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CrunchTime edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 6 revisions


This is front page of the community driven Grid12 Wiki. You can browse individual pages by scrolling through the pages, listed just to the right. You might also be interested in the Grid12 Nexus, an unofficial website inspired by the old RealmHub.

###Writing guidelines The wiki pages use the Markdown syntax, in order to be formatted in a fancy way. However, some HTML tags work too. See this cheatsheet for more information about Markdown and, more specifically, the custom one that is in use at GitHub.

We follow the KISS phylosophy, where KISS stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid:

  • Avoid very long sentences, too-high level language, and complex formatting: a page should be easy to read, no matter who the reader is.
  • When formatting a page, please try to only use Markdown syntax, and avoid mixing it with HTML.
  • Try to always have an empty line at the end of the file, to enhance the differences detection features of git.

###Help If you have any question, don't hesitate to shoot us a message on the #Grid12 IRC channel at We'll reply as soon as possible. You can get more information about our IRC channel on this page.