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Build workout routines from a predefined set of exercises. Single-page application built using vanilla Javascript for the frontend and Ruby on Rails for the backend


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Flatiron Fitness

Single page application built during module 3 of Flatiron's Software Engineering Immersive program. This application allows the user to build workout routines from a list of predefined exercises.

Video Demo

Watch the video




Deployment Instructions

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Make a copy of this Google Sheet: Exercise List
    • Name the spreadsheet "flatiron_fitness_spreadsheet"
  3. Create a Google Project in the Google Project Console
  4. Enable the Google Drive API in your new Google Project
    1. Click the menu icon in the top left of the window
    2. Click the APIs & Services option
    3. Click the Enable APIs and Services button at the top of the screen
    4. Search for and enable the Google Drive API and the Google Sheets API
  5. Create the client_secret.json file
    1. From the root Google Project page, click the credentials menu option
    2. Click the create credentials dropdown and select the Service Account Key option
    3. Select New Service Account, name your service account, select project owner as the role, leave JSON selected as the key type, then click create
    4. Copy the resultant file in the root directory of your repo directory as *client_secret.json
  6. Run bundle install in the terminal
  7. Share the Exercise spreadsheet with your service account by copying the client_email value from your client_secret.json file into the Share input from the google sheet.
  8. From the terminal, run:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
  1. Run rails s to start the application
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:3000


Build workout routines from a predefined set of exercises. Single-page application built using vanilla Javascript for the frontend and Ruby on Rails for the backend







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