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McDiod edited this page Jan 10, 2017 · 10 revisions

Checking your money

To check your money, you can use ACE selfinteraction, go to Equipment and Check money. A hint will appear telling you what you have in your wallet:

To check the money you have on your bank account, go to an ATM, use ACE interaction and select Check account. This will tell you what you have in your account, in your wallet as well as the last three bank transfers that you received:

Giving money

To give money to a player, interact with him using ACE interaction and select Give money. Type the desired amount you want to give the player into the Amount box, then hit OK. If the input amount is higher than what you have, the amount that you have is used instead. The amount will be rounded to a whole number. The recipient will see a hint telling him how much you gave him.

Taking money

Depending on settings, you can take money from surrendered, captive and dead players. With ACE interaction select Take money. Input the amount you want to take and hit OK.

Storing money

On an object that has been set as a money storage use ACE interaction and select either Store money or Take money. The title in the dialog will tell you if the storage is secured or unsecured (i.e. only you or everyone can access it). Input the desired amount you want to store or take and hit OK.

Bank account

You have access to your bank account on ATMs. Use ACE interaction and select Check account to see how much you have on your account. Deposit money to put money into your account and Withdraw money to take money out of your account. Transfer money to send money from your account to the account of another player.

When transferring money, input the amount to send and select the recipient from the drop down menu. The recipient will not get a hint, but will have to check his account on an ATM to see the receipt.

Before you go

That's all you will need most of the time. However if you need more control for your mission, there are a number of functions that allow you to fine tune the system.