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An evented binary packet and structure parser for Node.js.



Node Packet creates binary parsers and serializers that are incremental, streaming, and pausable through a binary pattern language that is declarative and very expressive.

Node Packet simplifies the construction an maintainence of libraries that convert binary to JavaScript and back. The name Packet may make you think that it is designed solely for binary network protocols, but it is also great for reading and writing binary file formats.

Incremental — Node packet creates incremental parsers and serailizers that are almost as fast as the parser you'd write by hand, but a lot easier to define and maintain.

Declarative — Packet defines a binary structure using a pattern language inspired by Perl's pack. The binary patterns are used to define both parsers and serializers. If you have a protocol specification, or even just a C header file with structures that define your binary data, you can probably translate that directly into Node Packet patterns.

For parsers, you associate the patterns to callbacks invoked with captured values when the pattern is extracted from the stream. For serializers you simply give the values to write along with the pattern to follow when writing them.

Expressive — The pattern language can express

  • signed and unsigned integers,
  • endianess of singed and unsigned integers,
  • floats and doubles,
  • fixed length arrays of characters or numbers,
  • length encoded strings of characters or numbers,
  • zero terminated strings of characters or numbers,
  • said strings terminated any fixed length terminator you specify,
  • padding of said strings with any padding value you specify,
  • singed and unsigned integers extracted from bit packed integers,
  • conditions based on bit patterns
  • character encodings,
  • custom tranformations,
  • and pipelines of character encodings and custom tranformations.

Streaming — Node Packet implements the Node.js stream interface in both the Parser and the Serializer. You can pump a stream into a Packet Parser and it will invoke your packet handlers.

Pausable — The streams implemented by both parsers and serializers are pausable. Parsers relay the pause to the source stream, and mark thier spot in the buffer they are parsing. Serializers can effectively pause the user code that is feeding the serializer.


Parsing not searching — Packet is not a pattern matching library. It does not search binary streams for patterns. Packet is used for parsing well-defined streams of binary data.

8-bit boundaries — I'm unable to think of an an example in contemporary computing that doesn't align to an 8-bit boundary, but the world is big and I am small, so I plan on being surprised. I can also imagine that someone might want to unleash Packet on legacy data someday, from way back when a byte was whatever a computer maufacturer said it was.

Therefore, It's worth noting that Packet parses 8-bit bytes and expects bytes to align to an 8-bit boundary. Node Packet can parse 7-bit ASCII formats like tar archives, because they are 8-bit aligned with the top bit ignored. Packet can also parse and serialize bit packed integers, so it does support awkward integer sizes, but within an 8-bit aligned integer.


Install Packet using NPM. The source is available on GitHub.

npm install packet

Parsers and Serializers

Node Packet defines a binrary format using a binary pattern language inspried by Perl's pack function. The pattern language is used in a Parser to define the parameters passed to callback when enough bytes are read from the input stream to satisfy the pattern. The pattern language is used in a Serializer to define how JavaScript primitives passed to the serialize method are written to stream.


Patterns are a series of element declarations joined by commas.

parser.parse("b16, b32, b8z", function (length, address, name) {
  frobinate(length, address, name);

You can also name the elements in a pattern. If named, parsers will be able to pass maps to callbacks, serializers will be able to serialize maps of data.

parser.parse("b16 => length, b32 => address, b8z => name", function (record) {
  frobinate(record.length, record.address,;

Unnamed elements are good for short, simple patterns. For longer patterns it is easier to have parsers build maps for you, and for serializers to pluck the right values out of maps.

The following example shows a complicated pattern, the invariable portion of an IP header, the first 20 bytes before options, if any.

