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Execution scoped services #648

pekkah opened this issue May 2, 2018 · 52 comments

Execution scoped services #648

pekkah opened this issue May 2, 2018 · 52 comments
discussion The issue is under discussion and a common opinion has not yet been formed enhancement New feature or request


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pekkah commented May 2, 2018

This issue keeps coming up. Would be good to have a way of resolving dependencies per execution while keeping the schema as singleton. This would require a way of injecting the services in a away that their lifetime would be one execution. For example creating entity framework context per execution.

@pekkah pekkah added the enhancement New feature or request label May 2, 2018
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PascalSenn commented May 2, 2018

I know to ways to workaround this problem:

User Context
You can inject the IDependencyResolver into the user context. As far as the user context and the dependency resolver are scoped services, you can resolve dependencies in every field resolver. Not really a nice way, but it does the job

IContextProvider (IHttpContextAccessor)
There is a way to request scoped services on demand with the IHttpContextAccessor.

    public interface IContextProvider<T>
        T Get();

    public class ContextProvider<T> : IContextProvider<T>
        IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor;
        public ContextProvider(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
            this.contextAccessor = contextAccessor; 

        public T Get()
            if(contextAccessor?.HttpContext?.RequestServices == null) {
                return default(T);
            return contextAccessor.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<T>();
    public class FooType : ObjectGraphType<Foo>
        private readonly IContextProvider<DependencyToResolve> _scopedServiceProvider;
        public FooType (IContextProvider<DependencyToResolve> provider)
            _scopedServiceProvider= provider;
            Field<BarType>("bar", resolve: x => _scopedServiceProvider.Get().Magic(x.Source.Bar));


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pekkah commented May 3, 2018

Hijacking UserContext for this seems just wrong, but that's an another topic (#637)

In your example _scopedService would still be a singleton as FooType would be part of the Schema and schema would be singleton. You would need to resolve it inside the resolver which you probably meant.

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PascalSenn commented May 3, 2018

@pekkah Totally agree with the user context.

sure. What I meant to do:

    public class FooType : ObjectGraphType<Foo>
        private readonly IContextProvider<DependencyToResolve> _scopedServiceProvider;
        public FooType (IContextProvider<DependencyToResolve> provider)
            _scopedServiceProvider= provider;
            Field<BarType>("bar", resolve: x => _scopedServiceProvider.Get().Magic(x.Source.Bar));

What could be nicer way of resolving dependencies in the schema was to have a provider bound to the HttpContext on ResolvedFieldContext.
Something like:

    public class FooType : ObjectGraphType<Foo>
        public FooType()
            Field<BarType>("bar", resolve: x => x.Get<DependencyToResolve>().Magic(x.Source.Bar));
            // or
            Field<BarType>("bar", resolve: x =>(x.Get(typeof(DependencyToResolve)) as DependencyToResolve)?.Magic(x.Source.Bar));

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PascalSenn commented May 3, 2018

Just read #637
Maybe we could combine that:

    public class FooType<T> : ObjectGraphType<Foo>
        public FooType()
            // Resolves Dependencies
            Field<BarType>("bar", resolve: x => x.Ressources.Request<DependencyToResolve>().Magic(x.Source.Bar));
            // or
            Field<BarType>("bar", resolve: x =>(x.Ressources.Request(typeof(DependencyToResolve)) as DependencyToResolve)?.Magic(x.Source.Bar));

            // Reads data from property bag
            Field<StringType>("foo", resolve: x =>(x.Ressources.Get<string>("foo"));
            // or
            Field<TType>("tFoo", resolve: x =>(x.Ressources.TryGet<T>("foo", default(T)));
            // or
            Field<StringType>("foo", resolve: x =>(x.Ressources.Get("foo"));

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It seems like you could use a service locator pattern, though I think that provides a brittle programming model. It would be easy to expose the IDependecyResolver as a property on the ResolveFieldContext which is what I would suggest.

I've been trying to think of some other metadata based approach but I'm falling short.

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Why the requirement to keep the Schema as a singleton? If it's expensive to create then maybe some stuff can be cached to make it cheap to create. Then a new Schema instance can be resolved per request/execution and lifetimes are respected for all dependencies.

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@johnrutherford I view the expensive part is the "initialization". At present the entire graph is walked and the Schema is built. The Schema creates and internally caches all of its associated GraphTypes so all GraphTypes take on the lifetime of the Schema. It seems like there should be a way to create the primary graph only once but create the resolvers with their dependencies on a per-request basis.

