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Internal Load Balancer Module

Maintained by GitHub tag (latest SemVer) Terraform Version

This Terraform Module creates an Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancer using internal forwarding rules.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing distributes traffic among VM instances in the same region in a VPC network using a private, internal (RFC 1918) IP address.


This repo is a part of the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library, a collection of reusable, battle-tested, production ready infrastructure code. If you’ve never used the Infrastructure as Code Library before, make sure to read How to use the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library!

Core concepts

Repo organisation

This repo has the following folder structure:


If you want to try this repo out for experimenting and learning, check out the following resources:

  • examples folder: The examples folder contains sample code optimized for learning, experimenting, and testing.


Day-to-day operations


If you need help with this repo or anything else related to infrastructure or DevOps, Gruntwork offers Commercial Support via Slack, email, and phone/video. If you’re already a Gruntwork customer, hop on Slack and ask away! If not, subscribe now. If you’re not sure, feel free to email us at


Contributions to this repo are very welcome and appreciated! If you find a bug or want to add a new feature or even contribute an entirely new module, we are very happy to accept pull requests, provide feedback, and run your changes through our automated test suite.

Please see Contributing to the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library for instructions.


Please see LICENSE for details on how the code in this repo is licensed.

Copyright © 2019 Gruntwork, Inc.