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Workshop for Teams

Do this as a Team in a group

  • only once, not every team member separately
  • choose base language
    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • Java
    • C#
  • hint: no need for framework (eg. spring/express/ASP.NET or any package/library), just plain old #language
  • create a repo and a project
  • create a gitignore file with appropriate content for the chosen language
  • commit and push these together, so every team member will have the same initialized project
  • assign your team members to
    • Member A
    • Member B
    • Member C
    • Member D (only if there's 4 person in your group)
  • if you have 3 members ignore the Member D tasks section, the (d)-s, and when you need to 'Do only one:' then choose the task for 3 members
  • if you have 4 members when you need to 'Do only one:' then choose the task for 4 members
  • wait for commits on remote means refreshing the github so you can check if the the commit is pushed
  • and after this follow your section separately

Member A tasks

  • clone the empty project repo
  • create a method (this will be referenced as your method from now on), called greet in a file/class of your choice that prints out your name
  • commit as 'a1' and push
  • wait for abc(d)1 commits then pull
  • you should have 3(4 if there's D) files with 3(4 if there's D) methods
  • modify your method to have one parameter and print that out
  • commit as 'a2' and push
  • modify count method to print out the number of the month you're born in
  • wait for abc(d)2 commit on remote
  • commit as 'a3' and push
  • examine the conflicts
    • check what change is yours, whats not
    • what is HEAD
  • resolve conflicts (remove the <<< and >>> lines, and merge the code)
  • commit as 'a4' and push
  • wait for abc(d)4 commits then pull
  • create a branch called yourname-twoparam
    • good branch names always indicates the creators name and the feature they plan to work on
    • hint: git checkout -b branchname
  • modify your method to have two parameters and print out both
  • commit as 'a5' and push
    • hint: you'll need to specify the remote and the remote branch, since this is the first commit of this branch
    • now you should have the branch on github as well, check that!
  • do a simple merge locally
    • checkout the master branch (this will be the branch you're merging to)
    • git merge branchname_youremerging_from
    • see? if there are no conflicts merge is done easily :)
  • now push the master branch
  • wait for abc(d)5 commits in remote's master branch
  • checkout your feature branch again
  • Do only one:
    • 3 members: modify the cheer method to print out 'Cheer for the parameter'
    • 4 members: modify the future method to print out 'Your future looks like parameter'
  • commit as 'a6' and push to your branch
  • go on github and create a pull request
    • base fork should be the master branch
    • head fork should be your branch
    • this will create a request on github for your changes to be merged automatically to the master branch
    • You can set a title and a description to describe the changes
    • Do only one:
      • 3 members: Select Member C for assignee (who will review and accept your request)
      • 4 members: Select Member D for assignee (who will review and accept your request)
  • wait for Member B's pull request, check it
    • there should be a the title, the description, the commits, and you can see the changes made
    • there should be a big Accept this Pull Request button, currently in disabled state
    • tell Member B that she/he needs to resolve conflicts on that branch for this PR to be acceptable
  • probably you got the same instruction so resolve the conflict on your PR
    • if you're not on that branch, checkout
    • merge in the master branch
    • hint: remember be on the branch you want to merge to
    • now you want to merge to your branch
  • wait for Member B's PR's update on Github
    • if its acceptable, accept it

Member B tasks

  • clone the empty project repo
  • create a method (this will be referenced as your method from now on), called count in a file/class of your choice that prints out your age
  • commit as 'b1' and push
  • wait for abc(d)1 commits then pull
  • you should have 3(4 if there's D) files with 3(4 if there's D) methods
  • modify your method to have one parameter and print that out
  • commit as 'b2' and push
  • modify cheer method to print out your chosen base language
  • wait for abc(d)2 commit on remote
  • commit as 'b3' and push
  • examine the conflicts
    • check what change is yours, whats not
    • what is HEAD
  • resolve conflicts (remove the <<< and >>> lines, and merge the code)
  • commit as 'b4' and push
  • wait for abc(d)4 commits then pull
  • create a branch called yourname-twoparam
    • good branch names always indicates the creators name and the feature they plan to work on
    • hint: git checkout -b branchname
  • modify your method to have two parameters and print out both
  • commit as 'b5' and push
    • hint: you'll need to specify the remote and the remote branch, since this is the first commit of this branch
    • now you should have the branch on github as well, check that!
  • do a simple merge locally
    • checkout the master branch (this will be the branch you're merging to)
    • git merge branchname_youremerging_from
    • see? if there are no conflicts merge is done easily :)
  • now push the master branch
  • wait for abc(d)5 commits in remote's master branch
  • checkout your feature branch again
  • modify the greet method to print out 'Greetings for the parameter'
  • commit as 'b6' and push to your branch
  • go on github and create a pull request
    • base fork should be the master branch
    • head fork should be your branch
    • this will create a request on github for your changes to be merged automatically to the master branch
    • You can set a title and a description to describe the changes
    • Select Member A for assignee (who will review and accept your request)
  • wait for Member C's pull request, check it
    • there should be a the title, the description, the commits, and you can see the changes made
    • there should be a big Accept this Pull Request button, currently in disabled state
    • tell Member C that she/he needs to resolve conflicts on that branch for this PR to be acceptable
  • probably you got the same instruction so resolve the conflict on your PR
    • if you're not on that branch, checkout
    • merge in the master branch
    • hint: remember be on the branch you want to merge to
    • now you want to merge to your branch
  • wait for Member C's PR's update on Github
    • if its acceptable, accept it