// Define an IP header pattern using a joined array to explode the pattern.
ip =
[ "b8{b4 => version, b4 => headerLength}"
, "b8   => typeOfService"
, "b16  => length"
, "b16  => identification"
, "b16{b3 => flags, b13 => fragmentOffset}"
, "b8   => timeToLive"
, "b8   => protocol"
, "b16  => checksum"
, "b32  => sourceAddress"
, "b32  => destinationAddress"
].join(", ");

// The pattern is then used to defined parser and serializer actions.
parser.parse(ip, function (header) {


Parsers implement the writable stream interface. First you set a binary pattern that the parser will use to interpret the stream. Then you write a byte stream into the parser and it generates events based on the values it extracts from the stream.

The extracted values are fed to callbacks. Callback are associated with a binary pattern by passing the pattern and callback to the extract method.

function parse (writable) {
  var parser = new Parser();
  parser.extract("b8, b8z|utf8(), b16[4]", function (flag, name, array) {
    switch (flag) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
      aim(name, array);
    case 3:
      fire(name, array);
      throw new Error("Invalid stream.");

You can gather up your pattern and callback associations and give them meaningful using the pattern method. This makes it easier to define the flow of the paser. The example above only extracted one pattern, while the example below shows how you would transition from one extraction to the next.

function parse (writable) {
  var parser = new Parser();
  parser.pattern("command", "b8, b8z|utf8(), b16[4]",
  function (flag, name, array) {
    switch (flag) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
      aim(name, array);
      fire(name, array);

Note that while parser does implement EventEmitter, that is only for the sake of the WritableStream interface. Extracted values are passed directly to the callbacks associated with the pattern, not though an EventEmitter event, so that their is no ambiguity about the pattern applied or the values extracted.

The parser callback recieves the values either as positioned function arguments or as an object. How the callback is invoked is based on the pattern and the arity of the callback function.

In the examples above, callbacks are invoked with positioned arguments. The values extracted are passed to the callback as arguments in the order in which they were extracted from the stream.

To receive an object in the callback, we defined named elements. When the pattern has at least one named element, and the callback has only a single argument, an object is passed to the callback containing the values using the element names as keys.

function parse (writable) {
  var parser = new Parser();
  parser.pattern("command", "b8 => flag, b8z|utf8() => name, b16[4] => array",
  function (command) {
    switch (command.flag) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
      aim(, command.array);
      fire(, command.array);

Unnamed elements are excluded, but there's no good reason not name them. Use a skip pattern to skip over unwanted bytes instead.

You can still get positioned arguments using a named pattern. Just provide a callback with more than one argument and it will be invoked with the extract values as parameters.

function parse (writable) {
  var parser = new Parser();
  parser.pattern("command", "b8 => flag, b8z|utf8() => name, b16[4] => array",
  function (foo, bar, baz) { // Ignore named elements, ask for parameters.
    switch (foo) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
      aim(bar, baz);
      fire(bar, baz);

A callback for a pattern without any named elements is always invoked with values as parameters regardless of arity.

Binary Pattern Fields

The binary pattern language is used to specify the fields binary structures in data streams, using a comma separated field pattern.

Big-Endian Byte Ordering

To define a big-endian byte ordering for a field, prefix the bit size with b.

Mnemonic: The letter b stands for big-endian.

"b16"             // Big-endian 32 bit number.
"b8"              // Endianess of a single byte is irrelevant.
"l16, b8"         // Big-endian 16 bit integer followed by a byte.

Little-Endian Byte Ordering

To define a little-endian byte ordering for a field, prefix the bit size with l.

Mnemonic: The letter l stands for little-endian.

"l32"             // Little-endian 32 bit integer.
"l8"              // Endianess of a single byte is irrelevant.
"l16, b8"         // Little endian 16 bit integer followed by a byte.

Skipping Bytes

You can skip over bytes your pattern with x.

Mnemonic: The letter x means to cross-out, which is kind of like skipping.

"b8, x16, l16"    // A byte, two skipped bytes, and a little-endian 16 bit
                  // integer.

Signed Versus Unsigned Integers

All numbers are assumed to be unsigned, unless prefixed by a negative symbol.

Mnemonic: The - symbol indicates the possiblity of negative numbers.

