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An interpreter for a assembly-like toy language.


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Enrico is a weekend-project toy VM for a made up processor with a very limited instruction set, integers only and a pretty stupid memory model.

All operations operate on the linear memory (an array of ints) of the virtual machine with the exception of the 2 stacks, one for the stack operations, the other is the call stack. Hopefully i find a better way soon.

Currently the VM consists of:

  • Four general purpose registers: a, b, c and d. They serve no real reason because variables can do the same and there's no real tangible performance benefit (maybe a tiny, tiny one).
  • The instruction pointer register, which can be only manipulated by jmp*, the call and the ret operations. Otherwise it's incremented after every operation.
  • Main memory: just an array of integers. Currently, integers are the only data type. It's accessed through the load reg offs and save val offs operations or by defining and accessing variables denoted by the $ prefix.
    • Variables have to be defined by def $foo. def is not an operation, it gets translated to memory offsets during by the parser.
    • The address of a variable can be accessed by prefixing the variable name with an '@'. e.g. set a @foo stores the address of $foo in the a-register.
    • Memory offsets during parse time are zero-based. When loading the code the VM moves the memOffs (not accessible) to the position after the code. All memory accesses are relative to the memOffs. I'll probably change this to an absolute addressing scheme generated at the compile time.
    • There is no data section for constants yet.
    • Variables can't be preset with a certain value yet.
  • Stack: a simple stack, accessible through the push, pop and peek operations. Will turn that into a stack operating on the main memory asap.
  • CallStack: the call operation stores the current IP on the call stack. The ret operation pops it and resumes program execution at the next instruction.

Code generation


Parses valid program text (from a file, stream or string) into a program. One operation per line. Empty lines and everything after a # (comment) is discarded.


A program consists of a list of operations with parameters in intermediate form, it's practically a simple AST.

Most operations have parameters which are either registers, constants, variables, variable offsets or labels.

Compiler & byte code format

The compiler turns the program into byte code. The byte code layout is

  1. int: OPCODE (i.e. 1 for SWP)
  2. int: type of first operand
  3. int: value of first operand
  4. int: type of second operand
  5. int: value of second operand ...



  • 0 = constant; value is the actual int value
  • 1 = register; value is 0 for register A, 1 for register B, ...
  • 2 = variable; value is the address of the variable
  • 3 = variable address; value is the address of the variable

This will be subject to change.

Program execution

The program is loaded into memory at offset 0 and the memOffs for variable addressing is set to the position after the code. Execution begins at 0 and will continue until

a. a res x operator is executed which halts execution and returns the value of x. a. or an error occurs (invalid byte code, out of memory access, ...).

If none of those happen, it'll execute infinitely.


  • nop: does nothing.

Register operations

  • set reg value: sets the value of reg to value, which might be another register or a constant
  • swp reg reg: swaps values of two registers

Memory operations

  • def $variable: defines a variable. Variables are accessed by prefixing a name with a $. Right now you have to initialize the VM with enough memory for the variables defined in the program, otherwise there'll be an access violation. Note: this is not an operation! It just ties a memory offset to a variable name during parse time.
  • load ref value: sets the register to the value of the memory at offset value
  • save ref value: sets the value of the memory at offset value to register
  • push ref: pushes the register on the stack
  • pop ref: pops the register from the stack
  • peek ref: sets the register to the topmost element of the stack without removing it

Program flow

  • :label: defines a label which can be used as the target of program flow operations. Labels are always :-prefixed. Note: This is not an operation. Labels are turned into constants after parsing.
  • jmp :label: an unconditional jump
  • jmpe :label op1 op2: jumps to label if op1 == op2
  • jmpne :label op1 op2: jumps to label if op1 != op2
  • jmplt :label op1 op2: jumps to label if op1 < op2
  • jmplte :label op1 op2: jumps to label if op1 <= op2
  • jmpgt :label op1 op2: jumps to label if op1 > op2
  • jmpgte :label op1 op2: jumps to label if op1 >= op2
  • call :label: unconditional jump that stores the ip on the call stack, to be used in combination with ret
  • ret: unconditional jump to one instruction after the last stored ip on the call stack
  • res op: exits the program, returning the value of op

Note: now that labels are translated to int ip-offsets, it should be possible to jump to arbitrary locations by passing registers, variables or constants.


  • add reg p1 p2: sets reg to p1 + p2
  • sub reg p1 p2: sets reg to p1 - p2
  • mul reg p1 p2: sets reg to p1 * p2
  • div reg p1 p2: sets reg to p1 / p2
  • mod reg p1 p2: sets reg to p1 % p2 (the remainder)


  • print op: prints the value converted to an unicode char to the writer provided to the VM
  • read op: reads a char from the reader provided to the VM

Example programs


# calculates the nth fibonacci number (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ...)

read d              # reads which of the desired fibonacci number from IO. d means the n'th number.
jmpe :def0 d 1      # special cases for 0
jmpe :def1 d 2      # and 1

set c 2             # initialize the current iteration to 2, because 0 and 1 are special cases
set a 0             # predefine the first two fib nums
set b 1

add a a b           # add the two numbers before
swp a b             # thanks to this swap we don't need memory
add c c 1           # current iteration counter
jmpne :loop c d     # if the current iteration isn't there yet, repeat
res b               # otherwise we've got a result!

res 0

res 1

to run the program:

Program p = Parser.load(new File("fibonacci.enr"));
int[] byteCode = new Compiler().compile(p);

// creates a new VM with 512 ints of ram.
VM vm = new VM(512);
// we want the 13th fibonacci number
vm.setInputReader(new CharReader(new char[]{13}, 1))

// load the code into the VMs memory

// execute the code
// result should now equal 144
int result = vm.exec()


Both the compiler and the VM itself have a debugging switch.

    int[] bc = new Compiler()
            .compile(new Parser().parse(
                    "def $v\nset $v 1\nset b 0\njmpgt :win $v b\nres 0\n:win\nres 1"));

    int res = vm.load(bc)

This produces the following debug output:

LabelOffsetTranslation table:
:win @ 20

Compiler output:
       0: set mem[0] to 1                                                  [1, 2, 0, 0, 1]
       5: set b to 0                                                       [1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
      10: jmpgt to 20 if mem[0] > b                                        [303, 0, 20, 2, 0, 1, 1]
      17: res 0                                                            [309, 0, 0]
      20: label ":win"                                                     []
      20: res 1                                                            [309, 0, 1]

VM exec debug output:
       0: set mem[0] to 1                                                 
       5: set b to 0                                                      
      10: jmpgt to 20 if mem[0] > b                                       
      20: res 1                                                           

First is the "label offset translation" table generated in the first compiler pass. It stores the memory offsets the jmp* operations should jump to.

Next is the compiler output. Note that the next operation has the same offset because the label itself doesn't generate any byte code.

Finally a log of all VM operations executed.


What is this?

Weekend project - I was bored. I don't really know anything about VMs, compilers, interpreters, etc., but working on this and exploring my own ideas how it "could work" is quite satisfying. Note: the interpreter is now removed.

Why "Enrico"?

Enrico is the name of a TV clown. And the project is a joke.


  • Maybe make it more VM-ier (i.e. store code in the VM memory itself, etc). Update: halfway there!
  • Move away from "everything is an integer" and add support for floating points.
  • Add "print"
    IO is supported by the read and print operations.
  • Redesign memory access (absolute addressing determined at compile time). Look at DOS's .COM format?
    • Implement vm-native stacks in the main memory instead of cheating.


An interpreter for a assembly-like toy language.







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