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A Platform for Decentralized Crowdfunding and Asset Acquisition of Research Papers

In order to address some of the issues with the present system of fundraising and asset acquisition associated with research activities this project aims to develop a decentralised and secure crowdfunding and asset management platform utilising **DLTs** (particularly employing blockchain technology)


Tech-Stack 👩‍💻


Project Screenshots 👀



Homepage (Light mode):


Publish Page:


Details Page:


Project Architecture 🏗

  • Hardhat Cconfigurations
  • Accessing Blockchain Node using Infura
  • Testnet Integration
  • Ethers.js setup

Features ✨

✅  Researchers can publish their research papers along with their metadata and assets.

✅  Researchers can also set a bar on the funding needed by the research.

✅  Other researchers or readers can access the research paper and can study their research.

✅  They can also fund the research using on-chain transactions with ethereum.

✅  Other users or researchers can also purchase the assets offered by research paper owners.

Project Setup ⚙

  • Prerequisites:
    • Install Metamask extension on chrome and create an account
    • Get rinkeby testnet ethereum from the faucet link
  • Clone the repository using git clone <repo_url>
  • Go to the project directory using PaperFi
  • Run npm install inside the root folder of the project.
  • For testnet setup, create an .env file at the root folder with the following structure:
NEXT_PUBLIC_RPC_URL="Add a valid rindekby RPC URL"
NEXT_PUBLIC_PRIVATE_KEY="Add the private key of your wallet account"
NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_ADDRESS="Add contract address here after deploying the smart contracts"
  • Run npx hardhat scripts/deploy.js in the terminal
  • After getting the deployed contract address update it in the .env file
  • To run the local instance of frontend run npm run dev

For further reading

🔗 Project Report