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Mardoxx commented Jun 29, 2018

This really needs doing doesn't it.

I'd imagine a lot of people from a C# background will have a strong affinity towards using Entity Framework as their persistence layer/ORM. Here, singleton instances just won't work unless you either: only ever have one instance of your GraphQL server running and no other service modifying the database, or run everything with change tracker disabled (i.e. .AsNoTracking() on all queries). (Ignoring that EF's DbContext is not thread safe, so if things are resolved concurrently it will throw up).
Not too clued up on internals of EF, but I'd imagine the former will grind to a halt on a significantly large enough database as the change tracker would eventually try and cache all DB entities.. if it even works at all!

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john1452 commented Jul 6, 2018

Correct me if I am wrong, but if I inject dbContext into my fooType. Will the db context be used for subsequent requests ( as a singleton)? Even though dbcontext is registered as a scoped service?

This would answer my other questions: #729

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@john1452 yes, at present GraphTypes are created only once for the lifetime of the Schema and resused. So whatever types are injected to GraphTypes also take on the lifetime of that GraphType and subsequently the Schema.

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john1452 commented Jul 8, 2018

@joemcbride thanks, I am now passing the IServiceProvider to userContext and resolving all dbcontext through that. Not the best but it does the job :)

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sgenache commented Aug 21, 2018

Hi, maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but here is what I've done.

Starting with Asp.Net Core 2.0 we have a way of registering a scoped/transient middleware in the application ( see )

This means that you can inject scoped services in the middleware, eg:

services.AddScoped<ITenantContext>(s =>
      var httpContextAccessor = s.GetService<IHttpContextAccessor>();
      // gets the tenant Id from claims, creates TenantContext()

services.AddScoped(s => new GraphQLSettings
     BuildUserContext = httpContext => new GraphQLUserContext
          HttpContext = httpContext

In the case of GraphQLSettings you don't have to pass it as a parameter to the middleware, it actually throws exception as explained in the link:

public static IApplicationBuilder UseFactoryActivatedMiddleware(
    this IApplicationBuilder builder, bool option)
    // Passing 'option' as an argument throws a NotSupportedException at runtime.
    return builder.UseMiddleware<FactoryActivatedMiddleware>(option);

Now here is the part that I'm not sure about. But I feel I'm on the right track (?!)

I'm registering the schema, types as singleton(as before), but the queries as scoped:

services.AddSingleton<ISchema, OISchema>();

Here is the AccountsQuery and RootQuery:

public class AccountsQuery : AuthorizedObjectGraphType
        public AccountsQuery(ITenantContext tenantContext)
                .Description("Get Account by Id")
                .Argument<NonNullGraphType<IdGraphType>>("id", "The Id of the Account.")
                .ResolveAsync(async ctx =>
                     // resolve using tenantContext

public class RootQuery : ObjectGraphType
        public RootQuery()
            Name = "root";

            Field<AccountsQuery>("accounts", resolve: ctx => new { });
            //other queries...

This still fails as singleton scoped Schema can't resolve scoped RootQuery/AccountsQuery so I'm doing this in the middleware (and not resolving RootQuery in Schema):

var request = Deserialize<GraphQLRequest>(httpContext.Request.Body);

schema.Query = httpContext.RequestServices.GetService<RootQuery>();
 var result = await _executer.ExecuteAsync(_ =>
       _.Schema = schema;
       _.Query = request.Query;
       _.OperationName = request.OperationName;
       _.Inputs = request.Variables.ToInputs();
       _.UserContext = _settings.BuildUserContext?.Invoke(context);
       _.ValidationRules = httpContext.RequestServices.GetServices<IValidationRule>();
await WriteResponseAsync(context, result);

Now ITenantContext is successfully resolved in the AccountsQuery.

This still seems weird, does registering the Queries as scoped and resolving them in the middleware makes sense?

