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Job Editing

Grant Carthew edited this page Nov 19, 2016 · 14 revisions


One of the most powerful and flexible methods within rethinkdb-job-queue is the Job.update method. It allows you, without restriction, to change any value of a job and save those changes back to the queue database.

This document will give you some examples of how you may use the Job.update method to perform advanced changes to jobs in the queue.

Job Data Changes

If for some reason you need to change the data associated with a job you can do so with the following code. For this example we need to change the property from foo to bar.


  • The job is in the queue.
  • The job has not been processed.
  • The property is set to foo.
  • We have the job id.
const Queue = require('rethinkdb-job-queue')
const q = new Queue()

q.getJob('5127d082-fe7e-4e88-b1de-7093029695c3').then((savedJobs) => {
  savedJobs[0].data = 'bar'
  return savedJobs[0].update()
}).catch(err => console.error(err))

Removing Job Data

If for some reason you had extra data saved with a job and you need it removed for some security reason. You could do so easily enough as this example shows.


  • The job is in the queue.
  • The job.secret property is set.
  • We have the job id.
const Queue = require('rethinkdb-job-queue')
const q = new Queue()

q.getJob('5127d082-fe7e-4e88-b1de-7093029695c3').then((savedJobs) => {
  delete savedJobs[0].secret
  return savedJobs[0].update()
}).catch(err => console.error(err))

Disable Job

If you had a job waiting for processing and you need to disable the job until further notice, here is one way you could achieve this.


  • The job is in the queue.
  • The job has not been processed.
  • We have the job id.
const Queue = require('rethinkdb-job-queue')
const q = new Queue()

q.getJob('5127d082-fe7e-4e88-b1de-7093029695c3').then((savedJobs) => {
  delete savedJobs[0].status = 'disabled'
  return savedJobs[0].update()
}).catch(err => console.error(err))

The example above is setting the Job.status property to disabled which is an invalid status. See the Job Status document for a list of the status values that are valid. By setting the status to an invalid value, the internal getNextJob() method will not retrieve the job; hence it is disabled.

It may be interesting to note that the Queue.summary method will return a list of status values now including disabled.

Note: The getNextJob() internal method uses an index which returns only jobs with a waiting or failed status.

Other ways you could disable a job would be to set the dateEnable property to some ridiculous time in the future, say 200 years.


How It Works



Queue Methods

Queue Properties

Queue Events

Job Methods

Job Properties


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