addons.serialize( targetNode )

Serializes form node which is then ready to be sent as a request.

var formNode = select('#form').node,
    serialized = addons.serialize(formNode);

addons.xmlToJson( XML )

Parses xml file and returns a valid JSON object out of it.

// (...) some request with xmlresponse

var JSON = addons.xmlToJson(xmlresponse);

addons.loadScript( urlSource, [ callback ] )

Fetches and loads the script from external url. The script itself is cleaned up from DOM after being loaded.



A simple promise-based implementation of ajax module.

ajax.ajax( method, url ).then( resolve, reject )

Generalised ajax method, supports basic GET and POST requests. Where resolve and reject are functions that take one single argument response, and error, respectiely. Ajax module does not support chaining multiple .then sequences. There is some debate whether it is a better approach than the regular "callback hell". Use functional composition (kwark.compose) instead, it improves the design of your app.

ajax.ajax('get', url).then(resolve, reject);


A minimalistic selector library.






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