"-b32"            // Big-endian 32 bit signed integer.
"-l32"            // Little-endian 32 bit signed integer.
"b32"             // Big-endian 32 bit unsigned integer.

IEEE 754 Floating Point Numbers

The number type for JavaScript is the 64 bit IEEE 754 floating point. Node Packet can read write 64 bit and 32 bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers.

To indicated that the type is a floating point number, use the f type suffix. This is indicated with a f suffix.

Mnemonic: The letter f stands for floating-point.

"b64f"            // Big-endian 64 bit IEEE 754 double floating point number.
"l32f"            // Little-endian 32 bit IEEE 754 single floating point number.

The floating-point numbers can be stored in little-endian or big-endian byte order.

Arrays of Raw Bytes

A value will be converted to a big-endian array of bytes if followed by an a suffix.

Mnemonic: The letter a stands for array.

"l128a"           // Unsigned little-endian 128 bit integer as big-endian array
                  // of bytes.

Note that big-endian means that the most signifcant byte is at index 0 of the array.

This can be surprising if you're expecting the the significance of the bytes will increase with the index of the array, but then that's what little-endian is all about. (Big-endian orders like Arabic numerals, while little-endian orders like offsets into memory.)

If you'd prefer a little-endian array, simply call reverse on the array passed to you.

Arrays of Common Types

It is often the case that a binary format contains an array of values. The most common case are arrays of bytes represnting ASCII or UTF-8 strings.

Arrays are specified with an subscript and a count.

Mnemonic: The square brackets are used as array subscripts in JavaScript, and used to declare array length in other C dialect languages.

"b32[4]"          // An array of four big-endian 32 bit numbers.
"b8[16]"          // An array of 16 bytes.

The array notation produces an array of the type before the subscript.

Zero Terminated Arrays

Zero terminated series are speified with a z qualifier.

You can specify both terminiation and width together. Why would you need this? This occurs in underlying C structures when there is a fixed width character array in a structure, but the structure still contains a zero terminated string.

Upcoming: Chose your own terminator.

Mnemonic: The letter z stands for zero.

"l16z"            // Little-endian 16 bit numbers terminated by a zero value.
"b8z"             // Byte string terminated by zero.
"b8[12]z"         // Byte string terminated by zero in a field 12 bytes long.

Array Padding

You can specify a padding value immediately after the array brackets using curly braces. This should be the numeric value, or character code for padding. If you want to zero pad, use 0. If you want to pad with ASCII spaces use 32.

Mnemonic: Curly braces are used to define array literals in C.

"b16[12]{0}"      // Array of 12 big-endian 16 bit integers, zero padded.
"b8[12]{32}z"     // Byte string terminated by zero in a field 12 bytes long
                  // ascii space padded.

Length Encoded Arrays

Length encoded arrays are specified by joining a count type and a value type with a forward slash character /.

Mnemonic: Inspired by Perl's pack, which uses the slash to separate count and type.

"b8/b8"           // Length encoded byte array with a byte length.
"l16/b8"          // Length encoded byte array with 16 bit little-endian length.

Bit Packed Integers

Integers are often divided into smaller integers through a process called bit packing. Bit packing is specified by following an integer specification with a curly brace enclosed series series of integers patterns whose total size in bits equals the size of the packed integer.

Packed integers are always big-endian and can be either singed or unsigned.

Mnemonic Curly braces are used to define structures in C and bit packing is kind of like a structure.

"b16{b3,x6,-b7}"  // A 16 bit big-endian integer divided into a 3-bit integer,
                  // 6 skipped bits, and a signed 7-bit integer. 

You can also name the packed fields.

"b16{b3 => type, x6, -b7 => count}"

Alternate Patterns

A common pattern in binary formats is using the value of a byte, or the high order bits of a byte to specify the type of data to follow. Length Encoded Arrays are one example of this practice, where a an integer count indicates the length of a following string or array.

