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gvelasq committed Apr 23, 2023
1 parent c8a1c7b commit 200955b
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Showing 4 changed files with 343 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions R/cpp11.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,7 @@
plt_check_ <- function(path) {
.Call(`_palettizer_plt_check_`, path)

plt_tize_ <- function(source_path, cluster_count_init, seed, sort_type) {
.Call(`_palettizer_plt_tize_`, source_path, cluster_count_init, seed, sort_type)
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions R/plt_tize.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
#' @rdname plt_tize
#' @export
plt_tize <- function(path, cluster_count, seed, sort_type = "weight") {
plt_tize <- function(path, cluster_count = 5, seed = 42 , sort_type = "weight") {
path <- normalizePath(path)
stopifnot("The seed argument must be an integer or a number coercible to an integer" = is_integerish(seed))
plt_tize_(path, cluster_count, seed, sort_type)
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/cpp11.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,10 +12,18 @@ extern "C" SEXP _palettizer_plt_check_(SEXP path) {
return cpp11::as_sexp(plt_check_(cpp11::as_cpp<cpp11::decay_t<std::string>>(path)));
// plt_tize.cpp
cpp11::writable::strings plt_tize_(const std::string& source_path, int cluster_count_init, int seed, const std::string& sort_type);
extern "C" SEXP _palettizer_plt_tize_(SEXP source_path, SEXP cluster_count_init, SEXP seed, SEXP sort_type) {
return cpp11::as_sexp(plt_tize_(cpp11::as_cpp<cpp11::decay_t<const std::string&>>(source_path), cpp11::as_cpp<cpp11::decay_t<int>>(cluster_count_init), cpp11::as_cpp<cpp11::decay_t<int>>(seed), cpp11::as_cpp<cpp11::decay_t<const std::string&>>(sort_type)));

extern "C" {
static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
{"_palettizer_plt_check_", (DL_FUNC) &_palettizer_plt_check_, 1},
{"_palettizer_plt_tize_", (DL_FUNC) &_palettizer_plt_tize_, 4},
Expand Down
327 changes: 327 additions & 0 deletions src/plt_tize.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <cpp11.hpp>
#include <cpp11/strings.hpp>

#include "stb_image/stb_image.h"

#include "palettize/palettize.h"

using namespace cpp11;

static const int MAX_BITMAP_DIM = 100;

static const int PALETTE_BITMAP_WIDTH = 512;
static const int PALETTE_BITMAP_HEIGHT = 64;

static Palettize_Config parse_config_from_command_line(int argc, char **argv) {
Palettize_Config config = {};
config.source_path = 0;
config.cluster_count = 5;
config.seed = (u32)time(0);
config.sort_type = SORT_TYPE_WEIGHT;
config.dest_path = "palette.bmp";

if (argc > 1) {
config.source_path = argv[1];
if (argc > 2) {
int cluster_count = atoi(argv[2]);
config.cluster_count = clampi(1, cluster_count, 64);
if (argc > 3) {
config.seed = (u32)atoi(argv[3]);
if (argc > 4) {
char *sort_type_string = argv[4];
if (strings_match(sort_type_string, "red", false)) {
config.sort_type = SORT_TYPE_RED;
} else if (strings_match(sort_type_string, "green", false)) {
config.sort_type = SORT_TYPE_GREEN;
} else if (strings_match(sort_type_string, "blue", false)) {
config.sort_type = SORT_TYPE_BLUE;
if (argc > 5) {
config.dest_path = argv[5];

return config;

static void load_bitmap(Bitmap *bitmap, char *path) {
bitmap->memory = stbi_load(path, &bitmap->width, &bitmap->height, 0, STBI_rgb_alpha);
if (!bitmap->memory) {
fprintf(stderr, "stb_image failed to load %s: %s\n", path, stbi_failure_reason());

bitmap->pitch = sizeof(u32)*bitmap->width;

static void allocate_bitmap(Bitmap *bitmap, int width, int height) {
bitmap->memory = malloc(sizeof(u32)*width*height);
bitmap->width = width;
bitmap->height = height;
bitmap->pitch = sizeof(u32)*width;

static void free_bitmap(Bitmap *bitmap) {
bitmap->memory = 0;

static void resize_bitmap(Bitmap *bitmap, int max_dim) {
float resize_factor = (float)max_dim / (float)maximum(bitmap->width, bitmap->height);

