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PyCBC Inference Workshop

Collin Capano edited this page Mar 20, 2019 · 2 revisions

14 - 16 May, 2019

University of Portsmouth, UK

This workshop will provide attendees with an introduction to PyCBC Inference. PyCBC Inference is a python-based parameter estimation tool for gravitational wave astronomy. It has been used in several publications to date, involving both multimessenger astrophysics, and tests of general relativity.

The goal of the workshop is to provide attendees with enough practical know-how that they can begin to use and adapt PyCBC Inference for their own projects. The workshop will mix traditional presentations with hands-on tutorials, and will have time reserved for small-group hackathons. Topics covered will be:

  • Introduction to parameter estimation in gravitational-wave astronomy.
  • Overview of stochastic sampling techniques, including tests of convergence and practical considerations.
  • How to adapt the code for your project.
  • Parallelization and optimization techniques.

For more details, see the Program page.

There is no registration fee for the workshop. See the links in the sidebar for details on registering, accommodation, and travel.


  • Collin Capano, Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover, Germany
  • Ian Harry, Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth, UK