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OpenR 运行在H3C设备上,包括openr和fibservice两部分,openr学习路由发送到fibservice,fibservice下发路由到H3C设备。

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1:docker pull lmke/h3c_openr:v6 拿到openr镜像

docker run -it --name openr1 --network container:comware -m 1G --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 lmke/h3c_openr:v6 bash

docker run -it --name openr1 -m 1G --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 lmke/h3c_openr:v6 bash

3:openr 的网络设置
在设备端中我们在启动命令中已经设计了相应网络 --network conatine:comware 除此之外,我们至少需要两台设备,并保证两台设备间有一个物理连接,可直接ping通。在两台设备上分别运行设备端启动openr容器命令.

pc端: 需创建docker 网络
docker network create net1
docker network create net2
docker network create net3
docker network connect net1 openr1
docker network connect net2 openr1
docker network connect net2 openr2
docker network connect net3 openr2

4:openr 运行
此时已启动openr容器,之后进去openr容器(docker attach openr1),在每个openr的根目录下运行 test.cfg > openr.log 2>&1 &

此时openr程序已经启动,log会输入到openr.log中。一部分log在/tmp目录下。 注意:opern运行后需要启动fib容器openr才能正常运行。

本仓库h3cfibservice和comwaresdk目录中包含fib的源码,需要手动编译,生成fib程序。进入/fibservice/fibhandler 执行go build编译生成fibhanlder。之后需要拉取镜像,以ubuntu16.04为例
docker pull ubuntu:16.04
docker run -it --name fib1 --network container:openr1 ubuntu:16.04 bash
chmod +x fibhandler
docke cp fibhanler fib1:/bin
有几个openr容器,就需要几个fib容器,每个openr和fib容器对应,对应关系体现在 第2步运行命令中
--network container:openr_name,这里填写的是对应的openr名称。命令相同,只需修改fib名称和对应的openr容器名称。创建多个fib容器,即重复2 、3步。
docker attach fib1
./fibhandler -ac -uc 2 -pwc 123456 -wr
./fibhandler -ac -uc 2 -pwc 123456 -ec


在镜像的/etc/sysconfig/openr总存有openr启动的相关配置信息,此路径是run_openr.sh的默认读取配置路径,也可指定配置文件,在根目录下有test.cfg,需要修改参数时可在其中修改。配置文件中主要关注以下两点: IFACE_REGEX_INCLUDE :配置openr会从哪些接口发现邻居.
REDISTRIBUTE_IFACES :配置将哪些接口的数据发布出去,计算路由.


openr运行后可使用breeze 命令与其进行交互 常用的有breeze fib routes; breeze lm links等。 可输入breeze后会打印相关参数,查看具体有哪些命令。






Travis-ci 编译



OpenR running on H3C device. Including openr and fibservice two parts, openr learning routes and send to fibservice, fibservice send routes to H3C device.

run openr

(For details, please refer to h3copenr/build/test.h.)
1:you can use the following command to get the openr image,
docker pull lmke/h3c_openr:v6

2: Then start the container by the following command Device side:
docker run -it --name openr1 --network container:comware --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 lmke/h3c_openr:v6 bash
PC side:
docker run -it --name openr1 --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 lmke/h3c_openr:v2 bash
Note: We need at least 2 openrs regardless of the device or PC. So on the PC side, you need to create one or more openrs, as long as the container name is different. Each device on the device only runs one openr, so at least two devices are required. We only need one PC.

3: openr's network settings
Device side:
In the device side, we have designed the corresponding network in the startup command. --network conatine:comware
In addition, we need at least two devices and ensure that there is a physical connection between the two devices, which can be directly pinged. Run the device-side openopen container command on both devices.
PC side:
We need to create a docker network
docker network create net1
docker network create net2
docker network create net3
Need at least 3 nets, 2 openr
docker network connect net1 openr1
docker network connect net2 openr1
docker network connect net2 openr2
docker network connect net3 openr2

4: run openr
At this point, the openr container has been started, and then the openr container (docker attach openr1) is run, running in the root directory of each openr. test.cfg > openr.log 2>&1 &
Note: test.cfg is different in the test of the device and the PC. The test.cfg in the image is applicable to the device environment. The PC test environment needs to use the test.cfg of the repository. The commands corresponding to the device and PC are the same.
At this point the openr program has been started and the log is entered into openr.log. Part of the log is in the /tmp directory.
Note: After running opn, you need to start the fib container openr to run normally.

5: run fib container
Note: Generally speaking, we will say fib, fibhandler, fibservice, and refer to the same thing when there is no special description in the context.
1): Create a fib container
The h3cfibservice and comwaresdk directories in this repository contain the source code of fib, which needs to be compiled manually to generate the fib program. Get into directory /fibservice/fibhandler. The command go build compile source file and generate the fibhandler.After that, we need to pull the image. Let's take ubuntu16.04 as an example.
docker pull ubuntu:16.04
2): run
docker run -it --name fib1 --network container:openr1 ubuntu:16.04 bash
3): copy fib to container
chmod +x fibhandler
docke cp fibhanler fib1:/bin
4): Create a corresponding fib container for each openr
There are several openr containers, you need several fib containers, each openr and fib container correspond, the corresponding relationship is reflected in the second step run command -- network container:openr_name,Filled in here is the corresponding openr name. The command is the same, just modify the fib name and the corresponding openr container name. Create multiple fib containers, that is, repeat steps 2 and 3.
5): Run
docker attach fib1
Enter each FIB container, all FIB containers must run their fibhandler, according to the actual situation need to configure different IP address ,user name and password. Refer to h3cfibservice/ side:
./fibhandler -ac -uc 2 -pwc 123456 -wr
device side:
./fibhandler -ac -uc 2 -pwc 123456 -ec
Both the PC and the device must be loaded with the framed parameter(Framed by default).
Note: ac(ip to device), uc(user name to device ), pwc(password to device), ec(enable grpc connect to device), wr(Write route to text, only pc side test used).

Profile introduction

The openr startup configuration fie is stored in /etc/sysconfig/openr of the container. This path is to read the configuration path by default. You can also specify the configuration file. There is test.cfg in the root directory . You need to modify the startup parameters in this file.
In the configuration file, it is mainly the configuration of the interface.
IFACE_REGEX_INCLUDE: from which interfaces the configuration will discover neighbors
REDISTRIBUTE_IFACES: configure which interface data will be published and calculater the route. For details, please refer to the github porject facebook/openr.

command about openr

After the openr runs, it can interact with it by using the breeze command.Commonly used are breeze fib routes; breeze lm links, etc. After entering breeze, the relevant parameters will be printed to see which commands are available.

Openr compilation

Openr directory structure

There are two directories in the openr directory, build and openr. The is provided in the build directory. You can compile the openr automatically by running this script. Note: The complete compilation requires the environment to access The complete code is stored in the openr directory.


Libraries and header files will be installed into the /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include. Installation will be executed automatically in scripts.

Travis-ci Build

In the top-level directory, include a YML file. According to the yml,travis-ci will pull up the image, create the container, download the latest code in the container, compile openr and compile fibservice automatically. After the compilation is successful, pull the new image and run openr and fibsrvice. Finally,the test script is run to compare whether the routes sent by openr are the same as those received by fibservice.


OpenR running on H3C device







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