With an alternate pattern, Packet will extract an integer from the byte stream, then choose a pattern based on the value of that integer. The pattern is applied at the index where the integer used to choose the pattern was extracted. That is, the bytes used to choose the pattern are included when the pattern is applied. It is a peek and switch.

Alternate patterns are grouped by parenthesis ( and ) and delimited by pipes |. Each alternative maps a match to a pattern separated by a colon :.

Mnemonic — Parenthesis and pipes are used to indicate alternation in regular expressions, while colons are used to delineate switch options in C.

// MySQL length coded binary; if the byte is less than 252, use the byte value,
// otherwise the byte value indicates the length of the following word. 
"b8(0-251: b8 | 252: x8, b16 | 253: x8, b24 | 254: x8, b64)"

Conditions are either a value to match exactly or a range of values. Packet tests each condition is tested in order. Packet uses the alternation of the first condition to match the extracted integer is used. An alternate without a condition will always match. This is used to specify a default pattern.

// Simpiler, but will also match 255 which is invalid, which is fine if you test
// the value in your callback.
"b8(252: x8, b16 | 253: x8, b24 | 254: x8, b64 | b8)"

The values can be expressed in binary, decimal or hexadecimal.

Bitwise Alternate Patterns

You can also indicate a branch based on set bits by prefixing the value with an ampersand. Packet will use the value as a bit mask. If the result of a logical and with the bit mask equals the bit mask, then Packet use use that alternative.

Mnemonic The & performs a logical and in C and is used to check to see if bits in a bit mask are set.

"b8(&0x80: b16{x1,b15} | b8)"   // A 15-bit word if the first bit is set,
                                // otherwise a byte.

Bitwise conditions cannot be used in to choose a pattern for serialization. Upon serialization, the field value is a JavaScript number, not an stream of bytes. The bit flag simply does not exist.

Instead, we need to perform a range check to determine which pattern. To delimit alternate tests for reading and writing, we use a slash in the condition.

// A 15-bit word if the first bit is set, otherwise a byte.
"b8(&0x80/0x80-0xffff: b16{x1{1},b15} | b8)"

Multi-Field Alternate Patterns

Alternate patterns can define either a single field or multiple field. Alternate patterns can contain bit-packed patterns, but they cannot contain still more alternate patterns.

// Two alternate patterns with a different number of fields.
"b8(&0x80/1: b16{b1, b15}, b16|b32{b1, b31})"

In the above example, the serialization test would be applied to the field value in the position of the b1 field for either alternate.

Named Alternate Patterns

Names can be applied either to the entire alternation if the alternation produces a single field, or else to individual members of the alternate patterns.

// A single field mapped to a name.
"b8(&0x80/0x80-0xffff: b16{x1{1},b15} | b8) => number"

When serializing named multi-field patterns, for each alternate, Packet will use the first value of the property in the alternate for the serialization condition. Packet reads the property from the object we're serializing. If the value is not null, it is tested against the serialization condition. If it is null, the test is skipped. We use the first alternate whose object property is not null and whose serialization condition matches the object property.

// Multi-field alternates mapped to names.
"b8(&0x80/1: b16{b1 => control, b15 => type}, x16|b32{b1 => control, b31 => sequence})"


Often there are transformations that you need to perform on an field to get it to its final state. You may need to convert a byte array to string of a particular character encoding, for example. This is done with a tranformation functions which are specified with a transformation pipeline.

If the transformation is a fixed transformation, you can perform the transformation by defining a pipeline. A pipeline defines one or more tranformations that are invoked on the value after parsing and before serialization. The transformations can accept scalar JavaScript parameters.

function str(encoding, name, field, parsing, value) {
    if (parsing) {
        var buffer = new Buffer(array.length)
        for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
            buffer[i] = value[i];
        var length = value.length
        if (field.terminator) {
            length += field.terminator.length;
        reutrn buffer.toString(encoding, 0, length);
    } else {
        if (field.terminator) {
            value += field.terminator;
        return new Buffer(value, encoding);

Now you can use the transform in your pattern.

