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Unity Extension Core

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These are the utilities I always use as a core package when developing games with Unity.
Feel free to use them and contribute.

I've separated the packages, with each having its own asmdef,
so you can choose which one you want to use and import to your asmdef without needing to compile the others.


This package require UniTask so install it via Package Manager.
Since I haven't found a way to install it automatically with this package...
UniTask Installation


Asset References

There're many benefit from using Addressable,
and these Asset References can be used to serialize asset references in asset bundles, and let us load and unload them as needed.
There's a generic class that can be inherited from to make a new type of asset reference: GeneralAssetReference<T>
I've added some asset that I always use and use in other packages like: AudioAssetReference, SceneAssetReference, SpriteAssetReference, ScriptableObjectAssetReference

[SerializeField] private SpriteAssetReference _assetRef;
var asset = await _assetRef.TryLoadAsset();
// You can use asset from here

Common Utilities

CacheableComponentGetter: Add this to a GameObject and its can get and cache your Component to slightly increase performance.\

Editor Tools

ReadOnlyAttribute: Make a field read only (cannot be edited in inspector).

[SerializeField, ReadOnly] private int _state;


Action Dispatcher

Using TinyMessenger to create an Saga design pattern based event dispatcher.
Usage: Inherit from SagaBase with your own class and process your own Action, but keep in mind that a Saga should only process one type of Action.

public class UpdateGoldSaga : SagaBase<UpdateGoldAction>
    protected override void HandleAction(UpdateGoldAction ctx)
        // Update gold base on ctx
ActionDispatcher.Dispatch(new UpdateGoldAction(gold));

Scriptable Object Events

Use Scriptable Object (SO) as an event dispatcher.
Usually use when you want to raise and receive event from difference scenes.
Usage with code:

_intEventSO.EventRaised += ProcessData;

Or you can use event listener and drag your function to process data from event.
alt text
Raise event SO using UnityEvent
alt text
You can also inherit GenericEventChannelSO<T> or GenericReturnEventChannelSO<T> with your own data to create new event SO.
You can do the same with GenericEventChannelListener<T>


gameObject.GetOrAddComponent<T>(): Get component and if it doesn't exits add it to the gameObject.
floatValue.NearlyEqual(): Same as Mathf.Approximate but you can control epsilon.


Using UnityEngine.ObjectPool built-in to create pool manager components.
You can inherit BaseObjectPool<TItem> or BaseObjectPoolWithList<TItem> (to expose item list which UnityEngine should do) to create your own ready to use pool.

Scriptable Objects

SerializableScriptableObject: Save SO's Guid, useful when you want to save/load SO.


Contains WebGL utilities and plugins:

  • Post message and image (using imgur) to X (twitter)
  • Get Parameter from URL
  • Firebase Authenticate
  • Other plugins: Copy to clipboard, Hard reset browser (clear asset cache)

... To be updated...