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@jansiegel jansiegel released this 12 Nov 10:14
· 1280 commits to master since this release


  • Added a new type of an Index Map named LinkedPhysicalIndexToValueMap. #7276
  • Added an external dependency, DOMPurify, to add HTML sanitization that should minimize the risk of inserting insecure code using Handsontable built-in functionalities. #7292


  • Fixed an issue where the container was not updated after trimming rows. #7241
  • Fixed an issue where the htmlToGridSettings helper threw an error if a <table> with no rows was passed. #7311
  • Fixed an issue where the sorting indicator moved incorrectly when a column was added. #6397
  • Fixed an issue where untrimming previously trimmed rows would sometimes result in the table instance not refreshing its height, leaving the row headers improperly rendered. #6276
  • Fixed an issue where the hidden columns plugin caused unintended scrolling when some cells were hidden. #7322
  • Fixed an issue where an error was thrown while hovering over row/column headers. #6926
  • Fixed an issue where table validation caused incorrect data rendering if the hidden rows/column plugin was enabled. #7301
  • Fixed an issue where adding 0 rows to the table ended with doubled entries in index mappers' collections. #7326
  • Fixed a problem with the inconsistent behavior of the Context Menu's "Clear column" disabled status. #7003
  • Fixed an issue with parsing multiline cells on pasting text/html mime-type. #7369