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Command line utility for changing the display brightness under linux.


Downloading the binary

You can download the latest binary file here. Unzip it in a directory of your choice (ideally in your PATH, e.g. in /home/yourname/.local/bin).

If you don't want to give root permissions to blight everytime you run it, execute sudo ./ /path/to/blight. This gives blight permissions to edit the linux brightness file.

Building from source

You'll need to have Stack installed.

$ git clone
$ cd blight
$ stack install
$ sudo ./give_permissions $(which blight) # (*)

Step (*) is optional. It gives permissions to blight for setting the display brightness. If you skip this step, you'll have to execute blight as root.


Usage: blight COMMAND [-r|--relative] [-m|--max-brightness-file FILE]
              [-f|--brightness-file FILE]
  Manipulate display brightness

Available options:
  -r,--relative            Using relative display brighness (as oppossed to the
                           internal representation)
  -m,--max-brightness-file FILE
                           The file containing the maximum brightness (default:
  -f,--brightness-file FILE
                           The file containing the current brightness (default:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  show                     Show current display brightness
  max                      Show maximum display brightness
  set                      Set display brightness
  inc                      Increase display brightness
  dec                      Decrease display brightness


Set display brightness to 100%

$ blight set 100 -r

Set display brightness to 50%

$ blight set 50 -r

Decrease display brightness by 5%

$ blight dec 5 -r

Increase display brightness by 300 (of internal units)

$ blight inc 300

Show current display brightness

$ blight show     # using internal units
$ blight show -r  # or using percents

Show maximum display brightness

$ blight max