Bitmap resized_bitmap;

int x0 = 0;
int x1 = resized_bitmap.width;
int y0 = 0;
int y1 = resized_bitmap.height;

u8 *row = (u8 *)resized_bitmap.memory;
for (int y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
u32 *texel = (u32 *)row;
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++) {
float u = (float)x / ((float)resized_bitmap.width - 1.0f);
float v = (float)y / ((float)resized_bitmap.height - 1.0f);
assert(0.0f <= u && u <= 1.0f);
assert(0.0f <= v && v <= 1.0f);

int sample_x = roundi(u*((float)bitmap->width - 1.0f));
int sample_y = roundi(v*((float)bitmap->height - 1.0f));
assert(0 <= sample_x && sample_x < bitmap->width);
assert(0 <= sample_y && sample_y < bitmap->height);

u32 sample = *(u32 *)((u8 *)bitmap->memory + sample_x*sizeof(u32) + sample_y*bitmap->pitch);

*texel++ = sample;

row += resized_bitmap.pitch;

*bitmap = resized_bitmap;

static u32 assign_observation_to_cluster(KMeans_Cluster *clusters, int cluster_count,
Vector3 observation) {
float closest_dist_squared = FLOAT_MAX;
u32 closest_cluster_index = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < cluster_count; i++) {
KMeans_Cluster *cluster = &clusters[i];

float d = length_squared(observation - cluster->centroid);
if (d < closest_dist_squared) {
closest_dist_squared = d;
closest_cluster_index = (u32)i;
assert(0 <= closest_cluster_index && closest_cluster_index < (u32)cluster_count);

KMeans_Cluster *closest_cluster = &clusters[closest_cluster_index];
if (closest_cluster->observation_count == closest_cluster->observation_capacity) {
closest_cluster->observation_capacity *= 2;
closest_cluster->observations = (Vector3 *)realloc(closest_cluster->observations, sizeof(Vector3)*closest_cluster->observation_capacity);
closest_cluster->observations[closest_cluster->observation_count++] = observation;

return closest_cluster_index;

static void recalculate_cluster_centroids(KMeans_Cluster *clusters, int cluster_count) {
for (int i = 0; i < cluster_count; i++) {
KMeans_Cluster *cluster = &clusters[i];

Vector3 sum = V3i(0, 0, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < cluster->observation_count; j++) {
sum += cluster->observations[j];

// It's erroneous to assert that cluster->observation_count is nonzero,
// see: Replace the zero case below
// with a reseed?

if (cluster->observation_count) {
cluster->centroid = sum*(1.0f / cluster->observation_count);
} else {
cluster->centroid = sum;

cluster->observation_count = 0;

static void sort_clusters_by_centroid(KMeans_Cluster *clusters, int cluster_count,
Sort_Type sort_type) {
Vector3 focal_color = V3i(0, 0, 0);
switch (sort_type) {
focal_color = {

focal_color = {

focal_color = {

for (int i = 0; i < cluster_count; i++) {
bool swapped = false;

for (int j = 0; j < (cluster_count - 1); j++) {
KMeans_Cluster *cluster_a = clusters + j;
KMeans_Cluster *cluster_b = clusters + j + 1;

if (sort_type == SORT_TYPE_WEIGHT) {
if (cluster_b->observation_count > cluster_a->observation_count) {
KMeans_Cluster swap = *cluster_a;
*cluster_a = *cluster_b;
*cluster_b = swap;

swapped = true;
} else if (sort_type == SORT_TYPE_RED || sort_type == SORT_TYPE_GREEN || sort_type == SORT_TYPE_BLUE) {
float dist_squared_to_color_a = length_squared(cluster_a->centroid - focal_color);
float dist_squared_to_color_b = length_squared(cluster_b->centroid - focal_color);
if (dist_squared_to_color_b < dist_squared_to_color_a) {
KMeans_Cluster swap = *cluster_a;
*cluster_a = *cluster_b;
*cluster_b = swap;

