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Running locally

You need the gulp-cli installed globally: npm install -g gulp-cli

Make sure you are using the correct version of node with NVM: run nvm use in the root of the repo. If you don't have nvm installed, add it: brew install nvm.

Install node modules: npm i

To run locally: npm start or gulp.

Create a new atom

Duplicate an existing atom. Remember to change the path in the server/render.js file to point to the html file in the new atom.

Deploy to S3

To deploy to the Interactives S3 bucket you need AWS credentials for the Interactives account in your command line. You can get these from the Guardian's permissions manager system Janus. You need to be assigned these permissions and be on a Guardian network or VPN to see them on Janus.

Fill out config.json:

    "title": "Title of your interactive",
    "docData": "Any associated external data",
    "path": "year/month/unique-title"

Deploy: gulp deploylive

Get the deployed links: gulp url

The link can be pasted into a Composer file

Testing in apps

To test on the Guardian apps - follow our Testing in Apps guide here

To test with dark mode on apps - see Testing in Dark Mode

Loading resources (e.g. assets)

Resources must be loaded with absolute paths, otherwise they won't work when deployed. Use the template string <%= path %> in any CSS, HTML or JS, it will be replaced with the correct absolute path.

<img src="<%= path %>/assets/image.png" />
.test {
    background-image: url('<%= path %>/assets/image.png');
var url = '<%= path %>/assets/image.png';

Using the ScrollyTeller module

The ScrollyTeller module is written as a class. You can check the scrollyteller-example branch for a full example.

Import it as normal into your project

import ScrollyTeller from "./scrollyteller"

Instantiate a new instance of it and pass in a config object

const scrolly = new ScrollyTeller({
    parent: document.querySelector("#scrolly-1"),
    triggerTop: 1/3, // percentage from the top of the screen that the trigger should fire
    triggerTopMobile: 0.75,
    transparentUntilActive: true

Add your trigger points:

scrolly.addTrigger({num: 1, do: () => {
    console.log("Console log 1");

And finally start off the scroll listener:


You'll also need to comment in the _scrolly.scss code in main.scss, as well as structuring your HTML in the following way:

<div id="scrolly-1">
    <div class="scroll-wrapper">
        <div class="scroll-inner">
            <svg id="data-viz">
        <div class="scroll-text">
            <div class="scroll-text__inner">
                <div class="scroll-text__div">
            <div class="scroll-text__inner">
                <div class="scroll-text__div"> 
            <div class="scroll-text__inner">
                <div class="scroll-text__div">


Placeholder description: @nickjevershed created this with repo-genesis



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