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Installation Usage instructions

Zachary Skidmore edited this page Nov 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

Initial setup

  1. clone the repo git clone
  2. Download and Install Rstudio and R if not already available.
  3. Within an R session install the required R libraries
install.packages(c("shiny", "ggplot2", "reshape2", "DT", "data.table", "viridis", "roxygen2"))
  1. The application requires specific data files to work, these should be placed within the data directory of the application, (contact the developers for these files), decompress, and place them in the aforementioned directory i.e. saturation-mutagenesis-viz/data
  2. Within Rstudio go to File -> Open Project, and select the saturation-mutagenesis-viz.Rproj file within the App.
  3. Within the R console type shiny::runApp()
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