Edit: this seems to work only for the first request, subsequent requests give this error:
"message": "GraphQL.ExecutionError: Unexpected type: --->
System.InvalidOperationException: Unexpected type: \r\n
at GraphQL.Execution.ExecutionStrategy.BuildExecutionNode(ExecutionNode parent, IGraphType graphType, Field field, FieldType fieldDefinition, String[] path)\r\n
at GraphQL.Execution.ExecutionStrategy.SetSubFieldNodes(ExecutionContext context, ObjectExecutionNode parent, Dictionary`2 fields)\r\n
at GraphQL.Execution.ExecutionStrategy.BuildExecutionRootNode(ExecutionContext context, IObjectGraphType rootType)\r\n
at GraphQL.Execution.ExecutionStrategy.d__0.MoveNext()\r\n
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\r\n
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\r\n
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\r\n
at GraphQL.DocumentExecuter.d__8.MoveNext()\r\n
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---",

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It seems like you could use a service locator pattern, though I think that provides a brittle programming model. It would be easy to expose the IDependecyResolver as a property on the ResolveFieldContext which is what I would suggest.

Can you provide a short snipped/info on how to do this? This is exactly my use case as I need a dependency resolver (Servicelocator) in a generic FieldBuilder ResolveFieldContext method.


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benmccallum commented Oct 19, 2018

@alexandercarls, I've previously done the following with success:

  • Add IServiceProvider into constructors of my Query/Mutation and other Types.
  • In my resolver func, use the IServiceProvider to create a scope with CreateScope (notice it's IDisposable so wrap it in a using
  • In that scope resolve my scoped dependencies using GetRequiredService<T>, etc.

I'm having some DI fun at the moment where I've got the following:

  • I have an IAuthParams registered as scoped and a middleware that injects it into the Invoke method, pulls some stuff out of the HTTP request and sets properties on it.
  • Then I have the service locator pattern in my GraphQL resolver, which is resolving an IBookingClient which has a constructor dependency for IAuthParams, so it can pull some details off it and set them as headers for a request to a downstream API.

Problem is, the instance of IAuthParams it gets always seems to be fresh, everything is null, it's apparently not the one that went through my middleware earlier. I guess that's because I've created a new scope, so it should be expected that the DI thinks it should create a new one. Problem is, I'm not exactly sure how to solve that. Essentially by using the Service Locator pattern in my resolver, and having to create that scope, I've lost access to the outer scope. I think I've basically got this issue, so will probably need to inject
IHttpContextAccessor in my IBookingClient, and unravelling the details I
need there.

Any suggestions anyone? Can we solve all these issues in one go by baking something into the framework somewhere? I guess as long as the Types are singleton, the resolvers will be creating their own scope and doing ServiceLocator... So I'll always have this problem. I'm not even using EF, I'm just trying to instantiate a HttpClient essentially that also needs access to the current HttpRequest, or a scoped dep I''ve already created from the request that's now stuck in the outer scope.

Would another DI framework help me?

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@benmccallum I also enabled a service locator on my ResolveFieldContext, using GraphQLUserContext just as a dummy to get access to IDependencyResolver.

I am then using a set of extension methods on ResolveFieldContext to access the resolver.
In the actual resolver code I create a scope, just as you described taking a runnable action.
Keep in mind that this is a toy project and does not necessarily reflect the code running in production.

As for you problem, I didn't encoutered that one yet, as I use the "bag" of the HttpContext and then have an "Accessor" service.

Thinking about it, instead of creating a new scope, given that we are still in the middleware chain, it should be possible to just "get the existing scope, created by ASP.NET Core".
You could try this: Please report back if you do :)

A way certainly would be opening your own scope with a custom lifetime using another DI solution at the beginning of the middleware. But this is not really idomatic.

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johnrutherford commented Oct 19, 2018

@benmccallum, there are two ways I have done this:

  1. Make the Schema transient rather than a singleton. There is a performance cost to this and we ultimately abandoned this in favor of 2 below.
  2. Use HttpContext.RequestServices in your UserContext. This is the request-scoped IServiceProvider. You can either resolve your services and expose them as properties on your user context class, or expose the IServiceProvider directly.

Here's an example:

public class MyUserContext
    public IServiceProvider RequestServices { get; }
    public IMyService MyService { get; }

    public MyUserContext(HttpContext httpContext)
        RequestServices = httpContext.RequestServices;
        MyService = httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IMyService>();

Or you could even declare your dependencies on your user context class and then resolve it like this: httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<MyUserContext>().

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benmccallum commented Oct 20, 2018

Thanks @johnrutherford, will give it a go. And thanks @alexandercarls too, your abstractions look great!

