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Wireframe (FdF)

A wireframe modeling of 3D landscapes.

Beauty map


git clone && cd ft_wireframe
./fdf test_maps/*

France map


  • Input handling with guiding errors
    • See example valid files in test_maps, invalid files in test_maps_invalid
    • Errors (Could be more usable, but they'll have to do for now):
     No such file or directory
     Input/output error: Zero on a row length found
     Input/output error: Empty x or y in map data
     Input/output error: Length of row must be same on each row
     Input/output error: Lines must consist of spaces & (+/-)numbers
     Input/output error: Error reading map: test_maps_invalid/empty.fdf
  • FPS camera with WASD & mouse movement
  • Rotation of map
  • Perspective options (Orthographic & Perspective)
  • Map scaling
  • Reset map to original state
  • Colors with gradient based on vertex height (z)
  • Change colors & background
  • Bresenham line drawing
  • View multiple maps
  • Pivoting map to 0, 0, 0
  • Showing real-time coordinates of map corners
  • Toggleable guide & Realtime info on map & camera
  • Real-time color info (Top, Mid, Bottom)

Mars map


Coloring is based on below functions

  • map->col_r is high closer to high z, low everywhere else
  • map->col_g is high cose to zero z, low everywhere else
  • map->col_b is high close to low z, low everywhere else

This generates a typical heightmap looking coloring.

double			height_multiplier(t_vector *point, t_map *map)
	double in_minmax[2];
	double out_minmax[2];

	in_minmax[0] = map->z_min - 0.1;
	in_minmax[1] = map->z_max + 0.1;
	out_minmax[0] = -M_PI / 2;
	out_minmax[1] = M_PI / 2;
	return (ft_lmap_double(point->v[2], in_minmax, out_minmax));

int				map_color(t_vector *point, t_scene *scene)
	t_map	*map;
	double	mul;

	map = scene->maps[scene->map_index];
	mul = height_multiplier(point, map);
	return (COLOR(
		(int)(0.5 * (1 + sin((2 * mul - M_PI / 4) / 2)) * map->col_r),
		(int)(cos(mul) * cos(mul) * map->col_g),
		(int)(0.5 * (1 + cos((mul + M_PI / 2) * 1.2)) * map->col_b),


ESC: Exit
G: Toggle guide
Tab/(Shift+Tab): Switch map
Left: Rotate map y-
Right: Rotate map y+
Up: Rotate map x+
Down: Rotate map x-
W: Move forward
S: Move backwards
A: Strafe left
D: Strafe right
Q: Rotate map z-
E: Rotate map z+
C: Loop map color
B: Loop bg color
P: Loop perspective
R: Reset
O: Show coords
1: zoom -
2: zoom +
Num 4: Turn left
Num 6: Turn right
Num 8: Turn up
Num 2: Turn down
Num +: Scale map up
Num -: Scale map down
Scroll up: Scale map z up
Scroll down: Scale map z down
Hold left mouse & move: Rotate camera
Hold right mouse & move: Rotate map


Code follows 42's strict norms:

  • Functions must not exceed 25 lines
  • Max 5 functions in a .c file
  • Cannot stick variable declaration and initialization on the same line
  • Max 5 variables per block
  • Max 4 parameters per function
  • Forbidden keywords: for, do ... while, switch, case, goto

Due to norm limitations (only exit, open, close, write, read, malloc, free, and the functions of minilibx (libmlx) and math.h), I wrote libmatrix for this project. For extra features like color randomizing, other functions like rand() was allowed.


3D wireframe landscapes with gradient colors






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