Member C tasks

  • clone the empty project repo
  • create a method (this will be referenced as your method from now on), called cheer in a file/class of your choice that prints out the team name
  • commit as 'c1' and push
  • wait for abc(d)1 commits then pull
  • you should have 3(4 if there's D) files with 3(4 if there's D) methods
  • modify your method to have one parameter and print that out
  • commit as 'c2' and push
  • Do only one:
    • 3 members: modify greet method to print out 'Greetings!'
    • 4 members: modify future method to print out your Chinese horoscope sign
  • wait for abc(d)2 commit on remote
  • commit as 'c3' and push
  • examine the conflicts
    • check what change is yours, whats not
    • what is HEAD
  • resolve conflicts (remove the <<< and >>> lines, and merge the code)
  • commit as 'c4' and push
  • wait for abc(d)4 commits then pull
  • create a branch called yourname-twoparam
    • good branch names always indicates the creators name and the feature they plan to work on
    • hint: git checkout -b branchname
  • modify your method to have two parameters and print out both
  • commit as 'c5' and push
    • hint: you'll need to specify the remote and the remote branch, since this is the first commit of this branch
    • now you should have the branch on github as well, check that!
  • do a simple merge locally
    • checkout the master branch (this will be the branch you're merging to)
    • git merge branchname_youremerging_from
    • see? if there are no conflicts merge is done easily :)
  • now push the master branch
  • wait for abc(d)5 commits in remote's master branch
  • checkout your feature branch again
  • modify the count method to print out 'Counting the countless parameter'
  • commit as 'c6' and push to your branch
  • go on github and create a pull request
    • base fork should be the master branch
    • head fork should be your branch
    • this will create a request on github for your changes to be merged automatically to the master branch
    • You can set a title and a description to describe the changes
    • Select Member B for assignee (who will review and accept your request)
  • Do only one:
    • 3 members: wait for Member A's pull request, check it
    • 4 members: wait for Member D's pull request, check it
  • there should be a the title, the description, the commits, and you can see the changes made
    • there should be a big Accept this Pull Request button, currently in disabled state
    • Do only one:
      • 3 members: tell Member B that she/he needs to resolve conflicts on that branch for this PR to be acceptable
      • 4 members: tell Member D that she/he needs to resolve conflicts on that branch for this PR to be acceptable
  • probably you got the same instruction so resolve the conflict on your PR
    • if you're not on that branch, checkout
    • merge in the master branch
    • hint: remember be on the branch you want to merge to
    • now you want to merge to your branch
  • Do only one:
    • 3 members: wait for Member B's PR's update on Github
    • 4 members: wait for Member D's PR's update on Github
  • if its acceptable, accept it

Member D tasks

  • clone the empty project repo
  • create a method (this will be referenced as your method from now on), called future in a file/class of your choice that prints out your horoscope sign
  • commit as 'd1' and push
  • wait for abc(d)1 commits then pull
  • you should have 3(4 if there's D) files with 3(4 if there's D) methods
  • modify your method to have one parameter and print that out
  • commit as 'd2' and push
  • modify greet method to print out 'Greetings!'
  • wait for abc(d)2 commits on remote
  • commit as 'd3' and push
  • examine the conflicts
    • check what change is yours, whats not
    • what is HEAD
  • resolve conflicts (remove the <<< and >>> lines, and merge the code)
  • commit as 'd4' and push
  • wait for abc(d)4 commits then pull
  • create a branch called yourname-twoparam
    • good branch names always indicates the creators name and the feature they plan to work on
    • hint: git checkout -b branchname
  • modify your method to have two parameters and print out both
  • commit as 'd5' and push
    • hint: you'll need to specify the remote and the remote branch, since this is the first commit of this branch
    • now you should have the branch on github as well, check that!
  • do a simple merge locally
    • checkout the master branch (this will be the branch you're merging to)
    • git merge branchname_youremerging_from
    • see? if there are no conflicts merge is done easily :)
  • now push the master branch
  • wait for abc(d)5 commits in remote's master branch
  • checkout your feature branch again
  • modify the cheer method to print out 'Cheer for the parameter'
  • commit as 'd6' and push to your branch
  • go on github and create a pull request
    • base fork should be the master branch
    • head fork should be your branch
    • this will create a request on github for your changes to be merged automatically to the master branch
    • You can set a title and a description to describe the changes
    • Select Member C for assignee (who will review and accept your request)
  • wait for Member A's pull request, check it
    • there should be a the title, the description, the commits, and you can see the changes made
    • there should be a big Accept this Pull Request button, currently in disabled state
    • tell Member A that she/he needs to resolve conflicts on that branch for this PR to be acceptable
  • probably you got the same instruction so resolve the conflict on your PR
    • if you're not on that branch, checkout
    • merge in the master branch
    • hint: remember be on the branch you want to merge to
    • now you want to merge to your branch
  • wait for Member A's PR's update on Github
    • if its acceptable, accept it


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