I was also thinking about how we could do this as a framework. Since I'm in the auth space at the moment, we could take the approach that setting up authentication use when you need to provide custom event handlers. I can't remember the type, I'm on my phone, I think it'd be JwtBearerAuthOptions or something, but they have a property EventsType of Type, so you just give it typeof(MyEvents) and the auth pipeline resolves it for you and calls methods on it for diff events. You can register it as scoped/singleton/transient as you please.

Could we apply that same pattern to GraphQL resolvers? We give the field simply the type of our resolver with a new property ResolverType, this type must inherit from some standard set of interfaces (like the IFieldResolver ones) so we can check compat at schema build time on startup, and then at execution GraphQL takes care of initialising this, creating the scope (if needed), resolving the resolver and executing it, then disposing the scope (if needed).

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Here's an idea:

  1. Allow for a dependency resolver instance to be passed in through the ExecutionOptions. This would allow you to wrap HttpContext.RequestServices in ASP.NET Core and pass that in. If you're not using ASP.NET Core, this would still allow you to create a custom scope for execution and pass that in. If this is not set at all, it should probably default to the dependency resolver on the schema.
  2. Expose this as an ExecutionServices property on the ResolveFieldContext class.
  3. Then implement some field resolvers with 1-3 additional type parameters that handle the dependency resolution. Like this:
public class FuncFieldResolver<TServiceType, TReturnType> : IFieldResolver<TReturnType>
    private readonly Func<ResolveFieldContext, TServiceType, TReturnType> _resolver;

    public FuncFieldResolver(Func<ResolveFieldContext, TServiceType, TReturnType> resolver)
        _resolver = resolver;

    public TReturnType Resolve(ResolveFieldContext context)
        var service1 = context.ExecutionServices.Resolve<TServiceType>();
        return _resolver(context, service1);

    object IFieldResolver.Resolve(ResolveFieldContext context) => Resolve(context);

And then set up extension methods so fields could be created like this:

Field<FooType, Foo>()
    .ResolveAsync<IMyService>((context, myService) =>
        return myService.GetFooAsync();

So this would be equivalent to injecting parameters into a controller action in MVC.

As an aside, I think we should get rid of IDependencyResolver and use System.IServiceProvider. That would obviously have to be a 3.0 thing, and not essential to the above. It's a very similar interface and doesn't require any other dependencies, but it would allow for out-of-the-box integration with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection and any other IoC libraries that have support for it.

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That sounds really good. I like the parallel with ctor/invoke method injection so it'll make sense to a lot of people and be easy to document.

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@alexandercarls, FYI I ended up with what John posted with the MyUserContext holding a pointer to the HttpContext's IServiceProvider. Then I just have some convenience extensions on it to resolve the services I regularly use. I imagine like the SO link you posted, if you resolved IHttpContextAccessor somewhere and did .HttpContext.RequestServices it'd have the same net effect though.

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Hey @johnrutherford , is this something you're thinking about for v3?

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@benmccallum oh yeah, I forgot about this. I'll create a new issue with my suggestion and tag it for 3.0. Thanks!

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Hey. Accidentally I saw activity in this thread. I was surprised - just a week ago I was just engaged in solving this problem in our project. In principle, all the described solutions were considered. I want to note that in the discussion attention is focused on IHttpContextAccessor and ASP.NET, although this is a special case of environment. I would also recommend to turn on scope validation to check correctness of your code.

In general, a fairly general solution was obtained without using a service locator (or execution services which is actually the same). Also it supports arbitrary environments, not only ASP.NET.

Now we have singleton schemas with all graphql types also singletons with some scoped dependencies inside. At the same time, our services function not only as ASP.NET server but also has other entry points for request handling (requests from message broker). So onсe configured DI-container with schema and types in it successfully resolves scoped dependencies from different kind of scopes.

I will try to do PR in the near future.

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Mardoxx commented May 21, 2019 via email

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Shane32 commented Oct 14, 2019

Sample of including the service provider inside the ResolveFieldContext in pull request #1345

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Adding my two cents here:
We are trying to use this graphql library with Asp Dotnet Core, Entity Framework Core, and Asp Dotnet Identity.

Unfortunately Identity makes heavy used of Scoped DbContext and to switch it to Transient would require rewriting some fundamental Identity library code.

