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Sakura Manga tracker



Sakura is an application for tracking your favourite Manga series last released chapters and chapters you read, and automatically updating your dashboard with the latest info


The project is a typical client server application implemented using the following technologies:

The back-end part was split into multiple microservices using Eureka service registration and discovery offered by the Spring Cloud module:

How to deploy?

Deploy Locally using Docker compose

In this approach we will be using Docker compose to deploy the application.

Clone the project:

$ git clone

Open the project folder and checkout the commit "deploy locally" on the "deploy" branch:

$ git checkout deploy 

First, we have to build our docker images. Open the terminal and:

Go the discovery-server folder:

$ cd discovery-server

Then build the project:

$ mvn clean install -DskipTests

Now that the jar files are ready, we need to build our docker image (Note that a Dockerfile already exists for each project in this branch):

$ docker image build . -f Dockerfile -t sakura/discovery-server

Repeat the same steps on each of the folders: user-service, manga-info-service, manga-tracker and db

Note that the images name are sakura/<folder-name> and sakura/mariadb for db folder, you can change that but you'll have to change the image property in the docker-compose.yml file.OU

You can check images using:

$ docker images 

Build image for the front-end application (mangatracker folder):

$ docker image build . -f Dockerfile -t sakura/mangatracker-ng

You should have all the 5 images: enter image description here

Navigate back to the root folder and run the docker-compose:

$ docker-compose up

Wait for the back-end services to run and register themselves on the discovery server, you can check the status and number of services on: http://localhost:8761/

enter image description here

Finally, you can access the application via: http://localhost/

You can stop the application with:

$ docker-compose down


We'll integrate our application (using spring boot actuator) with a monitoring system called Prometheus and a graphing solution called Grafana.


Grafana dashboard

PS: Metrics are yet to be added in the deploy branch, if you want to test it you'll have to deploy project from the master branch and run Prometheus server with prometheus.yml file then add it to the data-source of Grafana. THERE WILL BE A SECTION ABOUT THE STEPS SOON


Prometheus Alertmanager handles alerts sent by Prometheus server and notifies end user through various method, We will set it up with Gmail to send notifications through email:



Home Page:

Home Page



Profile settings:

Profile settings