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Small library for creating (visually), editing and using tilemaps with Löve2D. No warranties.

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Three classes to create and use tilemaps.
It is possible to animate the tiles (thanks to the animation class)
MIT License.
Give a star to the repo if you use the library :) and report any bug, thanks. I will fix the bugs and appreciate the stars. The code were not be tested so it can have bugs :o

TilemapEditor --> Tilemap --> Tile
TilemapEditorControls (not a class)

For using the complete library you have to have the files: Tile.lua, Tilemap.lua, TilemapEditor.lua, TilemapEditorControls.lua and camera.lua.
If you want to animate the tiles, you will need Animation.lua too.

That is all what you have to include in the code:

	require 'TilemapEditor'
	require 'Animation'

Probably, you don't want let players edit the tilemap, then, you don't want to include the tilemapEditor in the code of the game, you can simply include what you use:

	require 'Tilemap'
	require 'Animation'

Creating a tilemap with tilemapEditor

TilemapEditor:new(tileSize, pathToTiles) Creates a tilemap editor indispensable for using the tilemapEditor

All parameters:
TilemapEditor:new(tileSize, pathToTiles, relativeWidth, relativeHeight, offsetX, offsetY, tilemap, tileSet) Creates a tilemap editor

  • tileSize: The size of the tiles in the game (it is not the size of the image of the tile)

  • pathToTiles: A string with the path to the folder that contains all the tile images.

  • Test yourself with the other arguments

  • tilemap: A tilemap object for edit.

It is better to use the TilemapEditor:load() (changing to unammedTilemap.lua)

  • tileSet: Probably this don't work, sorry.

Editing the tilemap

Left click in the tileSet for selecting a tile.

Left click in the tilemap zone for adding the last tile selected in the tileset. Right click for deleting the last tile in the space.

You can have more tnah one tile in the same gap. This is perfect for backgrounds and transparencies but be careful with clicking a lot of times, a lot of tiles will be stored in the same gap!! (Not good for perfomance)

Use the arrow keys for moving around the tilemap.

The tilemap have NO LIMITS ;)
It can have any shape (haven't to be rectangular)
The cost of looking for a tile is log(n) (Good performance)

Remember to change the name of the tilemapEditor object in TilemapEditorControls. Default is myTilemapEditor.

You can change the controls too.

Saving the tilemap

If you do not change the default controls, only by pressing s, the tilemap will be stored in the default path (the tilemap folder) under the name unammedTilemap.lua. Remember to rename the file if you don't want to overrite it

Check the code if you need to save the tilemaps in a specifid folder. (You will need to do it trought coding)

Loading a tilemap

Press l for loading the unammedTilemap.lua tilemap.

Check the code for more. (You will need to do it trought coding)

Clear tilemap

Press c.

Animate tiles.

Use Tile:animate() for animating the tiles.

See animation documentation



function love.load()
	local pathToTiles = "media/img/tiles/"
	myTilemapEditor = TilemapEditor:new(64, pathToTiles, 0.5, 0.5)

function love.update(dt)


function love.draw()


Small library for creating (visually), editing and using tilemaps with Löve2D. No warranties.





