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release 2021.2.1

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@Qyriad Qyriad released this 23 Feb 16:08

The third major release of the modern GreatFET software and firmware stacks. As usual, this release contains firmware images in firmware-bin, host software in host-packages, and a copy of all sources necessary to build the entire codebase.

NOTE: We no longer support Python 2. This release targets Python 3.6+.

Highlights for this release:

  • This release adds a new chipcon programmer for Texas Instruments CCxxxx ("SWRA124") devices.
    • In Python: chipcon = gf.create_programmer('chipcon')
      • From there you can perform manual operations like chipcon.run_instruction() and read_xdata_memory(),
      • Or use higher-level interface methods like program_flash() and read_flash().
    • Flash operations can also be done from the command line with greatfet chipcon.
  • This release adds a new programmer for Microchip I2C EEPROM devices: eeprom = gf.create_programmer('microchipEEPROM', device='24LC128').
    • This mainly provides two higher-level methods: read_bytes(start, end), and write_bytes(start, data).

Major bugfixes:

  • #344: Facedancer with bMaxPacketSize0 < 32 does not work.

Happy hacking!