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File metadata and controls

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Template repositories

The GRMustacheTemplateRepository class allows you to load template strings and partials from various data sources.

Loading templates and partials from the file system

GRMustacheTemplateRepository ships with the following class methods:

// Loads templates and partials from a directory, with "mustache" extension, encoded in UTF8 (from MacOS 10.6 and iOS 4.0)
+ (id)templateRepositoryWithBaseURL:(NSURL *)url;

// Loads templates and partials from a directory, with provided extension, encoded in UTF8 (from MacOS 10.6 and iOS 4.0)
+ (id)templateRepositoryWithBaseURL:(NSURL *)url
                  templateExtension:(NSString *)ext;

// Loads templates and partials from a directory, with provided extension, encoded in provided encoding (from MacOS 10.6 and iOS 4.0)
+ (id)templateRepositoryWithBaseURL:(NSURL *)url
                  templateExtension:(NSString *)ext

// Loads templates and partials from a directory, with "mustache" extension, encoded in UTF8
+ (id)templateRepositoryWithDirectory:(NSString *)path;

// Loads templates and partials from a directory, with provided extension, encoded in UTF8
+ (id)templateRepositoryWithDirectory:(NSString *)path
                    templateExtension:(NSString *)ext;

// Loads templates and partials from a directory, with provided extension, encoded in provided encoding
+ (id)templateRepositoryWithDirectory:(NSString *)path
                    templateExtension:(NSString *)ext

// Loads templates and partials from a bundle, with "mustache" extension, encoded in UTF8
+ (id)templateRepositoryWithBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle;  // nil stands for the main bundle

// Loads templates and partials from a bundle, with provided extension, encoded in UTF8
+ (id)templateRepositoryWithBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle   // nil stands for the main bundle
                 templateExtension:(NSString *)ext;

// Loads templates and partials from a bundle, with provided extension, encoded in provided encoding
+ (id)templateRepositoryWithBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle   // nil stands for the main bundle
                 templateExtension:(NSString *)ext

For instance:

NSString *path = @"path/to/templates";
GRMustacheTemplateRepository *repository = [GRMustacheTemplate templateRepositoryWithDirectory:path];

You may now load a template:

// Loads path/to/templates/document.mustache
GRMustacheTemplate *template = [repository templateForName:@"document" error:NULL];

You may also have the repository parse a template string. Only partials would then be loaded from the repository:

// Would load path/to/templates/partial.mustache
GRMustacheTemplate *template = [repository templateFromString:@"...{(> partial)}..." error:NULL];

The rendering is done as usual:

NSString *rendering = [template renderObject:...];

Loading templates and partials from a dictionary of template strings

Use the following GRMustacheTemplateRepository class method:

// Loads templates and partials from a directory, with "mustache" extension, encoded in UTF8 (from MacOS 10.6 and iOS 4.0)
+ (id)templateRepositoryWithPartialsDictionary:(NSDictionary *)partialsDictionary;

Now we may instanciate one:

NSDictionary *templates = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"It works!" forKey:@"partial"];
GRMustacheTemplateRepository *repository = [GRMustacheTemplateRepository templateRepositoryWithPartialsDictionary:templates];

Then load templates from it:

GRMustacheTemplate *template1 = [repository templateFromString:@"{{>partial}}" error:NULL];
GRMustacheTemplate *template2 = [repository templateWithTemplateName:@"partial" error:NULL];

And finally render:

[template1 render];     // "It works!"
[template2 render];     // "It works!"

GRMustacheTemplateRepositoryDataSource protocol

Finally, you may implement the GRMustacheTemplateRepositoryDataSource protocol in order to load templates for unimagined sources.

@protocol GRMustacheTemplateRepositoryDataSource <NSObject>

 Provided with a partial name that comes from a `{{>name}}` mustache tag,
 this method should return an object which uniquely identifies a template.
- (id)templateRepository:(GRMustacheTemplateRepository *)templateRepository templateIDForName:(NSString *)name relativeToTemplateID:(id)templateID;

 Provided with a template ID that comes from the previous method,
 Returns a template string.
- (NSString *)templateRepository:(GRMustacheTemplateRepository *)templateRepository templateStringForTemplateID:(id)templateID error:(NSError **)outError;


Now you just have to set the repository dataSource, and everything would go as usual:

Planet *mars = [Planet planetFromName:@"Mars"];
GRMustacheTemplateRepository *repository = [GRMustacheTemplateRepository templateRepository];
repository.dataSource = mars;

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