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Project Description:

This is a project that uses a PostgreSQL database, supported by python modules, demonstrating a viable game tournament using the Swiss system. This project has two parts one is defining the schema and the relations between the tables and second is the code that will use it to support it.

What does this project achieve:

It passes all the requirements/tests asked for the final project in "Project2 Tournament Results":

  1. Old matches can be deleted. ( By setting a new tournament )
  2. Player records can be deleted. ( By setting a new tournament )
  3. After deleting, countPlayers() returns zero.
  4. After registering a player, countPlayers() returns 1.
  5. Players can be registered and deleted.
  6. Newly registered players appear in the standings with no matches.
  7. After a match, players have updated standings.
  8. After one match, players with one win are paired.

Plus :

  1. It can run on an even or odd number of players , for the odd number the last player is awarded a "bye" only once per tournament. ( See : setByeScore(playerid) )
  2. It has support for game draws. For that the function : reportMatch(winner, loser, draw = False) has an optional argument - True will award score 1 to both players ( this can be of course be modified to award just 1/2 a point )
  3. It implements OMW (Opponent Match Wins) for example this is how the standings order look after using OMW :
id |        name        | wins | matches | omw
60 | Lassy Kline        |    3 |       3 |   4
59 | Pinkie Pie         |    3 |       3 |   3
57 | Fluttershy         |    2 |       3 |   5
64 | Napoleon Bonaparte |    2 |       3 |   4
61 | Gordon Blunt       |    2 |       3 |   3
63 | Baine Vrent        |    2 |       3 |   3
58 | Applejack          |    1 |       3 |   5
56 | John Flynt         |    1 |       3 |   2
62 | Minty Sutton       |    0 |       3 |   5
  1. It supports more than one tournament, there is no need to delete players or matches after a tournament, only one function used: setNewTournament(), this will initialize an incremental id.

Requirements to test this project:

Steps (assuming you have Windows, it can be easily installed in a Linux based OS too ):

  1. Install vagrant in order to test it easily, if you don't have vagrant installed already check out the following link from UDACITY for instructions:
  2. Clone my (this) repository ( ) , it contains the necessary files including vagrant setup file and the modified to create the tournament DB and also to create tables, views and functions necessary for the project.
  3. Go to the cloned repository, this will look ( in windows ) like this : "C:<your home directory>\GitHub\Project2-Tournament-Results\vagrant>" it will contain the following files / directory:
11/03/2015  08:59    <DIR>          .
11/03/2015  08:59    <DIR>          ..
11/03/2015  08:58    <DIR>          .vagrant
11/03/2015  09:39               354
11/03/2015  10:11    <DIR>          tournament
11/03/2015  09:24               461 Vagrantfile
              2 File(s)            815 bytes
              4 Dir(s)  196,121,255,936 bytes free
  1. Issue 'vagrant up' this will start the vagrant environment locally, at the end of the script you should see the database tournament created and the tables/views/function :
==> default: You are now connected to database "tournament" as user "vagrant".
==> default: CREATE TABLE
==> default: CREATE TABLE
==> default: CREATE TABLE
==> default: CREATE TABLE
==> default: CREATE VIEW
==> default: CREATE FUNCTION
==> default: CREATE VIEW
==> default: INSERT 0 1 
  1. SSH to the box using your favourite terminal , credentials are as follow:
Port: 2222
Username: vagrant
  1. Transfer the tournament directory from the GIT cloned directory

Note: if the tables and views were not created on 'vagrant up' command, the schema creation can be done using psql command :

vagrant=>\i tournament.sql
  1. In order to test the system run '' to test default functionality and '' to test all the functionalities for extra credits.

Notes and considerations :

The database schema is very simple but intuitive it contains the following relations:

Schema |        Name        |   Type   |  Owner
public | matches            | table    | vagrant
public | matches_id_seq     | sequence | vagrant
public | omw                | view     | vagrant
public | players            | table    | vagrant
public | players_id_seq     | sequence | vagrant
public | scores             | table    | vagrant
public | scores_id_seq      | sequence | vagrant
public | tournaments        | table    | vagrant
public | tournaments_id_seq | sequence | vagrant
public | wins               | view     | vagrant
  • 'wins' view is the equivalent of standings and is used joined on 'omw' to find the correct rankings.

FUNCTION getscores(int) returns a sum of all the players scores, played against a chosen player's ID and with that creating the 'omw' view for an easy join with 'wins' view. Thus ordering the rankings on two criteria, wins and omw.

To report a draw match function : reportMatch(winner, loser, draw = False) is called with optional argument 'draw = True'

To award a 'bye' also function : reportMatch(winner, loser, draw = False) can be called with same player id for both winner and loser this will award a win but only once per tournament :

id  | tournamentid | playerid | score | bye
40 |           11 |       30 |     0 | f
41 |           11 |       30 |     1 | t

Example of generating a tournament with odd number of players :

def testPairings_9():
  print "Testing a 9 players tournament:"
  setNewTournament() ''' starting a new tournament'''
  registerPlayer("John Flynt")
  registerPlayer("Pinkie Pie")
  registerPlayer("Lassy Kline")
  registerPlayer("Gordon Blunt")
  registerPlayer("Minty Sutton")
  registerPlayer("Baine Vrent")
  registerPlayer("Napoleon Bonaparte")
  print "first round:"
  pairings = swissPairings()
  print pairings
  standings = playerStandings()
  [id1, id2, id3, id4, id5, id6, id7, id8, id9] = [row[0] for row in standings]
  reportMatch(id1, id2)
  reportMatch(id3, id4)
  reportMatch(id5, id6)
  reportMatch(id7, id8)
  reportMatch(id9, id9) '''awarding the odd number player a 'bye' '''
  print "player: ", id9, " is given a bye!"


Tournament Results






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