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Testing the functional purity of reference packages

Connor Morgan-Lang edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 3 revisions


This documentation covers the subcommand treesapp purity, used for determining the orthologous groups, genes, acivities etc. present in a reference package (RefPkg) by assigning sequences from a specially-formatted FASTA file.

This is an important step when annotating genomes and metagenomes using a gene-centric approach where the breadth of reference sequences just isn't as comprehensive as public biological sequence repositories such as RefSeq. When using a single RefPkg, a major hazard is classifying spurious homologs because the truly homolgous sequences are absent from the reference set. This problem may be mitigated by either using multiple RefPkgs that cover this sequence space or using a RefPkg that includes all homologs, even if this leads to including a broad functional repetoire in a RefPkg. An example of the latter approach is the RefPkg DsrAB where both the oxidative and reductive forms of DsrA and DsrB (paralogs themselves) are included as well as a clade each of AsrC, nitrite and sulphite reductases and other COG2221-related sequences.

Moreover, treesapp purity is a further validation step in cases where the repositories used to gather your candidate reference sequences were questionably curated. This method can report homologs that you may not have been aware of and highlights instances where the HMM used is not as specific as we'd like*.

Supported versions >=0.8.9


To facilitate the task of assessing a RefPkg's purity, two special files are required:

  1. Annotated FASTA file indicating the ortholog each sequence belongs to
  2. A table (optional) that provides a description for each orthologous group

The specially-formatted FASTA file is required to perform the most basic purity-analysis. In this FASTA, the functional information for each group must be the prefix of every header and the unique sequence identifiers can follow. Here is an example snippet where sequences belong to the families TIGR00001, TIGR00014 and TIGR04570:


Users are able to use TreeSAPP/dev_utils/TIGRFAM_seed_named.faa that includes all the TIGRFAM seed sequences. This file was created by concatenating all TIGRFAM protein sequence files together while prepending headers with their respective TIGRFAM identifier, separated with an underscore. Additionally a tabular file with 3 columns, like that of TreeSAPP/dev_utils/TIGRFAM_info.tsv, can be used to provide the detailed functional information. This was created using an ugly bash one-liner from the TIGRFAM INFO files.

We are not tied to either of these formats so if you have strong feelings to improve these, let us know on the issues page! We are thinking of ways to make it easier for folks to create their own FASTAs of characterized sequences.

Crucially, though, these sequences must be trustworthy. This analysis is only as good as the inputs, so if the reference sequences' activities haven't been characterized there is no point in using them. This is why we are only using the seed sequences where these sequence annotations are definitely correct.


Use treesapp purity -h to print the usage and command-line arguments available to you.

In this example we will evaluate the purity of the RefPkg for the alpha subunit of methyl-coenzyme M reductase (McrA). Since we have provided the characterized sequences and information table in TreeSAPP/dev_utils it is very easy to run after installing TreeSAPP. The following command is ran from the TreeSAPP directory after cloning from GitHub and installing.

treesapp purity -i dev_utils/TIGRFAM_seed_named.faa -x dev_utils/TIGRFAM_info.tsv -r treesapp/data/McrA_build.pkl \
-o ~/Desktop/McrA_purity -m prot -n 2

-r treesapp/data/McrA_build.pkl specifies the path to the RefPkg (a Python pickle file), containing it's profile HMMs, multiple sequence alignment, tree and lineage information files (details can be found in the treesapp create tutorial).


The output should be:

Summarizing assignments for reference package McrA
Ortholog	Hits	Leaves	Tree-coverage	Description
TIGR03256	4	4	1.8	methyl-coenzyme M reductase, alpha subunit

The hits column is the number of characterized query sequences that were mapped to the tree and classified by treesapp assign. The leaves column is the number of reference sequences that were transitively assigned as that OG (by being a descendent of the node in the RefPkg's tree where an input sequence was placed). This assignment is similar to how TreeSAPP assigns taxonomy to query sequences.

Also, all reference sequences in the RefPkg that were classified are listed in the log file (e.g. McrA_purity/TreeSAPP_purity_log.txt ), under the ortholog group (OG; first column in the above table) they were assigned. For example:

        Methanosarcina barkeri | CAA68357
        Methanothermus fervidus DSM 2088 | ADP77583
        Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus | CAA30639
        Methanopyrus kandleri AV19 | AAM01870

These results indicate that the McrA RefPkg is pure. Also, since hits is equal to leaves and the Tree-coverage is low these characterized query sequences are very similar to the RefPkg references.


* This can be improved where reference sequences contain domains that are not tightly coupled to the activity (or activities) desired from sequences in the RefPkg. Just trim that stuff off and rerun treesapp create! Unfortunately much of this is manual. Feel free to contact us for help by email!