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Releases: guildantix/eq-nag


12 May 20:53
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0.2.0 Pre-release

Release Candidate v0.2.0

New Features

  1. Added minimum damage input to register new encounters. If combat does not meet this threshold, the DPS meter and statistics will ignore it.
  2. Reworked how combat stats are stored. Now, external combat logs are stored raw alongside your own.
  3. Removed the encounter timing settings, now the end of an encounter is determined. This was needed due to log synchronization.
  4. Added a record button to the DPS window. Encounters will be saved to disk when the record button is enabled. Future version updates will include options on exporting or viewing this data.
  5. Added a footer to the DPS window that shows the current encounter and duration. When combat ends, the duration will be bolded.
  6. Keep the combat window open after an encounter.
  7. Added a clear button to the combat window to clear the current encounter, and hides the window if that option is enabled in settings.


  1. Several performance updates to the combat and trigger parse functions.
  2. Fixed several issues preventing users from joining log sync servers.
  3. Fixed several issues with the DPS window rendering and positioning.
  4. Fixed an issue that was syncing all combat logs in real-time, instead of at the end of an encounter.
  5. Fixed an issue where combat sync was still engaging even when combat statistics are off.


26 Apr 18:29
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0.1.77 Pre-release

New Features

  1. Log Synchronization (see below)
  2. Refactored the file monitor.
  3. Refactored logging to include the majority of errors and information in the Nag Console.


  1. Fixed a null reference error when grabbing a list of disabled triggers for a character.
  2. Fixed an issue causing the log watcher to hang if closed when receiving data.
  3. Fixed an issue when calling the renderer.
  4. Improved the file monitor error handling.
  5. Fixed issues with the backFind method.
  6. Fix encounter reset timer issues.

Log Synchronization

Added a system that allows players to sync their combat data with other players. You can create or join a server (you can think of this as a chat room for Nag) that will allow your Nag client to communicate with other Nag clients. Only players connected to your server will share log information.
The first time you connect to a server, windows should ask you if you want to allow Nag to use the network.

This uses WebRTC technology. Accordingly, if you have peer to peer (p2p) traffic blocked on your firewall then you'll need to add an exception for Nag. Also, some VPNs may block p2p networks.

Log synchronization works in two ways.
First, your combat statistics will be shared with anyone else connected to the server. This includes your DPS, engagement time, Heals, HPS, but does not include a dump of your combat logs.
Second, once an encounter has ended, you will then share your entire combat logs with everyone connected to the server. This will include every hit on every mob and every heal on every player.

The first change is to the menu. Combat Statistics and FCT have been combined:

There is an icon that will indicate which character is monitoring combat data. Only one character can monitor combat logs at a time.
You can switch by clicking on the button for a different character.

In the combat statistics panel, you'll see the option to create or join a server.

Clicking on create or join, you'll get two different buttons to leave or copy the server link.

Below the server info panel, you'll see the server console.

And finally, you'll have the server trust section. Here you can specify players that you want to trust or block. Receiving a server link from a trusted player will automatically connect you to that server, as long as you aren't already connected to a server. Receiving a server link from a blocked player will be ignored. Any other links will open a dialog to allow you to connect/ignore/trust/block.


01 Apr 00:11
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0.1.72 Pre-release

New Features

  1. (EXPERIMENTAL) Experimental combat statistics features.


  1. Fixed parsing errors in the FCT parser.
  2. Forward application exceptions to the Nag Console.
  3. The console now displays system messages as well as trigger parse history.
  4. Moved combat statistics and FCT processing to a separate thread, segregated from trigger parsing to improve performance.
  5. Added exception catch to sub-actions.
  6. Refactored NPC processing to improve performance.


16 Mar 13:52
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0.1.68 Pre-release


  1. Fixed an issue that was erroneously applying normal combat hits to the wrong combat groups.


15 Mar 13:54
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0.1.67 Pre-release


  1. Fixed an issue with FCT not rendering if the user doesn't have the DPS meter enabled.


10 Mar 23:18
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0.1.66 Pre-release


  1. Fixed an issue with melee floating combat text.

New Features

  1. (Experimental) Added a new n-conditional format allowing the selection of numbers between ranges. Currently formatted as
    i. {N[1,100)} For a number between 1 and 100, including 1 but excluding 100.
    ii. {N1(i,100)} For any number less than 100.


  1. Fixed an issue with gina style n-conditionals.


10 Mar 14:57
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0.1.65 Pre-release

New Features and Updates

  1. Refactored the floating combat text parsing into the new combat parser.
    i. This should also improve performance when running combat logs through log simulation, with a minor bump in performance during real parsing.
  2. Created a new combat parser for characters on TAKP/Quarm servers.
  3. Added TAKP/Quarm support for the Death Recap.
  4. Changed the edit link in the console to display the full text name of the trigger.


  1. Fixed an issue for new users installing Nag directly from the latest pre-release.
  2. Fixed an issue with the console resize handles.
  3. Fixed an issue with dot timers with an exclusion list not executing any timers.


18 Feb 20:11
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0.1.64 Pre-release


  1. Fixed an issue with the ignore case, setting all capture phrases to ignore case by default. This is applied to all existing triggers.


18 Feb 18:40
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0.1.63 Pre-release

New Features

  1. Added case sensitivity to capture phrases.
  2. For timer overlays set to Grouped, added a setting to allow the user to set the minimum width of timer groups.


  1. Fixed an issue with overlay text alignment.
  2. Fixed an issue with DPS numbers display, the meter should always show whole numbers now.
  3. Fixed an issue with the alignment of the header on timer groups.
  4. Fixed an issue that would sometimes render the log watcher unusable.


04 Feb 19:43
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0.1.61 Pre-release

New Features

  1. Added support for EMU client icons.
  2. Added an option to quick share to allow the user to opt to duplicate existing triggers instead of overwrite them.
  3. Changed the class level component to display all class levels and allows the user to check which classes are enabled and at what level the
    spell cast is.
  4. Added text overflow settings to overlays, allowing long texts to be displayed outside the bounds of the overlay.


  1. Fixed an issue with the maintenance history not working with size-based log files.
  2. When backup is completed, creates an empty log file if it is missing. This should fix issues with attempting to simulation a log file.
  3. Fixed an issue preventing users from adding mp3 files to Nag.
  4. Fixed an issue where capture phrases were not selected on copied trigger actions.
  5. Fixed an issue with beneficial casting time calculations, giving spotty results with auto-generated buff triggers.
  6. Fixed issues with the overlay alignment properties not always working.