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Getting started on Heroku within 5 minutes

But you will touch not only a running application in the cloud but also APM, BigData and a Salesforce Integration! So why are you waiting?


Abou the project:

  • java / Spring4
  • usage of: spring cloud, spring data, spring mvc, etc.
  • Hibernate
  • JPA
  • Persistence layer: In-memory, Postgres, mongo
  • Auto-detection of: persistence layer, heroku connect, canvas integration, treasure data Add-on
  • UI: jsp, bootstrap, jquery

Explore Heroku's functionalities

####Clone the git repository git clone ####Change into the directory cd simpleSpringComputerStore ####Create heroku app and add heroku git remote to the git config heroku create ####Open up the browser and take a look at the app heroku open ####Oops: an error :-( >> We have to push the app ... :-) git push heroku master ####Open up the browser and take a look at the app: heroku open ####Oops: an error :-( >> Check what is running heroku ps ####Ahhh: there is no process running ... we need a Procfile: mv Procfile_ Procfile ####Checkin the changes git add Procfile git commit -a -m "Procfile added" git push heroku master ####Open up the browser and take a look at the app: heroku open ####Oops: an error :-( >> Check what's running heroku ps ####We need at least one process to start the app ... so let's scale to one: heroku ps:scale web:1 ####Open up the browser and take a look at the app heroku open ####Oops: an error :-( >> Check the logs: heroku logs -t ####Ahhh the postgres lib is missing ... vi pom.xml >> include the psql dependency ####Checkin the changes git add pom.xml git commit -a -m "PSQL jdbc added" git push heroku master ####Open up the browser and take a look at the app heroku open ####Yes, the app is running ;-)

  • Check also the /api resource ....

##NewRelic - Add-on ####Enable the NewRelic heroku addons:add newrelic:stark ####Bootstrap the Agent heroku config:set JAVA_OPTS='-Xmx384m -Xss512k -XX:+UseCompressedOops -javaagent:target/dependency/newrelic-agent.jar' Do you recognized, that the app was restarted automatically because you changed the env vars?!

Generate some load

Open New Relic

through SSO from ##Heroku Connect - Add-on ####Enable the Heroku Connect Add-On heroku addons:add herokuconnect:test ####Configure Heroku Connect heroku addons:open herokuconnect Configure Heroku connect as follows:

  • Environment: Production
  • Schema: salesforce
  • Sync account with at least the fields: id and name

##Treasure Data - Add-on ####Enable the Treasure Data Add-on heroku addons:add treasure-data ####Install the plugin to pick-up the data heroku plugins:install ####Open Treasure Data through SSO from to configure the hadoop

  • create database: cloud
  • create table computer within db cloud

####Use the app and look at some single computer entries (for each view a record will be produced in treasure data) ####Open Treasure Data through SSO from and navigate to the table

##Salesforce Canvas integration ####Create a new connected app in SFDC

  • goto: Setup>Build>Create>Apps >> Connected Apps >> New

  • Use the following setup:

    Field Value
    Connected App Name CoSto
    API Name ComputerStore
    Contact Email [YOUR_EMAIL]
    Contact Phone [YOUR_PHONE]
    Logo Image URL https://[YOUR_APP_NAME]
    Icon URL https://[YOUR_APP_NAME].herokuapp.comimg/icon.png
    Description Our integrated ComputerStore
    • Enable OAuth Settings : true
    Field Value
    Callback URL https://[YOUR_APP_NAME]
    Selected OAuth Scopes [CHOOSE_ALL]
    • Canvas : true
    Field Value
    Callback URL https://[YOUR_APP_NAME]
    Access Method Signed Request (POST)
    Selected [CHOOSE_ALL]
    Create Actions Automatically true
    Hide Publisher Header true
  • save

####Let the app knowing that it is embedded:

  • in SFDC goto: Setup>Build>Create>Apps >> Connected Apps >> the one you created a second ago

  • copy the Consumer Key and the Consumer Secret and construct the following Json:


  • back to the Console / Terminal add the following Env-variable:

    heroku config:set CANVAS_CONSUMER={"key":"[ConsumerKey]","secret":"[ConsumerSecret]"}

  • in SFDC check out the chatter tab and also the global chatter actions!

##Recap Check the info icon in the app:

  • Profiles: [herokuconnect, herokuconnect-cloud, postgres, postgres-cloud, treasuredata, treasuredata-cloud] > the activated profiles through the detected services
  • Services: [HEROKUCONNECT_SCHEMA, HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_SILVER, TREASURE_DATA_API_KEY] > the services detected by the framework
  • IP: > the ip adress of the app, should be differ from restart to restart
  • Port: 6732> the port on which the app is listening, should be differ from restart to restart


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