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Terraform DigitalOcean Docker image


Welcome to my Terraform DigitalOcean Docker repo. I've built this image with Terraform development and CI/CD in mind. The image contains various popular utilities often used in Terraform development. By default, this image targets the latest versions of these utilities and is built and published to Docker Hub every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Whats Included

The following utilities are included in this image:

  • terraform: Software tool that enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure
  • terragrunt: A thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools for working with multiple Terraform modules
  • terraform-docs: Generate documentation from Terraform modules in various output formats
  • tfint: A Pluggable Terraform Linter
  • tfsec: Security scanner for your Terraform code
  • doctl: DigitalOcean command line interface (CLI)


Docker images are tagged based on the version of Terraform they include. Tag format adheres to the following naming convention provided by the tfver utility.

# tag formats
hansohn/terraform:latest        latest release of Terraform
hansohn/terraform:1             latest 1.x.x version release of Terraform
hansohn/terraform:1.2           latest 1.2.x version release of Terraform
hansohn/terraform:1.2.3         1.2.3 version of Terraform


Published images can be run using the following syntax

# run latest published version
$ docker run -it --rm hansohn/terraform-digitalocean:latest /bin/bash

Local images can be built and run using the following syntax

# build and run local image
make docker

Additionally, a Makefile has been included in this repo to assist with common development-related functions. I've included the following make targets for convenience:

Available targets:

  clean                               Clean everything
  clean/docker                        Clean docker build images
  docker                              Docker lint, build and run image
  docker/build                        Docker build image
  docker/lint                         Lint Dockerfile
  docker/push                         Docker push image
  docker/run                          Docker run image
  help                                Help screen
  help/all                            Display help for all targets
  help/short                          This help short screen



I publish images with the latest versions of the included utilities. Alternatively, you can build a customized image and pin any of these utilities to a version that matches your specific needs. Versions can be pinned by defining any of the following environment variables with the desired version.

# example
$ TERRAFORM_VERSION=0.15.5 make docker/build

# example with logs pipped to console
$ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 TERRAFORM_VERSION=0.15.5 make docker/build


Currently, only Debian images are built and published to Docker Hub. Dockerfiles for both Alpine and Ubuntu distributions have also been included and can be built ad-hoc by setting the DOCKER_BUILD_PATH environment variable to target either of these alternative distro builds.

# example
$ DOCKER_BUILD_PATH=ubuntu make docker