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Project Organization

hagemt edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 7 revisions

Oh, gawd. What have I gotten myself into? - Tor

Add your name to CONTRIBUTORS, if ye feel so bold.

Another Day, Another Directory

[pant] The code base is organized! Woohoo! CMake builds it on Ubuntu 10.04 with gcc 4.6.0! All tests still pass! (Give it a shot.)

The main options are to build plugins, each UI, and testing. Core always builds.

  • core
  • plugins
  • test
  • ui/qt
  • ui/ncurses

Notable Modifications

  • .gitignore now includes .gitignore (only excludes build files)
  • The CMake has been almost entirely rewritten (huge overhaul to facilitate QtCore v. Qt loading)
  • message.cpp is available in a shared library called "envelope"


Settings Schema

For brainstorming. Should ChannelView settings be per-channel?

  • UserData
    • nick
  • Logging
    • root_directory
  • QtMainWindow
    • size
    • position
  • ChannelView
    • Messages
      • show_message_timestamps
      • show_ignored_messages