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About us

max1million101 edited this page Jul 4, 2024 · 7 revisions

About us

How we work

  • we provide team members to Hack for LA projects
  • we work on projects directly for external stakeholders

Our Data Science Community of Practice Team

Current Mentors

Sophia Alice

  • Bio: Sophia Alice is a data scientist with a mathematics degree from the University of Chicago. She has worked in education, real estate, and research. Currently working for CoreLogic as an Automation Engineer, she is also very active in the volunteer community, as a volunteer with Hack for LA, co-leading the Data Science Community of Practice, and on the leadership team for Out In Tech.
  • Linkedin:

Karina Lopez

  • Bio: Karina Lopez is a data scientist with a BA from Dartmouth College in neuroscience with a focus on computational modeling. Keeping inclusivity and activism at the forefront, she loves to incorporate research and analyses into direct impact decision-making. She has worked in both academia and industry, currently specializing in subscription and content analytics. As a data lover, she always maintains a mindset of "How can we make this data product as inclusive as possible?" at every step of the research process.
  • LinkedIn:

Former Members

Ryan Swan

Product Manager


See our member's highlights

join Us

It's free to join our community:

  1. Join Hack for LA
  2. Come to a Data Science Community of Practice meeting on Mondays at 7pm PST
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