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Contributing to Any-DB development

Want to help improve Any-DB? You're in the right place.

Setting up

To get started, clone this git repo and run make dev_deps. This will symlink all of the sub-packages into place in your local directory and then install any remaining dependencies from npm. This is important because it means that you can be sure that tests will be run against the code in source-control, and not packages installed from the npm registry.

Running tests

After you've run make dev_deps you can run make test to run the tests. The tests require that both a MySQL and Postgres server are available and accessible at the Any-DB URLs defined by the environment variable any_db_mysql_test_url and any_db_postgres_test_url. If these env variables are undefined or empty, the default values of mysql://root@localhost/any_db_test and postgres://postgres@localhost/any_db_test will be used.

If you wish to disable testing of a particular backend for a test run, you can define the environment variable any_db_test_drivers to a comma separated list of driver names.

Creating a pull-request

For changes to an existing API please open an issue to discuss the proposed change before implementing it. Code-first-ask-questions-later is fun, but I'd really hate for anybody to put their time into something that won't be merged.

Code style

I'm not terribly picky about code-formatting, but please try to avoid mixing tabs and spaces, and keep lines under 80 characters long if you can help it.

If a patch you're working on is getting hairy, don't be afraid to refactor existing code.