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Emiel Mols edited this page Aug 12, 2015 · 1 revision

Happening Platform

The Happening Platform enables developers to extend happenings with their own plugins: new ways to interact for happening members.

You can have your plugin on user’s devices within minutes: upload your plugin bundle to a happening and it will instantly show up to its participants (on Android, iOS as well as the web). Share the plugin's installation code with friends and allow them to enable the plugin in their happenings as well. We try very hard to make plugin development as fast as can be!

Basic topics

API reference

Advanced topics

Basic topics

API reference

  • API Reference
    • Client
      • [client plugin](client plugin)
      • [client dom](client dom)
      • [client obs](client obs)
      • [client db](client db)
      • [client server](client server)
      • [client page](client page)
      • [client ui](client ui)
      • [client form](client form)
      • [client icon](client icon)
      • [client modal](client modal)
      • [client photo](client photo)
      • [client photoview](client photoview)
      • [client time](client time)
      • [client share](client share)
      • [client map](client map)
      • [client geoloc](client geoloc)
    • Server
      • [server event](server event)
      • [server plugin](server plugin)
      • [server http](server http)
      • [server db](server db)
      • [server photo](server photo)
      • [server time](server time)
  • Example UI elements

Advanced topics

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