swapped = true;

if (!swapped) break;

std::string color_to_hex(u32 color) {
char hex[8];
snprintf(hex, sizeof(hex), "#%02X%02X%02X", (color >> 0) & 0xFF, (color >> 8) & 0xFF, (color >> 16) & 0xFF);
return std::string(hex);

cpp11::writable::strings plt_tize_(
const std::string& source_path,
int cluster_count_init = 5,
int seed = -1,
const std::string& sort_type = "weight") {
Palettize_Config config = {};
config.source_path = (char *)source_path.c_str();
config.cluster_count = cluster_count_init;
config.seed = seed;
if (sort_type == "weight") {
config.sort_type = SORT_TYPE_WEIGHT;
} else if (sort_type == "red") {
config.sort_type = SORT_TYPE_RED;
} else if (sort_type == "green") {
config.sort_type = SORT_TYPE_GREEN;
} else if (sort_type == "blue") {
config.sort_type = SORT_TYPE_BLUE;

// To improve performance, source images with extents greater than
// MAX_BITMAP_DIM pixels are resized with nearest neighbor sampling
Bitmap source_bitmap;
load_bitmap(&source_bitmap, config.source_path);
if (source_bitmap.width > MAX_BITMAP_DIM || source_bitmap.height > MAX_BITMAP_DIM) {
resize_bitmap(&source_bitmap, MAX_BITMAP_DIM);

Bitmap prev_cluster_index_buffer;
allocate_bitmap(&prev_cluster_index_buffer, source_bitmap.width, source_bitmap.height);

Random_Series entropy = seed_series(config.seed);

int cluster_count = config.cluster_count;
KMeans_Cluster *clusters = (KMeans_Cluster *)malloc(sizeof(KMeans_Cluster)*cluster_count);
for (int i = 0; i < cluster_count; i++) {
KMeans_Cluster *cluster = &clusters[i];

cluster->observation_capacity = 512;
cluster->observation_count = 0;
cluster->observations = (Vector3 *)malloc(sizeof(Vector3)*cluster->observation_capacity);

// Naive cluster seeding
u32 sample_x = random_u32_between(&entropy, 0, (u32)(source_bitmap.width - 1));
u32 sample_y = random_u32_between(&entropy, 0, (u32)(source_bitmap.height - 1));
u32 sample = *(u32 *)get_bitmap_ptr(source_bitmap, sample_x, sample_y);

cluster->centroid = unpack_rgba_to_cielab(sample);

int x0 = 0;
int x1 = source_bitmap.width;
int y0 = 0;
int y1 = source_bitmap.height;

for (int iteration = 0;; iteration++) {
bool assignments_changed = false;

u8 *row = (u8 *)get_bitmap_ptr(source_bitmap, x0, y0);
u8 *prev_cluster_index_row = (u8 *)get_bitmap_ptr(prev_cluster_index_buffer, x0, y0);
for (int y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
u32 *texel = (u32 *)row;
u32 *prev_cluster_index_ptr = (u32 *)prev_cluster_index_row;
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++) {
Vector3 texel_v3 = unpack_rgba_to_cielab(*texel);

u32 closest_cluster_index = assign_observation_to_cluster(clusters, cluster_count, texel_v3);
if (iteration > 0) {
u32 prev_cluster_index = *prev_cluster_index_ptr;
if (closest_cluster_index != prev_cluster_index) {
assignments_changed = true;

*prev_cluster_index_ptr++ = closest_cluster_index;

row += source_bitmap.pitch;
prev_cluster_index_row += prev_cluster_index_buffer.pitch;

if (iteration == 0 || assignments_changed) recalculate_cluster_centroids(clusters, cluster_count); else break;

sort_clusters_by_centroid(clusters, cluster_count, config.sort_type);

cpp11::writable::strings palette_hex(config.cluster_count);
for (int i = 0; i < config.cluster_count; i++) {
KMeans_Cluster *cluster = &clusters[i];
u32 color = pack_cielab_to_rgba(cluster->centroid);
palette_hex[i] = color_to_hex(color);

return palette_hex;

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