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Liga Yu-Gi-Oh! Brasileira

Brazilian Yu-Gi-Oh! League is a project made by PRRJCARDS and TCG Network with the aim of creating a competitive Brazilian community.

This system records players performances and match-ups through all seasons and series.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software


This will help you to get a development env running

  • Copy environment variables template
cp .env.sample .env.local
  • Change the following environment variables

    • AUTH0_CLIENT_ID, AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET and AUTH0_DOMAIN from Auth0 Dashboard
    • DATABASE_URL with the PostgreSQL connection URL
    • DATABASE_SKIP_SSL use "true" if your database does not accept SSL connection (in development, for example). Remove it, otherwise (*recommended for production)
  • Install dependencies

yarn install
  • Start development server
yarn dev


Feel free to open issues and PRs. I'll try to review as soon as I can.

Built With

  • NextJS - Full-Stack framework
  • MUI - User Interface
