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Go Server

What's here?

  • db-srv - database microservice. A proxy microservice to object storages backends (MySQL, InfluxDB, Redis, etc.)
  • cloudkey-srv - key management service cloudkey-srv which is backed by Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS).
  • organisation-srv - service to store user organizations. Multi tenancy support
  • user-srv - user and authentication microservice. User objects, sessions, etc.
  • api - an external restful API.



Install Consul

Run Consul

$ consul agent -dev -advertise=

Install go-micro Quick start

Install and run NATS

$ go get
$ gnatsd

How to run

Please, refer to a README section of each microservice for more details. Basically, it requires building and running each microservice with a few special command for some of the microservices.

or with Docker

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

# to stop it
$ docker-compose down

Copy-paste instruction for running a development configuration is available further in the readme.

CURRENT LIMITATION (OS X). Before you run Docker compose you have to set your docker machine IP.

$ docker-machine ip

If this IP is different from you should change all the occurrences of to you IP in files "docker-compose.yml", "db-srv/Dockerfile.db" and run docker-compose

How to test

  1. Run microservices as described in readme files
  2. Go to ./src/server of you go path
  3. Test services
$ go test ./...

DevOps instructions

Update Docker images

  1. Get access to healum Docker hub and login
$ docker login
  1. Rebuild the Docker image with the new version (+1 to the old version)
$ docker build --pull -f Dockerfile.parent -t "healum/server:v2" .
  1. Push the image
$ docker push healum/server:v2
  1. Update the version on all the images of the container

Build micro with NATS

  1. In $GOPATH/src/ create plugins.go
  2. Add the following content ot plugins.go
package main

import (
	// nats transport
	_ ""

	// nats broker
	_ ""
  1. Rebuild micro
$ go build -i -o $GOPATH/bin/micro $GOPATH/src/ $GOPATH/src/

Restart consul

$ consul agent -dev -advertise=
$ ps -A | grep -m1 consul | awk '{print $1}' 
$ sudo kill -9 consul_id
$ consul agent -dev -advertise=

Update dependencies

The vendoring package is committed with the repo. To update dependencies for each microservice (with installed glide):

remove vendor folder content
$ glide cache-clear
$ glide up -- quick
$ glide install --force
commit dependancies

Commit the vendor folder

Run protobuf

$ brew update && brew install --devel protobuf
$ go get -u{proto,protoc-gen-go}
$ protoc -I$GOPATH/src --go_out=plugins=micro:$GOPATH/src $GOPATH/src/server/user-srv/proto/user/user.proto  

Configure shell for Docker

$ docker-machine start
$ eval "$(docker-machine env default)" 

if there are problems with OS X Docker VM

$ docker-machine restart              # Restart the environment
$ eval $(docker-machine env default)  # Refresh your environment settings

Drop MySQL database

$ mysqladmin drop test_db --user=root


export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin

Run the API

# consul
consul agent -dev -advertise=

# nats
gnatsd -DV

# db-srv
micro register service '{"name": "go.micro.db.mysql", "version": "0.0.1", "nodes": [{"id": "kv-1", "address": "", "port": 3306, "metadata": {"driver": "mysql"}}]}'
micro register service '{"name": "go.micro.db.elasticsearch", "version": "0.0.1", "nodes": [{"id": "kv-2", "address": "", "port": 9200, "metadata": {"driver": "elasticsearch"}}]}'
micro register service '{"name": "go.micro.db.redis", "version": "0.0.1", "nodes": [{"id": "kv-3", "address": "", "port": 6379, "metadata": {"driver": "redis"}}]}'
micro register service '{"name": "go.micro.db.arangodb", "version": "0.0.1", "nodes": [{"id": "kv-4", "address": "", "port": 8529, "metadata": {"driver": "arangodb"}}]}'
micro register service '{"name": "go.micro.db.influxdb", "version": "0.0.1", "nodes": [{"id": "kv-5", "address": "", "port": 8086, "metadata": {"driver": "influxdb"}}]}'
go get server/db-srv && db-srv -config ./src/server/db-srv/config.json --database_service_namespace=go.micro.db --broker=nats --transport=nats --broker_address= --transport_address=

# user-srv
go get server/user-srv && user-srv -config ./src/server/user-srv/config.json --broker=nats --transport=nats --broker_address= --transport_address=

# cloudkey-srv
go get server/cloudkey-srv && cloudkey-srv -config ./src/server/cloudkey-srv/config.json --broker=nats --transport=nats --broker_address= --transport_address=

# organisation-srv
go get server/organisation-srv && organisation-srv -config ./src/server/organisation-srv/config.json --broker=nats --transport=nats --broker_address= --transport_address=

# api
micro --api_handler=proxy api
go get server/api && api -config ./src/server/api/config.json --broker=nats --transport=nats --broker_address= --transport_address=

# metrics
telegraf -config ./src/server/metrics/telegraf.conf

The API Demo

The purpose of the demo is a demonstration of the external API usage with underlying microservices interactions. During the demo newly created users will exchange messages in a room.

Variables used here:

API_ADDRESS address of the API (example: for OS X, for Linux). is used further

FIRST_USER_SESSION_ID - session ID of the first user on login (example: erLjzlWo1C9h9x3QnSScaZSX4YVNLXkb)

SECOND_USER_SESSION_ID - session ID of the second user on login (example: HD7hP3NRfQ8AFf1FpBUJ7Pcw7pRnOwFH)

ROOM_ID - ID of a room created (example: ZBzKPXMYm8FNFNQ5uFIh7uXQPvd7T8vl)

Create two users

Create the first user

echo '{"user": {"email": "", "orgid": "orgid"}, "password": "pass"}' | curl -d @- -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  "user": {
   "id": "1653185779643901076",
   "email": "",
   "orgid": "orgid",
   "created": 1504688339,
   "updated": 1504688339

If the user already exists, just create a user with another email.

Create the second user

echo '{"user": {"email": "", "orgid": "orgid"}, "password": "pass"}' | curl -d @- -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  "user": {
   "id": "3610389916378849322",
   "email": "",
   "created": 1469375164,
   "updated": 1469375164

Authenticate users

When users authenticated they get a session id and can perform operations on a server. The session id must be passed to queries so the server can identify authenticated users. There are a few authentication methods. The following method uses email and password. Login for the first user. The "id" field contains FIRST_USER_SESSION_ID (without quotes):

echo '{"email": "", "password": "pass", "orgid": "orgid"}' | curl -d @- -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  "session": {
   "id": "MmkqgyS7lHMjhLJ8K03TfyOea5VURv5Q",
   "email": "",
   "orgid": "orgid",
   "created": 1504688398,
   "expires": 1505293198

Login for the second user. The "id" field contains SECOND_USER_SESSION_ID (without quotes)::

echo '{"email": "", "password": "pass"}' | curl -d @- -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  "session": {
   "id": "HD7hP3NRfQ8AFf1FpBUJ7Pcw7pRnOwFH",
   "email": "",
   "created": 1469375193,
   "expires": 1469979993

Save the session IDs of the users, because it is required for further commands. A new session id is generated everytime the user os logged in, old session ID is removed in that case.


Golang with microservices






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