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Mutent is an agnostic solution to work with any Datastore.


  • Zero dependencies: small footprint.
  • Pure ES2018 code: any environment that can run ES2018 code can directly include this module. Downgrading with tools like Babel is still possible.
  • Extensible: a powerful hooks system in place.
  • Agnostic: can be configured to work with any Datastore through Adapters.
  • TypeScript: type declarations are included.
  • ESM: support native ESM.
  • CommonJS: support old Node.js runtimes (require).
  • Well tested: code coverage above 95%.


npm install --save mutent


Start from the Quickstart section.


import { Store } from 'mutent'

// Define simple array adapter (persist entities inside the array)
class ArrayAdapter {
  constructor(array = []) {
    this.array = array

  find(predicate) {
    return this.array.find(predicate)

  filter(predicate) {
    return this.array.filter(predicate)

  create(data) {

  update(oldData, newData) {
      this.array.findIndex(entity => entity === oldData),

  delete(data) {
      this.array.findIndex(entity => entity === data),

async function foo() {
  // Our "datastore"
  const database = []

  // Create mutent store
  const store = new Store({
    adapter: new ArrayAdapter(database)

  // Create a new entity
  const dexter = await store
      name: 'Dexter',
      protagonist: true
  console.log(dexter) // Dexter
  console.log(database) // Dexter

  // Create multiple entities
  const family = await store
        name: 'Dee Dee',
        protagonist: true
      { name: 'Mom' },
      { name: 'Dad' }
  console.log(family) // Dee Dee, Mom, Dad
  console.log(database) // Dexter, Dee Dee, Mom, Dad

  // Find one entity
  const firstProtagonist = await store
    .find(entity => entity.protagonist) // Declare adapter query
  console.log(firstProtagonist) // Dexter

  // Filter entities
  const allProtagonists = await store
    .filter(entity => entity.protagonist) // Declare adapter query
  console.log(allProtagonists) // Dexter, Dee Dee

  // Update
  const newDexter = await store
    .find(entity => === 'Dexter') // Declare adapter query
    .update(entity => ({ ...entity, surname: 'McPherson' })) // Declare entity mutation
  console.log(newDexter) // Dexter McPherson
  console.log(database) // Dexter McPherson, Dee Dee, Mom, Dad

  // Assign (update)
  const newDeeDee = await store
    .find(entity => === 'Dee Dee') // Declare adapter query
    .assign({ surname: 'McPherson' }) // Update with Object.assign()
  console.log(newDeeDee) // Dee Dee McPherson
  console.log(database) // Dexter McPherson, Dee Dee McPherson, Mom, Dad

  // Delete entities
  const deletedParents = await store
    .filter(entity => !entity.protagonist) // Declare adapter query
    .delete() // Tell mutent we want to delete matching entities
  console.log(deletedParents) // Mom, Dad
  console.log(database) // Dexter, Dee Dee

foo().catch(err => console.error(err))