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rssBriefing a.k.a. RoboBriefing - a NLP powered daily news briefing app

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rssBriefing a.k.a. RoboBriefing 🤖

RoboBriefing 🤖 (recently "re-branded" from previously: rssBriefing) is a RSS/Atom fuelled fully automated daily news briefing app, powered by Natural Language Processing models (gensim's LDA, Facebook's BART).

Beta testing has started:

Briefing generation pipeline with LDA and BART

Briefing generation outline


  • improve handling of python -m spacy download en to download spaCy English language library 'en_core_web_sm'
  • due to transformers Issue #4504 -> current necessity to install transformers from source
  • add standard bash scripts to run the full briefing generation pipeline:
    • python -m rssbriefing.scripts.update_all_feeds
    • python -m rssbriefing.briefing_model.briefing
    • python -m rssbriefing.scripts.send_briefing_emails

How to run with pyenv virtualenv

Having pyenv installed, clone the repo and cd into the directory:

git clone
cd rssBriefing

Then create a virtual environment with pyenv specifying python version 3.7.4 (if necessary first install: pyenv install 3.7.4), activate it and install requirements:

pyenv virtualenv 3.7.4 <environment_name>
pyenv activate  <environment_name>
pip install -r requirements.txt

Please follow current TODO instructions to manually download the spaCy English language model and install transformers from source:

python -m spacy download en
cd ..
git clone
cd transformers
pip install .

Run the flask app in development mode:

cd rssBriefing
flask run

When done:

pyenv deactivate

How to run with Docker

[Docker instructions haven't been updated yet with the notes in TODO]

Clone the repo and cd into the directory:

git clone
cd rssBriefing

Build a Docker image from the Dockerfile:

docker build -t rssbriefing .

Run the app in a Docker container, by default a temporary sqlite db will be initiated inside the container with a database migration:

docker run -e DB_UPGRADE=1 -p 5000:5000 rssbriefing

to customize your container create an .env file in the repository root directory before calling docker run:

# setting secret keys
export SECRET_FLASK_KEY='set_your_secret_key'

# add URL to your database
export DATABASE_URL=""

# set Flask environment: development or production (default)
export FLASK_ENV="development"

# choose App configs: config.DevelopmentConfig or config.ProductionConfig
export APP_SETTINGS=""

# set a code for the registration process
export BETA_CODE="test"

Finally open in browser:


rssBriefing a.k.a. RoboBriefing - a NLP powered daily news briefing app






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