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Troubleshooting app issues

Dan Kerchner edited this page Dec 19, 2022 · 8 revisions
Symptom Thumbnails aren't available on landing pages for some items (especially recently uploaded items)
Probable root cause Reindexing hasn't been run since those items were ingested
Recommended solution #1 Check that sidekiq is running. See
Recommended solution #2 Run reindexing
Symptom Attaching any PDFs to item(s) results in an error
Possible root cause One possible root cause is that the ImageMagick policy.xml file has been overwritten by an update, and no longer allows PDF characterization
Recommended solution Modify policy.xml
Symptom Attaching certain (but not any/all) attachments to item(s) results in an error
Possible root cause One possible root cause is that there is a derivatives folder that was created as owned by a user other than scholarspace. If this is the root cause, the application log should show something similar to Errno::EACCES (Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /opt/scholarspace/scholarspace-derivatives/derivatives/2z/10/wr/01) when trying to upload the attachment in question.
Recommended solution Ensure that all subfolders of /opt/scholarspace/scholarspace-derivatives/derivatives are owned by scholarspace:scholarspace. Can resolve using sudo chown -R scholarspace:scholarspace /opt/scholarspace/scholarspace-derivatives/derivatives

Questions to consider

  • Is solr running? If not, can it be successfully started with sudo service solr start on the Fedora/Solr server?

  • TBD