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Launching Your First Lyra Token

Slava Gomzin edited this page Oct 2, 2019 · 10 revisions

Step 1: Download and Install Lyra Command Line Interface Client (lyracli)

1.1 Download the zip file with the latest lyracli release for your OS (lyracli is available for Mac, Windows, Linux, and Raspberry Pi) from github.

1.2 Launch OS command line interface app:
Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi: Terminal
Windows: PowerShell

1.3 Create an application folder, for example:
mkdir $HOME/lyracli

1.4 Extract the content of the zip file into the application folder $HOME/lyracli.

Step 2: Run lyracli and create new Lyra account

2.1 Change directory to the application directory:
cd $HOME/lyracli

2.2 Launch lyracli and connect to devnet using the following command:
./lyracli --database litedb --networkid devnet1 --protocol webapi

Note: you may need to use sudo command if you get “permission denied”:
sudo ./lyracli --database litedb --networkid devnet1 --protocol webapi

Press Enter when you get the following prompt:
Press Enter for default account, or enter account name:

Press Enter again when you get the second prompt:
Local account data not found. Would you like to create a new account? (Y/n):

You should see the following message and get the lyracli command prompt:
Network Id: devnet1
Account Id: [Your New Account Id]
Number of Blocks: 0
Balance: 0

My Account>

Account Id is the “address” (public key) of your new Lyra account.

Now, in order to pay a fee for token creation and transfer transactions, you need to get some LYPE tokens.

Step 3: Get LYPE tokens

Copy Account Id and email it to
Please add “Request for devnet LYPE tokens” in the email subject.

After we send you test LYPE tokens, if your lyracli is still up and running, you will see the following message:
Received new transaction, sending request for settlement...
Receive transfer block has been authorized successfully
Stored block -> type: OpenAccountWithReceiveTransfer index: 1
250.0 Lyra.LYPE

If lyracli app was down, or there was no connection to the Internet, type sync command to sync your client with the node to receive pending transfers.

Step 4 Create Your Own Token

Once the client is up and running, and test LYPE tokens are received, you can create your first Lyra token - it takes just a few seconds.

In lyracli prompt, type token command and follow the prompts.

First, enter your new token name, for example, My Token.

Note that if someone else already created “My Token” you will get an error. You can avoid it by adding a unique domain name.

You can ignore (optional) prompts and just press Enter to continue.

Enter a total supply, for example, 100000.

At the end, you should get the following confirmation message:
Stored block -> type: TokenGenesis index: 2
Token generation has been authorized successfully
100000 [You domain name].MyToken
150.0 Lyra.LYPE

Congratulation! You just created your first Lyra token!

Note that your new token is spendable right away - no locked/unlocked balance.

Now you can send your token to someone else, or just transfer it to your another account.

Sending Your Token to Another Account (Transfer)

Launch another instance of lyracli as described in Step 2 but give it a different name when prompted for account name, for example, My Second Account (the account name is not stored in the blockchain, it is just stored locally).

In the first account (My Account) window, type send and press Enter. You will get the following prompt:
Please enter destination account id:

Copy and paste the Account Id from My Second Account and press Enter. You will be prompted to enter amount:
Please enter amount:

Enter 1 and press Enter. You will be prompted to enter the name of the token to send:
Please select token to send, or press Enter for Lyra.LYPE:

Enter the full name of the token including domain name, for example, Custom.MyToken and press Enter. You should see the transfer confirmation message in the first account window:
Stored block -> type: SendTransfer index: 3
Send Transfer block has been authorized successfully
99999 Custom.MyToken
149.0 Lyra.LYPE

In the second account window you will see the receive confirmation message:
Received new transaction, sending request for settlement...
Receive transfer block has been authorized successfully
Stored block -> type: OpenAccountWithReceiveTransfer index: 1
1.0 Custom.MyToken

Congratulation! You just completed your first Lyra token transfer, with your own token.

Note that your balance in either account is spendable right away - no locked/unlocked balance in Lyra.