"n8z|str('ascii')"      // An ascii string terminated by zero.
"n8z|str('ascii'), b16" // An ascii string terminated by zero followed by a
                        // big-endian 16 bit integer.

The str transform is defined by default. The transform names are purposely terse to fit with the brevity of the pattern language.

Error Messages

Error messages for pattern parsing.

  • invalid pattern at N — The characters starting at the specified index is unexpected the pattern is invalid. The invalid character may not be at the specified index, but shortly there after, such as unmatched braces.
  • bit field overflow at N — The the sum of the bit size of bit field elements is greater than the size of the containing element. The sum of the bit size of bit field elements must equal the size of the containing element.
  • bit field underflow at N — The the sum of the bit size of bit field elements is less than the size of the containing element. The sum of the bit size of bit field elements must equal the size of the containing element.
  • bit size must be non-zero at N — Encountered element with a bit size of zero. Element size must be a non-zero value.
  • bits must be divisible by 8 at N — Encountered element with a bit size that is not divisible by 8. If an element is not a bit field element, it must align to an 8-bit boundary.
  • floats can only be 32 or 64 bits at N — Encountered a float element with an unsupported bit size. Only 32 and 64 bit floats are supported.
  • "array length must be non-zero at N — Encountered an array length of zero. Arrays must have a non-zero length.


@ packet

Node Packet exports the ec2 namespace, which provides the {{Structure}}, {{Parser}} and {{Serializer}} classes.

~ new Structure(pattern)

~ pattern

The packet pattern.

A structure is an object that both reads from and writes to a buffer syncrhonously. When reading, buffer must contain the entire contents of the structure. When writing, the buffer must have enough space to accomdoate the structure.

~ read(buffer, offset, callback)

~ buffer - The byte buffer. ~ offset? - The optional offset into the byte buffer. Defaults to 0. ~ callback - Called with the parameters read from the byte buffer.

The read method accepts a buffer with an optional offset. The number of arguments is determined by the structure packet pattern, and must match the number of arguments expected by the packet pattern.

The callback will be called with the fields read from the buffer, with the actual count of bytes read as the last parameter.

~ write(buffer, offset, value...)

~ buffer - The byte buffer. ~ offset? - The optional offset into the byte buffer. Defaults to 0. ~ value... - The values of the structure.

Write the arguments to the buffer at the optional offset. The arguments are determined by the structure bit pattern. Returns the number of bytes written.

~ sizeOf(value...)

~ value... - The values of the structure.

Get the size of the structure for the given variable length values. A structure can have 0 or more variable length values.

The sizeOf method does not expect and will not correctly calculate the size of the structure if fixed size value are given.

~ new Parser()

Parses a buffer and emits events based on patterns.

~ packet(name, pattern, callback)

~ name - The name of the packet type. ~ pattern - The packet pattern. ~ callback? - Called when a packet of this type has been read from a buffer.

Defines a named packet type optionally assigning a default response for the packet type.

function: parse

parameter: nameOrPattern

Either the name of a named packet or a one off

function: clone

Clone the packet parser to create a packet parser that shares the named packet definitions but has its own parser state.

This allows a packet parser prototype to be used to efficently create initialized instances.

class: Serializer

Change Log

Changes for each release.

Version 0.0.3

Released: Fri Aug 17 00:40:37 UTC 2012.

  • Fix Packet in NPM. #12.
  • Serialize alternate structures. #31.
  • Test serialization of words. #20.
  • Serializer not exported by index.js.
  • Named patterns reset buffer offset. #29.
  • Allow spaces before alternation condition. #28.
  • Create a markdown #18.
  • Build on Node 0.8 at Travis CI. #23.
  • Fix too greedy match of bit packing pattern. #19.
  • Skip leading whitespace in pattern. #15.


A byte-oritented packet parser for Node.js.







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