We are experiencing a myriad of issues where DbContext seems to behave as a Singleton when set to Scoped. We believe this is because of the DocumentExecuter being a Singleton. Our application is becoming deadlocked because DbContext is being reused on every request. Obviously this is a huge problem for us.

Until we can find a workaround for this or the GraphQL document executor can be used as Scoped, we are probably going to stop using GraphQL and go back to RESTful endpoints.

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sungam3r commented Apr 8, 2020

What is a problem with DocumentExecuter being singleton?

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Shane32 commented Apr 8, 2020

@joshuapetryk You've got a couple easy solutions here:

  1. Register all the GraphQL services as scoped. Bad for performance, but you can use DI for anything and everything you want to utilize within the graphs. Probably not every GraphQL service needs to be scoped (i.e. I'm not sure about DocumentExecuter at the moment), but certainly the schema and graphs need to be.
  2. Register all the GraphQL services as singletons. Then, within the resolve function of any and every resolver, pull dependent scoped services from the HttpContext's service provider -- but be sure not to use the graph constructor for any scoped services. See my handy extension function below for an easy way to do this. I often put the guts of my resolve functions in a service and register that service for each graph. Then I hack a reference to that service (using the extension function below) -- but the service can use DI at its leisure.
public static class ContextExtensions
    public static T GetService<T>(this ResolveFieldContext context) {
        return ((Schema)context.Schema).Services.GetRequiredService<IHttpContextAccessor>().HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<T>();

//resolve: (context) => {
//    var text = context.GetArgument<string>("text");
//    context.GetService<MyGraphService>().SendEmail(text);

See #1345 (comment)

Another variation of method 2 is to inject "service resolver functions" via DI into the constructor of the graph, and then within the graph field resolvers, call the "service resolver function" to return a reference to the scoped service. This has the benefit of showing all dependencies in the constructor of the graph, as would be typical for DI-based objects. Just imagine lazy-loaded DI services and you get the picture. @sungam3r has a project that can assist with that type of setup here:

There's a few other ways to attack this problem, each with their pros and cons, but the couple listed above should help you get going without having to change any of your other services' DI configuration.

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What is a problem with DocumentExecuter being singleton?

We call the DocumentExecuter as part of a GraphQlController. EF Core DbContext when set to Scoped lifetime is only newing on first web request and all subsequent web requests are utilizing the same DbContext instance. When switching DbContext to transient it behaves correctly and news up with each dependent service. This seems to suggest that DbContext when Scoped is actually following the Singleton behavior of DocumentExecuter and not being released after web requests finish.

Thanks for the suggestions @Shane32!

We have implemented the following workaround and are testing now:

// Fix for Scoped lifetime
public class ScopedObjectGraphType : ObjectGraphType
    IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;

    public ScopedObjectGraphType(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
        _httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;

    protected T GetService<T>()
        return _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<T>();

// Graph class
public class CustomQuery : ScopedObjectGraphType
    public CustomQuery(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor) : base(httpContextAccessor)

            name: "custom type",
            description: "description here",
            arguments: new QueryArguments(
                new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<IntGraphType>> { Name = "id" }),
            resolve: async context =>
                var id = context.GetArgument<int>("id");
                var dbContext = base.GetService<AppDbContext>(); // Scoped lifetime honored here

                // do work

                return await stuff;

Previously we were injecting IServiceProvider into CustomQuery but it did not seem to respect request scope.

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sungam3r commented Apr 9, 2020

 EF Core DbContext when set to Scoped lifetime is only newing on first web request and all subsequent web requests are utilizing the same DbContext instance.

@joshuapetryk This is not built-in EF Core behavior. Probably you misconfigure DbContext such a way that it become to act as singleton. Please show your configuration before changes.

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benmccallum commented Apr 9, 2020

I'm guessing he was just trying to use constructor injection public CustomQuery(HisDbContext dbContext), in which case it would've been forced to be a singleton (being a dep of a singleton), regardless of any EF Core configuration.

.NET Core 3+ does a better job of failing/alerting on these kinds of things upfront rather than us having to discover it at runtime when some weirdness is happening. So I'd be interested what he's running on.

Glad you found a solution anyway. I'm still abusing the IServiceProvider I've got on my UserContext (which is scoped to the http request) and have extension methods to make it a little cleaner from context :P.

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sungam3r commented Apr 9, 2020

I'm guessing he was just trying to use constructor injection

I think too.

