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File metadata and controls

106 lines (81 loc) · 3.52 KB

RegTools example workflow

This is an example workflow for running RegTools on a cohort of samples. This analysis requires that there be a VCF and RNA bam file for each sample. The workflow described below was used to run our own analysis on TCGA data.

By the end of the analysis, the directory structure should look like the example below. The * in the example below refers to the tag/parameter used to run regtools cis-splice-effects identify with.

- Project/
  - all_splicing_variants*.bed
  - paths.tsv
  - dir_names.tsv
  - variants_all_sorted.vcf.gz
  - variants_all_sorted.vcf.gz.tbi
  - samples/
    - Sample_1/
      - tumor_rna_alignments.bam
      - tumor_rna_alignments.bam.bai
      - variants.per_gene.vep.vcf.gz
      - variants.per_gene.vep.vcf.gz.tbi
      - variants.ensembl
      - logs/
      - output/
        - cse_identify_filtered_*
        - cse_identify_filtered_compare_*
        - variants*.bed
    - Sample_2/
      - tumor_rna_alignments.bam
      - tumor_rna_alignments.bam.bai
      - variants.per_gene.vep.vcf.gz
      - variants.per_gene.vep.vcf.gz.tbi
      - variants.ensembl
      - logs/
      - output/
        - cse_identify_filtered_*
        - cse_identify_filtered_compare_*
        - variants*.bed
  - compare_junctions/
    - hist/
      - junction_pvalues_*.tsv

RegTools commands

Set tag and parameter shell arguments

param=<run option>
# (e.g. tag=default param=""; tag=E param="-E"; tag=i20e5 param="-i 20 -e 5")

Run regtools cis-splice-effects identify with desired options for selecting variant and window size

for i in samples/*/; do regtools cis-splice-effects identify $param -o ${i}/output/cse_identify_filtered_$tag.tsv -j ${i}/output/cse_identify_filtered_$tag.bed -v ${i}/output/cse_identify_filtered_$tag.vcf ${i}/variants.per_gene.vep.vcf.gz ${i}/tumor_rna_alignments.bam /reference.fa reference.gtf; done

Make variant.bed for each sample

for i in samples/*/; do bash ${i}/output/cse_identify_filtered_$tag.tsv ${i}/output/variants_$tag.bed; done

Combine each sample's variant.bed file per tag to get all variants that were deemed significant to splicing across all samples for a given tag

echo -e 'chrom\tstart\tend\tsamples' > all_splicing_variants_$tag.bed
for i in samples/*/; do j=${i##samples/}; uniq ${i}output/variants_$tag.bed | awk -v var=${j%%/} '{print $0 "\t" var}' >> all_splicing_variants_$tag.bed; done

Make vcf of all variants across all samples (from each sample's variants.vcf). Then, compress it and index it.

vcf-concat samples/*/variants.vcf.gz | vcf-sort > all_variants_sorted.vcf

bgzip all_variants_sorted.vcf

tabix all_variants_sorted.vcf.gz

Run regtools cis-splice effects identify on all samples with all variants (with $tag options as example)

for i in samples/*/; do bsub -oo $i/logs/regtools_compare_$tag.lsf regtools cis-splice-effects identify $param -o ${i}/output/cse_identify_filtered_compare_$tag.tsv -j ${i}/output/cse_identify_filtered_compare_$tag.bed -v ${i}/output/cse_identify_filtered_compare_$tag.vcf all_variants_sorted.vcf.gz ${i}/tumor_rna_alignments.bam reference.fa reference.gtf; done

Statistical analysis

Make directory to store comparison results

mkdir -p compare_junctions/hist

Run on sample data

python3 <tag>

Run filter_and_BH.R to adjust p values and filter results

Rscript --vanilla filter_and_BH.R <tag>