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"Interactive content atoms" are used to create custom frontend content which can be deployed on the frontend without it needing to be a part of the frontend project. For more context on see the documentation about interactives in frontend. Further details on how atoms function can be found in the interactive-atom-maker project, which a more generalised atom builder.

A "thrasher" is style of atom. They are intended for use on fronts pages and typically use a responsive design to render as short 'banners' using the full width of the content area on desktop view, with a taller full width 'block' design for mobile / tablet. Typically, functionality is limited to acting as a link to another page and reporting a load event to Ophan, but there is no technical limitation on including other interactions (However, the limited size alloted to these atom could make the UI problematic).

This project provides:

  • a template for building new thrashers(./atoms/default) and utility code (./shared/),
  • a dev server configuration for previewing your thrasher in a collections of sample pages (./harness/)
  • scripts for compiling the thrasher code and uploading to the s3 storage bucket (with the folder defined in the ./config.json file)




  • Clone this repo
  • (recommended) Switch the version of Node use for this project: nvm use (you may need to use nvm install first to install that version)
  • Install project dependencies with npm install

Creating a New Thrasher

Note: Each thrasher should live within their own branch. These branches are not to be merged into main.

  1. git checkout main

  2. Use gulp --new {yourThrasherName} to set up new branch, where yourThrasherName is the name for your thrasher. Note that this name will be used within HTML attributes and file paths (as well as the branch name), so should be in kebab-case and using only lower-case letters, numbers and dashes. This script will do the following:

    • checks out to a new branch called thrashers/{yourThrasherName}
    • ./config.json: sets the s3 path value (note the title value is not set automatically)
    • ./atoms/default/server/templates/main.html : changes the id of the thrasher's outer div, and the class names of the outer div and its children to use your branch name
    • ./atoms/default/client/css/_thrasher.scss : updates the css to match the changes to main.html
    • ./atoms/default/client/css/_basics.scss : updates the css to match the changes to main.html and updates the class selector on the rule for the section that will contain the thrasher
    • ./atoms/default/client/js/app.js : inserts the branch name into the component string passed to the trackLoad function
  3. Edit ./config.json to set the title. In production, this title will be used as the id for the section element that will contain your thasher, if central production change the title of your thrasher after you have uploaded it- this will have the effect of changing the section id.

Note that in the sample ./harness/front-uk page used on the dev server, the section id is not automatically updated. The default id of thrasher-atom can safely be changed to within your branch to match your title.


To update the code of your thrasher use:

  • The ./config.json file to set the title, data sources and folder location (just add your thrasher's name)
  • Add html to: ./atoms/default/server/templates/main.html
  • Add css to: ./atoms/default/client/css/main.scss
  • Add js to: ./atoms/default/client/js/app.js (modules can be imported - the file gets compiled by babel)

To preview your thrasher, run the default gulp command:


You should now be running the thrasher locally at: http://localhost:8000/

To preview your thrasher use Immersive Interactive for DotCom or Android Front Webview for Apps.

Using Static Assets

  • Static assets (e.g. image files) needed for your thrasher should be saved in ./assets/. Using subfolders is not supported by the script. The files will be uploaded to s3 with your code by the deploy scripts.
  • When referencing the assets in HTML or CSS, use <%= path %> as a placeholder for path to the assets folder. The placeholder is replaced with relative path to the asset folder in dev (gulp) and the absolute path to the production asset folder in build (gulp deploylive).
  • Thrashers can also reference assets which are already uploaded (e.g. to ""). Thrashers are used in apps as well as on the web, so always use the full absolute URL of the file even if it happens to be hosted on

Image compression

Some things to remember:

  1. Avoid GIF. Ideally, provide video, maybe with a GIF fallback. All GIFs for a front shouldn’t go over 120KB. For article, maybe 250KB. is your friend (resize, delete frames, colour reduction, lossy)
  2. Always resize assets to how big they appear, makes no sense to provide them bigger (yeah, retina, but only if weight can be controlled) and no sense to not crop stuff that’s never shown!
  3. Handbrake for videos: ideally multiple formats with a mp4 fallback for Safari. Resized to size, remove uneeded tracks incl. audio!, 2-pass, set bitrate as low as possible
  4. Use for images. If no transparency: JPEG. If PNG: always PNG8!

Apps compatibility

To ensure maximum compatibility with apps, ensure the following:

  • Test with the "Android front webview" after starting the gulp build. This allows you to preview how the thrasher looks like in the app (without the styles inherited from dotcom).
  • All assets have a fully qualified URL. For instance assets/myimage.png might work on dotcom but it won't work on apps. However will do just fine.

Compiling and Deploying

Before deploying you'll need to pull credentials from Janus for the interactives account

To push your thrasher to preview (pushes to a bucket in CAPI preview) run:

gulp deploypreview

To push your thrasher to live (pushes to a bucket in CAPI live) run:

gulp deploylive

To get the capi URL of your thrasher run:

gulp url

Post Deploying / Using your Thrasher

You will need access to the fronts tool to deploy the thrasher to fronts and see it work.

Note that for a Thrasher (or any atom) to be previewed or used on the live site, it needs to be deployed to in the fronts tool. Uploading to s3 does not automatically deploy the new thrasher to fronts - this needs to be done separately.

Updating a Deployed Thrasher

An existing thrasher needs to be updated, running gulp deploylive again after making your updates will upload the new version to s3 and replace the old version.

Note that as fronts are “pressed”, uploading a change to the atom does not automatically cause the fronts that using that atom to update themselves.

Going to the fronts tool and either removing and re-inserting the atom or moving the atom to a new location will prompt the front to re-load the atom from (so it will then have the new version).


To update the content on the UK front, follow these steps

  1. Visit the front you want, for example the UK front
  2. In Chrome dev tools, go to Sources -> Page, and find the base source for the page you want — in this case open, and select 'uk'
  3. Select all the HTML code, and copy it into the front's harness harness/front-uk.html
  4. Add the following <section> element where you want the thrasher to appear (usually in between two other <section> elements):
<section id="thrasher-atom" class="fc-container fc-container--thrasher fc-container--will-have-toggle flashing-image js-container--toggle " data-component="thrasher-atom" aria-expanded="true"><div class="fc-container__inner"><header class="fc-container__header js-container__header"><div class="fc-container__header__title"><h2 tabindex="0">thrasher-atom</h2></div></header><div class="fc-container--rolled-up-hide fc-container__body" data-title="thrasher-atom"><div class="fc-slice-wrapper"><ul class="u-unstyled l-row  l-row--cols-1 fc-slice fc-slice--mf"><li class="fc-slice__item l-row__item l-row__item--span-1 u-faux-block-link"><div class="facia-snap facia-snap--default facia-snap-embed fc-item fc-item--force-image-upgrade fc-item--has-no-image fc-item--pillar-news fc-item--type-article js-fc-item js-snap fc-item--list-media-mobile fc-item--full-media-50-tablet " data-link-name="external | group-1 | card-@1" data-item-visibility="all" data-test-id="facia-card" data-id="snap/1574843074989" data-snap-type="interactive" data-snap-uri="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
  <%= html %>
  <script><%= js %></script>

These steps apply for updating any of the other fronts, or even adding a new one, in which case a link to the new front needs to be added in harness/index.html.


Thrashers, because you're worth it



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