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Shane32 commented Apr 9, 2020

Previously we were injecting IServiceProvider into CustomQuery but it did not seem to respect request scope.

If CustomQuery ** or ** Schema is a singleton, you will see the behavior you described above, where IServiceProvider (and any other dependency) is created as part of the root scope, rather than the executing context's scope. The sample code you posted should work well for your needs.

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joshuapetryk commented Apr 9, 2020

We are .Net Core 2.2 - thanks for the help! This was a very obscure behavior for us.

Edit: looks like this fixed our issue!

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Some months ago I created a .net core graphql project.

In the real-life, you need to tune the original library.

I want to share some tricks and common classes that help you to build a .net core graphql solution.

For example, I've created an automapper that automatically convert your dto model into a ObjectGraphType (output) and InputObjectGraphType (input).

But not only this.

For example you can't use efficiently dbcontext if you register it using AddDbContext (scoped) like a classical .net core web api, because you need to register Graphql middleware as singleton, so AddDbContext is a "fake scoped" because it is used inside a "singleton middleware".

This means that context using AddDbContext is instantiated just once at startup! So, you will have problem of simultaneous access to the connection.

But I have solution: use factory pattern.

If you want a complete code example, see here: #576 (comment)

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Here a full implementation on .net core 3.1

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Shane32 commented Aug 15, 2020

Implemented @johnrutherford 's suggestion in #1151 via #1730

@Shane32 Shane32 closed this as completed Aug 15, 2020
@Shane32 Shane32 added this to the 3.0 milestone Aug 15, 2020
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In fact not all suggestions. Resolvers injection is a good idea too.

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zaneclaes commented Oct 15, 2020

It seems like a lot of work has been done to work around some strange design decisions...

To me, the fundamental problem here is that the Schema is implementing business logic. This is, quite literally, in conflict with the dictionary definition of a "Schema:"

an underlying organizational pattern or structure; conceptual framework

A Schema is a descriptor, NOT an implementation. It describes a contract, much like an Interface in C#. I've never seen any other GraphQL library treat schemas in this way. And in fact, it conflicts with the GraphQL whitepaper:

A GraphQL service’s collective type system capabilities are referred to as that service’s “schema”

If this design decision had not been made, the Schema would remain free to exist as a Singleton. But since the Schema is also responsible for resolution, the conflation mangles together system-level concerns (i.e., types) with runtime implementations (i.e., database queries).

In other words, the fact that Schema "wants to be" a singleton while Databases "want to be" transient is clear indication of code smell. This introduces an illogical coupling which is at the root of all the problems described here.

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Shane32 commented Oct 15, 2020

You can write code schema-first, which behaves in a pattern more like you describe. I prefer to write my code in a MVC-style, where the schema is inferred from the code. However, it seems to be much too complex at present. I'm working on a separate project which will allow a more traditional "MVC-style" approach to writing graphs. See PR #1376

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zaneclaes commented Oct 15, 2020

You can write code schema-first, which behaves in a pattern more like you describe.

I'm familiar with schema-first, but that does not mean that the schema implements business logic. In fact, it remains an anti-pattern, even in schema-first code -- as you can see by looking at Apollo's docs, which is the canonical schema first implementation. You won't find any database queries in your Apollo schema declarations.

schema is inferred from the code

Agreed, I prefer this as well. However, it necessitates two things:

  • A schema which is concretely extracted from the code to achieve a hermetic deployment to prod
  • Good CI tooling against type regressions and incompatibilities

... I'm a little hesitant to mention, so please don't think ill of me, but I built Airbnb's GraphQL implementation in ~2015 (?). I worked directly in collaboration with the Facebook folks, back when GraphQL was pretty new. We spent a fair bit of time discussing this exact topic ;) i.e., the relationship between schema and code, so I'm having some serious "Whiteboard deja-vu."

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Shane32 commented Oct 15, 2020

No problem; I'm quite interested in your viewpoint. Can you explain a little further here:

A schema which is concretely extracted from the code to achieve a hermetic deployment to prod

I'm not sure I quite follow you.

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Happy to.

At Airbnb, our concern was fast moving developers who did not take the end-client into consideration. I started as a mobile app developer, and my backend friends tended to forget that we mobile developers couldn't just re-deploy the client app if a field type changed. So as I moved into backend and worked on GraphQL, we discussed how to ensure that our deployments were "regression-proof."

