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These are exercises done as part of the Udacity Data Structures and Algorithms in Python course

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Simple Data Structures and Algorithms

These are exercises done as part of the Udacity Data Structures and Algorithms in Python course

Queues (

  • A queue is a first in first out (FIFO) data structure
  • One can enqueue (push) to the end of the queue
  • One can dequeue (pop) from the front of the queue
  • Push and Pop in O(1)
  • Can implement a Queue object using a Python list
  • Could also use a Python deque, which allows enqueueing and dequeueing from both ends - from collections import deque

Hashing (

  • Can use Python dictionary as hashtable/hashmap
  • Create HashTable object using Python list
  • Hashing strings, particularly the first two letters of string
  • Bucket size 10,000
  • Load factor is % of table filled
  • Hash value = (ASCII Value of First Letter * 100) + ASCII Value of Second Letter
  • O(1) Lookup

Binary Search (

  • Iterative binary search on Python list
  • Assumes data is sorted
  • O(log n) search

Trees (A type of graph)

  • Connected graphs, acyclic, directed
  • Root (top node, first node)
  • Parent and child
  • Leaf is a bottom node
  • If node doesn't point to other node, usually points to Null (None)
  • Traversing is done recursively

Binary Tree (

  • Each parent has at most 2 children
  • Height is log n
  • Implement preorder (LRN) search and print
  • Comprised of Node objects that contain the value and left, right child pointers

Binary Search Tree (

  • Left child < parent
  • Right child > parent
  • Search is O(log n), the height of the tree
  • In-order traversal is sorted order
  • Can degrade to looking like linked list => O(n) search in worst case
  • Enter self-balancing trees (AVL, Red-black)

Graph (

  • Node class contains value and list of edges connected to that node
  • Edge class contains value, references to node from and node to
  • Graph class contains list of nodes and list of edges
  • Insert node is simple
  • Insert edge is a little more complicated.
  • Get representation of edge list, adjacency list, and adjacency matrix

Graph (

  • Here I implemented DFS (recursive) and BFS (iterative)
  • The rest of the code was written by Udacity


These are exercises done as part of the Udacity Data Structures and Algorithms in Python course







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