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  1. Presentation
  2. Authors
  3. How to use
  4. How to play
  5. Details
  6. Links

Presentation :

A taquin clone with MVC architecture and custom images.
2nd year BSC in computer science mark : 18/20

Authors :

  • Durand Enzo 21510242
  • Hugo Tiem 21810620

How to use :

  • To make the jar file : go to dist directory --> jar cvmf META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Taquin.jar ../build/tpfinalcomplementPOO_2/*.class
  • Build the program : mkdir build | javac -d build src/*/*.java
  • Execute the game using Taquin.jar : go to dist directory and --> java -jar Taquin.jar
  • Execute the program using build directory : java -cp build/ tpfinalcomplementPOO_2.Main

How to play :

  • Click on the image you want to swap
  • Or use the arrows to play

Details :

  • First time using MVC architecture

Links :


No releases published


