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Helmet Picking Assistant

Zarrck edited this page Oct 14, 2022 · 3 revisions

GRAD SlingHelmet comes with a helmet picking assistant (HelPAss in short) to help you quickly sort through the helmets included in any mod you have installed and export their classnames in a format ready to be entered into the SlingHelmet whitelist.


To use the helmet picking assistant simply enter the following into the debug console and execute.

[] call grad_slingHelmet_fnc_helPAss_open


The interface presents you first with an option to choose the mod you would like to go through and then with a list of all helmets in the selected mod.


The buttons on the top allow you to accept or reject helmets from your selection. If you have made a mistake and want to correct it, you can simply click on the helmets in the list on the bottom right. To exit HelPAss early simply press the ESC-Key


When you have gone through all helmets in the selected mod or have exited HelPAss manually you will be presented with a list of all the helmets you have accepted which you can then just copy paste everywhere you want.