To that end, we concluded that the GraphQL schema MUST stand on its own, in a static file, that can be analyzed by any well formed GraphQL client. If you want to derive your schema from code, this means that your output should be a static file that's deployed to the server, and not runtime generated. This adheres to the same principles as a package manager which employs version locking, or a Dockerfile -- which is where the term "hermetic deployments" come from.

Hermetic deployments imply a guarantee that, no matter what, your build will always act in the exact same manner (i.e., no external dependencies). The problem with runtime generating a schema file is that there is simply no way to be sure that you will get the same results every time. Even if you're using reflection of class types, it does not guarantee that your dependencies or downstreams have not changed, so you will always run the risk of generating a different schema than you intended and thereby breaking the clients.

... which brings us to the second point. Assuming that your schema file is generated as (for example) a built artifact by your CI tooling, then now you can use any well-formed GraphQL client to tool against regressions.

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Shane32 commented Oct 15, 2020

In this project, CI tests generate a definition of every public/protected member exposed by this API. Then it checks that against a known definition to be sure that a PR does not change the exposed API.

Is that comparable to what you are describing? So during the CI tests, a schema file would be generated and compared to an approved schema file, so that if any changes are made (be it directly or indirectly), it is known and approved. This of course assumes that once the code is built and published, the runtime-generated schema will not change. (e.g. nobody changes the dll files after the project is built and published)

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zaneclaes commented Oct 15, 2020

In this project, CI tests generate a definition of every public/protected member exposed by this API. Then it checks that against a known definition to be sure that a PR does not change the exposed API.

That sounds like a good solution, yeah! The key bit being: the CI generates an artifact, a.k.a., an actual file or something which is "static" and cannot be changed, tied to that exact version of the app.

Sounds like you've got that covered:

a schema file would be generated and compared to an approved schema file, so that if any changes are made (be it directly or indirectly), it is known and approved

Ah, but here concerns me:

This of course assumes that once the code is built and published, the runtime-generated schema will not change

So does the code generate the schema at runtime? Or pull from a file generated by the CI?

. (e.g. nobody changes the dll files after the project is built and published)

The project's DLLs are not the only thing that would change a runtime-generated schema. Consider, for example, what happens if my project uses models imported from another DLL. I could upgrade that DLL without upgrading my project, thereby changing the schema.

In my scenario, with a static schema, the server might experience errors coercing the old type into the new type. But that's a good thing! Server errors are much easier to catch than client errors, and can be rolled back quickly. In a runtime-generated scenario, the mobile apps just crash mysteriously.

edit granted, as I think about this, it seems less likely with a standard C# project since the .project file bakes in the dependency versions via NuGet. In other languages, it's more common to upgrade dependencies without necessarily re-compiling the project itself.

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... as I reflect more, I recall that part of our problems had to do with the fact that we were on Ruby on Rails, which is much more susceptible to this kind of problem. You can monkey patch classes, redefine types, etc. at runtime with Ruby (like most scripted languages). This can dramatically alter the generated schema.

So if you're confident that the schema is derived from 100% static analysis (e.g., reflection) rather than "true" runtime (e.g., calling user functions), I would agree that your point about the DLL holds.

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So during the CI tests, a schema file would be generated and compared to an approved schema file, so that if any changes are made (be it directly or indirectly), it is known and approved.

This is exactly what we do on dozens of our backend services. It works well. It looks like this

        public void Service_Schema_Should_Be_Approved()
            using var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope();
            var serviceSchema = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<SomeBackendServiceSchema>();
            var schemaPrinter = new SchemaPrinter(serviceSchema, new SchemaPrinterOptions
                IncludeDeprecationReasons = true,
                IncludeDescriptions = true,

            string schema = schemaPrinter.Print();
            schema.ShouldMatchApproved(opts => opts.WithFilenameGenerator((_, p1, type, p2) => $"backend.{type}.schema"));

See Shouldly for ShouldMatchApproved.

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zaneclaes commented Oct 15, 2020

This is exactly what we do on dozens of our backend services. It works well. It looks like this

Out of curiosity, does your introspection query end up serving the backend.{type}.schema file, or does it instantiate a new SchemaPrinter? I've now convinced myself the two equivalent in a C# project with locked dependencies, but still curious.

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Introspection query to "live" service is handled as any other graphql request. No static file or SchemaPrinter is used. See

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