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McDiod edited this page May 1, 2020 · 13 revisions

You can configure this module in your description.ext. This is entirely optional however, since every setting has a default value.

Add the class CfgGradMoneymenu to your description.ext, then add any of these attributes to configure the module:

Attribute Default value Explanation
canGiveDefault 1 (1/0) Can everyone give money to other players by default?
canGiveToAI 0 (1/0) Can players give money to AI?
canTransferToSidesDefault[] {} (Array) The sides (additionally to own side) that everyone can do bank transfers to by default.
canTakeFromDeadDefault 1 (1/0) Can everyone take money from dead players by default?
canSendDirectlyDefault 0 (1/0) Can everyone send money directly to other players' wallets without an ATM by default?
canTakeFromSurrenderedDefault 1 (1/0) Can everyone take money from surrendered players by default?
startMoney 0 (Number) Amount of money that everyone starts with.
startBankBalance 0 (Number) Amount of money in bank account that everyone starts with.
playersLoseMoneyOnDeath 1 (1/0) If disabled, players will keep their money across respawns and no money can be taken from player corpses. If grad-listbuymenu is used, the setting set in listbuymenu takes precedence.
atmObjects[] {"Land_Atm_01_F", "Land_Atm_02_F"} (Array) Classnames of all objects that can be used as ATMs.


class CfgGradMoneymenu {
    canGiveDefault = 1;                                                    
    canTransferToSidesDefault[] = {"east","west","independent","civilian"};
    canTakeFromDeadDefault = 1;        
    canSendDirectlyDefault = 0;                                    
    canTakeFromSurrenderedDefault = 1;                                     
    startMoney = 0;                                                        
    startBankBalance = 0;                                                  
    playersLoseMoneyOnDeath = 1;
    atmObjects[] = {"Land_Atm_01_F"};                                      

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Alright, configuration complete. Let's take a look at how to actually use it.